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Journal of Men's Health

7 bytes added, 2 February
Circumcision advocacy
== Circumcision advocacy ==
The <i>{{FULLPAGENAME}} </i> published an article advocating a pro-circumcision policy for [[Australia]] on 30 May 2022 that was written by nine authors, all of whom are members of the [[Circumcision Academy of Australia]]. The two lead authors are [[Brian J. Morris]] and [[Athos Katelaris]]. Not surprisingly, the article recommended a pro-circumcision policy for [[Australia]]. The article has a conflict-of-interest statement attached at the very end of the article. The statement discloses that [[Brian J. Morris]] is a member of the Editorial Board of the <i>Journal of Men’s Health</i> and Mohamed Hajoona is medical director of Quick Medical Pty Ltd, a company that markets circumcision devices. The article is voluminous and runs to 20 pages and 273 citations. The works of Morris and his coterie are frequently cited.<ref name="morris2022">{{REFjournal
|first=Brian J.

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