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Intraperitoneal rupture of the urinary bladder

55 bytes added, 09:35, 21 December 2023
changed category
}}</ref> reports on a rare case of intraperitoneal bladder rupture in a 7-day-old baby who was [[circumcised ]] on his second day using the guillotine method. He presented to them with gangrene of the tip of the [[penis ]] and a failure to void [[urine ]] associated with progressive abdominal distension. Ultrasound revealed severe ascites. Aspiration and analysis confirmed the fluid to be [[urine]]. Ascending cystourethrogram was performed revealing a perforation of the posterior bladder wall near the trigone. Exploration was performed and repair done. Postoperative course was uneventful.
[[Category:Circumcision complication]]
[[Category:Penile disorder]]
[[de:Intraperitoneale Ruptur der Harnblase]]
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