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Genital mutilation

99 bytes added, 02:26, 30 December 2023
Functions of the foreskin: Wikify.
== Functions of the foreskin ==
* Protective function: In small children, the glued [[foreskin ]] protects the [[glans ]] from the excretions in the diaper. Throughout life, the [[foreskin ]] keeps the [[glans ]] soft and moist and protects it from trauma, injuries, environmental influences, friction and dehydration.
* Sexual functions
** The [[foreskin ]] contains numerous delicate nerve endings. Together with the sensitive surface of the [[glans]], the inner [[foreskin]], which is retracted and turned outward during an [[erection]], forms an extensive and highly sensitive erogenous zone, which is important for normal, intense feeling during sexual intercourse and masturbation.** The [[foreskin ]] prevents unnecessary friction during sexual intercourse with a special sliding effect and increases the sensation of pleasure in men and women.* Immune system: Specialized cells in the [[foreskin ]] form substances that fight and kill pathogens. However, research into this function is still in its infancy.
=== Just a little bit of [[skin]]? ===
A property of the [[foreskin]] is that the [[skin]] is double-layered and can contract very strongly when the [[penis ]] is in a flaccid state. In the relaxed state, the [[foreskin ]] is cut away. Transferred to a grown man, much of the [[skin]] of the entire erect [[penis ]] is removed! The [[penis ]] is THE erogenous zone in a man and with [[circumcision ]] a considerable area (comparable to the palm of the hand without fingers!) Is cut away. How to determine the area is explained [ here]. This [[ridged band|area ]] of [[skin]] is covered with an unusually high density of [[Meissner's corpuscles| nerve cells]].
== Aftereffects ==

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