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Stephen H. Lewis

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== AIDS Free World ==
AIDS-Free World is an international advocacy organization with a small staff that works virtually from a dozen locations in the [[USA| US ]] and [[Canada]], Africa, the Caribbean and Europe.<ref name="about afw">{{REFweb
|last=AIDS Free World
|Title=Orgy of Male Bonding
|Text=There was some titter of laughter and gentile applause which resonated throughout the room. So I felt it was the appropriate moment to tell the crowd that I was [[circumcised]]. Which I did. There followed what can only be described as an <span style="background:#d7f5ff">Orgy of Male Bonding</span>. I have never been so embraced and hugged so extravagantly by numbers of people simultaneously as they conveyed to me that they understood the importance of [[adult circumcision | circumcision]] and recognized that it's withstood the transmission of the virus.
|Author=Stephen Lewis
|Title=[[Paula Donovan]] ([[UNICEF]])
|Text=She [ [[Paula Donovan]] ] realized that male circumcision was a good preventative way to slow the spread of [[AIDS]]. So she took that analysis further. She suggested to the male leadership in Nairobi, that [[UNICEF]] propose that <span style="background:#d7f5ff">[[circumcision ]] accompany the regular process of immunization of infants</span>... Paula was easily 10 years ahead of her time, because <span style="background:#d7f5ff">that's exactly what's being discussed in several countries now</span>... and what did the [[UNICEF]] hierarchy do at the time? They grabbed their genitals in protective embrace and laughed it off like only male sexists can laugh things off. ...the UN took more than a decade to see [[adult circumcision| male circumcision ]] for the inspired preventative technology that it is.
|Author=Lewis, S.
|Title=Circumcising Infants to protect against HIV
|Text=[[USAID]], [[UNAIDS]] and the [[World Health Organization]] conducted a fascinating analysis to estimate the value of <span style="background:#d7f5ff">scaling up [[adult circumcision | circumcision]] to reach 80% of the adult and newborn male population in 14 African countries by 2015. ...It's really incredible when you think about it, and it's already happening.</span>
|Author=Lewis, S.
|Title=Extraordinary Hypocrisy & Sexism
|Text=The sexual and gender inequality compromises the lives women lead. [...] [[Female genital mutilation]] is a particularly awful practice. [...] The discrimination, the panoply of discrimination that is visited on women in this world is just appalling, and it obviously sabotages the lives they lead. ...I live in a feminist family and I love it. I think the feminist analysis is by far the most insightful. ...The single most important struggle on the planet, is the struggle for gender equality. [...] It all takes time in dealing with men. Dealing with male sexual behavior, to change male sexual behavior is going to be a couple of generations. ...My wife has often said on public platforms--much to my mortification--that it took her 20 years to turn me into a human being, and then the next 25 or 26 were tolerable. ...It takes all of us time. Men are resistant to change.
|Author=Lewis, S.

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