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Shane Peterson

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{{PhotoMissing}}'''Shane E. Peterson''', Ph.D.{{PhD}}, is a Perth-based Australian [[intactivist]].
Peterson was gravely injured when he was [[circumcised ]] as a child. He had surgery to repair the damage when he was 18, which required several [[skin ]] grafts. His attempted surgical restoration had serious complications.  He later successfully sued and was awarded damages of AU$360,000 in 1999.<ref>
|title=Circumcision victim's bid to help others
|quote=The [[amputation ]] of part of the penis should be governed by the same rules which apply to the [[amputation ]] of other body parts - urgent medical need, a serious pathological condition and [[informed consent]].
Peterson and [[George L. Williams]] organized [ [Circumcision Information Australia]] to provide information about circumcision in [[Australia]] and elsewhere by Internet. Peterson, representing [[Circumcision Information Australia]], has spoken out on the issue of non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of boys.<ref>
|title=Cutting anger
|quote=Mr Peterson said the case illustrated a [[double standard ]] whereby female circumcision was condemned as mutilation while male circumcision was viewed as trivial or even a beneficial adjustment.
* Shane E. Peterson. [ Assaulted and Mutilated: Surviving Circumcision Trauma]. presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Human Rights and Modern Society, Washington, DC, 5 April 2002.
* {{REFconference
|first=Shane E.
|author-link=Shane Peterson
|title=Assaulted and Mutilated: Surviving Circumcision Trauma
|place=Washington, DC
|source=Presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Human Rights and Modern Society
* [[Australia]]
* [[Penis]]
* [[Trauma]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Peterson, Shane}}

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