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Arguments pro circumcision

174 bytes added, 16:05, 27 December 2023
Medical prophylactical arguments: Penile frostbite
* '''"Today, the [[foreskin]] has no function any more."'''
*: This argument holds very persistently, often used by women who only know [[circumcised ]] men, but even by urologists who earn a lot of money with [[circumcision]]s and therefore welcome any argument pro [[circumcision]].
*: A common stereotype of this argument sounds like this: "The [[foreskin]] was necessary when we lived in trees and crawled on all fours. The [[foreskin]] then had protected the [[Glans penis|glans]]. Now that we are running on two legs and men no longer grind their genital over the floor, the [[foreskin]] can therefore get away."
*: During the [[Circumcision Debate]] 2012 in Germany, a single Muslim children's surgeon from Cologne was repeatedly quoted<ref>{{REFweb
}}</ref> who railed with exactly this stereotype and other abstruse arguments against an impending [[circumcision]] ban.
*: For many years, the medicine knows that the [[foreskin]] is a very important organ of the body that not only contains a large number of very sensitive nerve endings and is very beneficial for sex, but also protects the [[Glans penis|glans]] against drying, [[keratinization]], and sunburn.
* '''"Then you may also not vaccinate children."'''
}}</ref> of the [[WHO]] which should have determined that [[circumcision]] should have a 60% protection against [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]]. This study is sharply criticized worldwide by experts.
*: A study by [[Bertran Auvert]] is used as a source, which supposedly wants to found an [[HIV]] infection risk reduced by up to 60%.
*: There are several comments: Firstly, the study design was already destroyed with the start of the trial. The [[circumcised ]] control group was circumcised directly at the beginning of the study. This means that the [[intact ]] control group had a 'contagion lead' of six weeks which were applied until the circumcision wounds have healed. Secondly, the entire study was carried out in the region with the highest [[HIV]] rate around the world. Thus the results are not that meaningful as if the study would have been carried out in areas with 'normal' infection rates. Orange Farm, the village in South Africa, is well-known for the high rate of [[HIV]]. A third criticism is that the study of [[Bertran Auvert|Auvert]] comes up with mathematical legerdemain and was also canceled after two years, when the figures threatened to align themselves. Unfortunately, this study is also the basis on which the [[WHO]] performs worth millions [[circumcision]] campaigns with the [[Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation]].
* '''"Circumcision supposedly protects against urinary tract infections ([[UTI]])."'''
*: Urinary tract infections are much more common in women than in men, which is due to the shorter [[urethra]]. It is entirely sufficient to treat a urinary tract infection with antibiotics.
* '''"Circumcision supposedly protects against penile cancer.“'''
*: [[Penile cancer ]] is one of the rarest types of cancer worldwide. In addition, the cancer is one of advanced age. Men have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than penile cancer. Cancer of the [[penis]] is also a cancer of the [[foreskin]] '''''and'''' the [[Glans penis|glans]] and quite well treatable. This cancer is no reason to force [[circumcision]] on boys.
* '''“Circumcision supposedly protects against cervical cancer / HPV."'''
*: The [[foreskin]] is naturally equipped with multiple defense mechanisms against [[infection]]. The [[foreskin]] in the infant and toddler has a pronounced peak with a sphincter, which is formed by a vortex of muscle tissue, and remains closed to keep foreign substances out there, but opens to allow the outflow of [[urine]]. The sub-preputial moisture contains lysozyme, a secretion that destroys harmful microorganisms. The [[foreskin]] contains Langerhans cells, provide protection against [[HIV]] infection. Fleiss, Hodges, and [[Robert S. Van Howe|Van Howe]]<ref>{{FleissP HodgesF VanHoweRS 1998}}</ref> explain the immunological functions of the [[foreskin]] in detail, as well as Cold and Taylor.<ref>{{ColdCJ TaylorJR 1999}}</ref>*: "The [[foreskin]] has a number of tasks and functions. The glands which can be found in the inner [[foreskin]], produce a secretion that keeps the [[Glans penis|glans]] soft and supple. The so-called [[smegma ]] is used to obtain a stable bacterial flora in the genital area of ​​men and to protect them from diseases. It protects against [[infection]], which may also affect the [[urethra]], since its task is the natural hygiene of the [[Glans penis|glans]]."<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Penisvorhaut: Funktion: Aufgaben der Penisvorhaut
* '''"[T]he chance of getting penile frostbite is much greater if you’re not circumcised."'''
*: The opposite is the case, and it is completely logical because the [[foreskin]] also protects the [[glans]] of the penis from the cold. The origin of this myth and its refutation are described in the article [[Penile frostbite]].
== Pseudo-legal arguments ==
* '''"Male circumcision is legal, it has been done for many, many years."'''
*: Many parents argue that foreskin [[amputation ]] in young boys is legal because it has been done for many years, centuries, or even millennia. Modern case law makes it clear that tradition does not create a legal claim. Other violations of [[human rights]] such as rape, stoning, slavery, etc. have also been done for a long time - which does not legalize them.
* '''"Circumcision of boys is legal because it isn't punished."'''
*: With the exception of Germany, we do not know of any other country worldwide that would explicitly allow genital mutilation of children without [[medical indication]]. On the contrary, bodily harm is punishable in all countries unless it is medically indicated. The [[German Circumcision Act]] is seen very controversial and ineffective for several reasons: on the one hand it is obviously unconstitutional, on the other hand, it leads itself to absurdity in its own legal text. The assumption that [[genital mutilation ]] is legal in boys because it has been legally tolerated many times, is wrong.
== Pseudo-parental rights arguments ==
*: No, you may have misunderstood [[parental rights]]. Basically, [[parental rights]] protect children from indoctrination by the state, giving the parents far-reaching rights in education. But first of all, parenting and education means keeping harm off of a child. The state has a permanent responsibility to ensure that parents do no harm to their children.
* '''<q>Circumcision is a <q>personal preference</q>.'''
*: This pseudo-argument implicates that it would be the allowed preference of the parents to have their child genitally mutilated or not. In fact, there is no effective law that allows parents to have their children cut off healthy parts of their body without [[medical indication]]. (This also applies to the [[German Circumcision Act]] which repeals itself through its legal text and is a foreign body in German legislation.) In many countries, girls are protected from [[FGM|female genital mutilation]] by special laws. Boys are implicitly protected in all countries by the prohibition of bodily harm without [[medical indication]].
== Hygienical arguments ==
* '''"A circumcised penis can be cleaned much easier."'''
*: The cleaning of an [[intact ]] or [[circumcised ]] penis is equal and is not hampered by an intact [[foreskin]].
* '''"[[Uncircumcised]] penisses always smell."'''
*: This argument assumes a poor knowledge about hygiene for all [[intact ]] boys and men and thus constitutes an indirect insult of all intact boys and men. In fact, all genitals start smelling after a while if they are not cleaned now and then. Rinsing with water is basically sufficient.* '''"There are SO MANY older men in the facility who aren’t [[circumcised]], and cleaning them is terrible and nasty. So many of them have to get circumcised because they keep getting infections."'''
*: This is the so-called ''[ Nursing Home Argument]'' which is silly in itself and has been debunked. Read the linked article, please.
== Sexual arguments ==
* '''"Circumcised men can cum later."'''
*: In fact, many [[circumcised ]] men have to work much longer for ejaculation, especially with age, because due to the lack of [[foreskin]] their [[Glans penis|glans]] is increasingly callous and unfeeling. Regardless of these differences, this is about adult sexual preferences that they want to force on their children, which is not covered by any law in the world.
* '''"Women enjoy sex with circumcised men more."'''
*: There are certainly women who like sex with [[circumcised ]] men. Discussions show that this is often voiced by women who have no comparison, while women who know both sex with [[intact ]] and genitally mutilated men generally prefer [[intact ]] sex because it doesn't require as hard a penis bump Dry scrubbing of the [[vagina ]] happens. Regardless of these differences, this is about adult sexual preferences that they want to force on their children, which is not covered by any law in the world.
== Trivializing arguments ==
* '''"I've never heard anyone complain about being circumcised."'''
*: Chances are that a man does not talk about his sexual or other (genital) issues to others at all. There are many personal stories of men who did and do complain. There is an organization named [[Men Do Complain]], there are books with [[Case Histories|case histories]] of many men who do complain. But it is not the question if men do complain. The question is: Is [[circumcision]] of children an illegal intervention in the [[physical integrity]]? That is continuously asserted by lawyers. The question for victims does also not arise here, because [[circumcision]] of children basically violates the [[human rights|fundamental rights of the child]].
* '''"[[Circumcision]] is similar to removing a patch."'''
*: All published [[It´s A Boy!|circumcision videos]] show that those who are [[circumcised ]] without adequate anaesthetic treatment (anaesthesia or anaesthetic), suffer immense [[pain]]. Infants fall regularly in into [[shock]] as a reaction to the pain, when being [[circumcised ]] without effective anaestesiaanaesthesia. This [[shock]] is often misinterpreted and the parents believe that their baby would have simply slept through.*: Actually, in some traditional ritual forms of [[circumcision]] not only the outer [[foreskin]]} is cut up or off, but rather even the (inner) foreskin is torn down. The comparison with pulling off a patch is safe only from the point of view of the person who tear down the patch or the [[foreskin]], but not from the point of view of the child who suffers the [[pain]]. It is at least not a single case known in which a [[mohel]] fell in [[shock]] after [[circumcision]], while it is regularly in only a few days old boys. Therefore, this comparison is more than cynical.
*: The [[foreskin]] of an infant firstly is connected with the [[Glans penis|glans]] and thus serves to protect it from everything. One can compare the state of the physiological connection between internal [[foreskin]] and [[Glans penis|glans]] with the way how fingernails are connected to the underlying tissue.
* '''"Babies feel no [[pain ]] yet, therefore should be [[circumcised ]] at an early stage."'''*: This assertion is completely obsolete and refuted in many studies. The discussion is also quite schizophrenic. It is fiercely debated whether embryos that are to be expelled, should be stunned before. But you can easily cut off a body part without anesthesia on born babies because they do not feel [[pain]]? The research situation is however quite differently here: boys who were [[circumcised ]] as infants, show even stronger reactions to [[pain ]] (e.g. vaccination) as than [[intact ]] ones.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=First infant MRI study finds babies feel pain ‘like adults’
}}</ref><ref>{{REFjournal |url= |title=Effect of neonatal circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine vaccination |last=Taddio |first=Anna |init=A |etal=yes |journal=The Lancet |volume=349 |issue=9052 |pages=599-603 |date=TaddioA KatzJ IlersichAL KorenG 1997-03-01 |accessdate=2019-10-18}}</ref>
* '''"[[Circumcision]] is comparable with ear piercing or other piercings."'''
* '''"He should look like his father; you can't tell the child why he looks different '''''there'''''."'''
*: Probably one of the worst arguments, because where is the limit? So you can't also explain to the child why the father is sitting in a wheelchair and the child doesn't, so you have to cut his spinal cord? Maybe the father is blind or has scars on his face - does the child have to compensate the father, too? Of course not. The argument serves to protect the father's peace of mind, but not the child that must be protected against 'conflicts'.
* '''"I like my penises circumcised."'''
== Religious arguments ==
The two main religions that still exist, which "challenge" male genital mutilation in some way, are [[Judaism ]] and [[Islam]]. In Christianity there are only marginalized groups such as the Coptic Christians who still mutilate children's genitals. Of course, the demand to mutilate children's genitals is appropriately religiously disguised in the religions mentioned, although it is not anchored in the Quran, the content of which the dogmas of Islam are primarily based on.
=== Jewish religion ===
* '''"Circumcision is required by God."'''
===Christian religion===
The Christian fathers rejected [[circumcision ]] for Christians at the [[Council at Jerusalem]] in 49 A.D.<ref>[ Acts of the Apostles 15:1-30].</ref>
=== Islamic religion ===
* '''"Circumcision has been recommended by the Prophet Mohammed."'''
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