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Association of homosexuality with male circumcision

19 bytes removed, 10:13, 7 October 2023
Nunberg (1947) said in part:
<blockquote>Homosexuality which constantly crosses the path of heterosexality complicating and yet in its struggle enriching the life of man may be distinguished as one of its biological foundations.<br>[…]…<br>It is not easy to find a patient who was circumcised at an age allowing psycho-analytic study of the reactions to the operation.<br>[…]…<br>The best cases are provided by circumcisions performed between the years of four and six. Yet, some very interesting material was also obtained from a patient whose son was circumcised while the father was in analysis<br> . […]…<br>On the basis of many facts, such as his behaviour in analysis, his attraction to his father's penis and other recollections, we assume that he had felt attracted to the father even before the circumcision. Circumcision increased the homosexual drive, but as a result of its frustration, he increased his sexual wishes to his brother.<br>[…]…<br>The end of his analysis produced in him the attitude he had felt in childhood toward his circumcision, namely, that he was prepared to accept the loss of his foreskin, if by this loss he would become equal to his father and be permitted to play with him sexually.<br>[…]…<br>
We may, therefore, conclude that the patient felt homosexually tied to his father (the doctor) by the circumcision. Does that mean that he could not finish his analysis until he regained his foreskin? I may add, in anticipation of further material that he hoped through undoing of the circumcision to free himself from his homosexual ties and become heterosexual again.<ref name="nunberg1947">{{REFjournal
|last= Nunberg
Wikipedia has published an article entitled ''[ Demographics of sexual orientation]''. It reports regarding Israel, where both Jews and Muslims circumcise boys for religious reasons, that 11.3 percent of men in [ 2012] reported same-gender attraction. The article cited an article from ''Archives of Sexual Behavior''.<ref>{{REFjournal
[[Intact]] men may also develop homosexuality, but apparently a greater percentage of [[circumcised]] men develop homosexuality. [[Circumcision]] may be an additional factor, among others, that contribute to the development of a homosexual orientation.
{{NOTE}} It is emphasized that association does ''not'' prove causation, but may indicate a subject for further investigation.
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