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Rebecca Sanders

18 bytes added, 09:35, 28 December 2023
|Title=Thinking back I was so stupid...
|Text=I will start by saying I do not remember where I learned about [[circumcision]]. It may have been when I was a candy striper in [ Pomona Valley Hospital] at 13 years old. That would be around 1991 I guess. I worked on labor and delivery and I remember walking by a room with windows and a doctor had 2 babies [[Circumstraint|strapped to boards ]] side by side. I remember one of the babies was a girl though. To this day I don't understand what I saw as I walked by. I knew what he was doing to the boy but not the girl.
Flash forward to December of 2002 I was pregnant with my first boy. My daughters were 6 and 3. I had checked into rehab and found out I was barely pregnant with my son in May of that year. I was finally trying to get my life together and would be a single mom still. The absolute only thing I knew about having a boy was that you were supposed to get him [[circumcised]]. I really believed that. After I had him in the hospital and before they sent me home to rehab with all 3 of my kids, I asked about [[circumcision]]. Now, thinking back I am betting that the nurse was against it. I wish she had said something. Instead she told me that MediCal no longer pays for it because it is considered cosmetic. I was so confused. Then she gave me the name and number of a doctor and told me that he charges $100 and it had to be done by 10 days old. I made the appointment for my son's 10th day on earth. Thinking back I was so stupid that I really didn't realize that what was about to happen was going to [[Pain| hurt my baby]].
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