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The purpose of grouping these cases together is to give an idea of the frequency and severity of cases, rather than focus on the specifics and details of each individual case.
People often argue that circumcision, as any other surgery, implies a certain level of surgical risk. However, it must be acknowledged that circumcision is in principle an elective surgery (even though the patient most of the times does not get to elect it - being instead FORCED by proxy surrogate consent). This means that these operations didn't have the purpose of treating an existing condition and were not essential to the well-being of the children, so the damage caused by the procedures could have been prevented by leaving their genitals intact.
== What the AAP says ==
{{AAP Policy expired}}
On August 27th of 2012 the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] (AAP) , a medical trade association, presented a new Policy Statement on Circumcision and Technical Report stating that "the benefits outweigh the risks", yet when it comes to severe complications like the ones presented here, the technical report states that "Financial costs of care, emotional tolls, or the need for future corrective surgery (with the attendant anesthetic risks, family stress, and expense) are unknown".<ref>{{REFjournal
The two 2012 AAP circumcision documents have received unrelenting, withering criticism for failure to describe the [[foreskin ]] and its functions, failure to consider the [[human rights ]] of the child, and many other issues.
AAP policy requires AAP statements to expire after five years unless the statement is reaffirmed. ''The 2012 AAP statement expired in 2017 and has not been reaffirmed.'' The AAP now has ''no'' official policy regarding non-therapeutic male [[circumcision]]. Any statements on its website regarding circumicision refer to a previous, now expired, policy. One family in New Jersey has filed a lawsuit in 2021 against the AAP that alleged fraud in the [ 1989 Circumcision Policy Statement].
== UNAIDS ==
"[S]ome of the serious complications that can occur during the procedure include [[death ]] from excess [[bleeding ]] and [[amputation ]] of the [[glans penis]]. Postoperative complications include the formation of [[skin bridges]] between the shaft and the [[glans]], [[infection]], urinary retention (this has caused deaths), meatal ulcer, impetigo, fistulas, loss of penile sensitivity, sexual dysfunction and oedema of the glans." They also acknowledge that the frequency of complications is "underestimated because events occurring after the discharge are not captured [in the discharge sheet]" and sometimes are treated at a different hospital.<ref>{{REFweb
"There are good reasons for a legal prohibition of non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors, as exists for female genital mutilation. However, the KNMG fears that a legal prohibition would result in the intervention being performed by non-medically qualified individuals in circumstances in which the quality of the intervention could not be sufficiently guaranteed."<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Viewpoint about non-therapeutic circumcision of minors
== [[NOHARMM]] ==
Over $80 Million in Settlements Over Botched Circumcisions in Last 40 Years. Attorneys for the Rights of the Child has published a list of cases over botched circumcisions that have resulted in disclosed settlements. Privately arranged settlements and sealed settlements are both highly unlikely to appear in the list. Accordingly, this list grossly underestimates the number of successful circumcision-related lawsuits and the cost of male circumcision. See [ List of Legal Victories Proving Harm Caused by Circumcision]
A family in Perth, Western Australia, took two healthy brothers to a clinic in Gosnell (a suburb of Perth) for non-therapeutic circumcisions on 7 December 2021. The two-year-old died that evening. The seven-month-old was rushed to [ Perth Children's Hospital] for emergency surgery to stop hemorrhage and to prevent him from [[bleeding]] out.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Toddler, 2, dies and his baby brother is fighting for life 'after botched circumcisions' as homicide cops are called to investigate
|publisher=Daily Mail
The exact cause of death has not been revealed. The known facts are suggestive of an overdose of local anaesthetic that may have caused methaemoglobinaemia.
== 2013 ==
=== South Africa lawsuit over botched circumcision ===
The boy, of nine years of age, was circumcised 5 years ago, in Barberton Hospital in [,_Mpumalanga Barberton], South Africa. The glans was amputated. The intern who performed the procedure reattached the glans, but five days later it separated again. A new procedure was performed to attach it one more time, and it failed again. According to his mother, the boy to this day feels pain when he urinates, and the doctor told her he will need to undergo further medical treatments in order to be able to have sex in the future, and may have some sexual dysfunction related to decreased sensation and inability to reach orgasm due to the [[amputation ]] of the glans according to an urologist. There may also be resulting psycho-social problems as a consequence of the [[amputation]], related to low self-esteem.<ref>{{REFweb
=== Baby loses consciousness after circumcision, dies a week later ===
On May 30th, a baby became unconscious during a circumcision ceremony in [[Israel]]. Paramedics found the baby was not breathing and had no pulse. They performed resuscitation techniques and took the baby to the hospital in critical condition. The baby died on June 7th. The Chief Rabbinate of [[Israel ]] attributes the death to a "previously existing medical condition". According to Jewish Press, "After investigating the circumstances of the case, it was discovered that the circumcision had actually been performed flawlessly, and apparently baby choked during feeding".<ref>{{REFweb
=== 1.3 Million Dollar Settlement on Botched Circumcision ===
A Cook County jury on Tuesday returned a verdict of $1,357,901.12 on behalf of a 5-year-old boy who suffered a partial [[amputation ]] of the tip of his penis during a circumcision procedure performed when he was 12-hours-old.
The child was born October 4, 2007 at Northwestern's [ Prentice Women's Hospital]. The following morning, while performing a circumcision on the child, a portion of the distal tip of Burden's penis was inadvertently amputated. The child was rushed to Children's Memorial Hospital where Pediatric Urologist Antonio Chaviano, {{MD}}, successfully re-attached it.
=== 7-year-old loses genitals after circumcision, fighting for life ===
Nov 23, 2012. ''The Times of India'' reported that a 7 year old child was fighting for his life after complications from circumcision. The boy, Imran, was admitted to Sania hospital in Alwar town on November 10 for circumcision. According to sources, after the operation, some equipment was used to prevent [[bleeding]]. However, electric current accidentally passed into his private parts and the boy suffered serious injury. On November 13, the boy was referred to a private hospital in Jaipur. After investigating the case, the doctors in Jaipur advised the boy's relatives to remove his genitals as it was necessary to save his life. The operation was conducted and his genitals were removed. Three days after the operation, the boy was again admitted to Sania hospital in Alwar.
Imran's grandfather Ayub Khan said: "The circumcision was carried out by Dr Tayyab Khan, a physician at Sania Hospital. He is not a surgeon. The licence of the hospital should be cancelled for carelessness."<ref>{{REFweb
=== Baby hospitalized after botched circumcision ===
[[Israel]], June 1st 2012. Muslim Baby Hospitalized After Botched Circumcision. The infant’s Muslim parents brought their child to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa after the ritual circumciser accidentally dismembered the child’s penis. Urologists and surgeons worked to reattach the detached organ and said they expect the procedure to be successful.<ref>{{REFweb
=== Boy pleaded to "just cut it off and (he) can be a girl," ===
Texas, March 2011. A doctor botched a circumcision of a 4-year-old Texas boy so badly that the boy pleaded to "just cut it off and (he) can be a girl," the parents claim in court. After excessive [[bleeding]], [[Jennifer_Garza|the doctor]] overcauterized the child's penis, causing fistulas (additional openings) that oozed blood and hurt every time that the child urinated.<ref>{{REFweb
=== The case that would spark the debate in Cologne, Germany in 2012 ===
A 4 year old boy was circumcised at the mother's request. There was some persistent [[bleeding]]. The four-year-old was admitted to a children's emergency room two days after his circumcision with [[bleeding]]. So reports the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper", citing a doctor's letter about the treatment that was then carried out. Apparently a "urological surgical revision" of the circumcision "under general anesthesia" followed. After the surgical intervention the boy was for several days came to a children's ward, it says in the report. Three dressing changes had taken place "under anesthesia". In the doctor's letter also states that the exposed surface and the glans penis was "uneven, eroded, and fibrinous occupied". The boy was ten days in clinical treatment.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Penis war „uneben“ und „zerfressen“
=== New Zealand boy has penile artery severed during circumcision ===
A BOTCHED circumcision of a four-year-old boy that resulted in the severing of a penis artery has landed a doctor in trouble. The boy was sent to hospital to stem the "uncontrollable [[bleeding]]" after the procedure by a GP, who was assisted by an unqualified doctor and his wife.<ref>{{REFweb
== 2007 ==
=== [[Amputation ]] of the glans with Mogen clamp ===
A baby was [[circumcised ]] in Illinois in February 15, 2007 using a [[Mogen]] clamp. At the completion of the circumcision, hospital records indicated there was significant [[bleeding]]. Inspection of the penis revealed nearly all of the [[glans ]] had been amputated at the time of the circumcision. Three months later, the infant required [[penile skin ]] transfer surgery at the {{UNI|University of Illinois|UIC}}, with need for future procedures, some of which are only appropriate at the age of puberty.<ref>{{REFweb
=== Botched adult circumcision leads to suicide ===
Beasley Allen Terrebonne (48 years old) committed [[suicide ]] 3 years after undergoing adult circumcision.<ref>{{REFweb
=== Doctor amputates part of the glans of a baby ===
[[Haiba_Sonyika|Haiba Sonyika]] performed a circumcision with a [[Mogen]] clamp in which she amputated part of the glans of the baby. The tissue was not properly handled and priority was not given, so reattachment was not possible. The baby was diagnosed with significant circumcision injury resulting in an [[iatrogenic ]] [[hypospadias]], a physician-caused condition where the urinary opening is on the underside of the penis. The boy and his family would need significant psychiatric counseling at various stages of his life in order to avoid a bad psychological outcome.<refname="Bollinger 2009">{{REFweb
|author-link=Dan Bollinger
|publisher=[[International Coalition for Genital Integrity]]
=== Los Angeles: The doctor cut off most of the tip of her son's penis ===
A baby was taken for circumcision to a Los Angeles clinic in 2003. The doctor had no medical malpractice insurance. The [[circumcision]] was performed with a Mogen clamp, resulting in the [[amputation ]] of most of the glans. By 2011 the boy has had two reconstructive surgeries, and doctors predict he will need at least two more while in his teens and 20s to repair the physical damage. Then will come plastic surgery.<ref>{{REFweb
}}</ref>  <ref>{{REFweb |quote= |url= |title=Atlanta attorneys celebrate botched circumcision verdict for mother and son |lastname="Bollinger |first=Dan |publisher=International Coalition for Genital Integrity |date=2009-03-29 |accessdate=2012-11-23}}<"/ref>
== 1991 ==
=== Partial [[amputation ]] of [[glans ]] and [[iatrogenic ]] [[hypospadias ]] ===
Dr. Tam, a pediatrician, amputated approximately 30% of the distal glans {*filter*} and transected the glandular [[urethra]]. A less than successful attempt was made to reattach that which had been excised. Subsequent plastic surgery has been attempted and there is resultant deformity at the tip of the {*filter*}. Function has not been impaired though a condition known as acquired "Hypospedias: has developed. This is a defect where the [[urethra]], though extending through the {*filter*}, exists on the underside rather than at the tip. The Plaintiff has undergone 4 corrective surgeries and requires at least one further surgery at this time.<ref>{{REFweb
=== Recovery from a botched circumcision ===
[ Skin bridges] are a common post-operative complication from circumcisions. In a [ blog], the author shares how during puberty he became aware of a [[skin bridge ]] causing problems and making erections painful, and how he dealt with this problem.
=== $1.2 Million: Another botched circumcision ===
A lawsuit was finally settled in 2000.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Betrayed by Doctors and Lawyers in Alaska, Sweets Find Justice Through Seattle Malpractice Attorney
== 1985 ==
=== Electrocautery device causes penile amputations [[amputation]]s ===
According to lawsuits filed in behalf of the two children, the infants suffered severe electrical burns to the penis and adjacent areas when physicians, in separate incidents on the same day, used an electric cauterizing needle as part of the circumcision procedure. The burns to one of the infants were so severe that his penis was destroyed. A sex change operation has been performed so that the child will be raised as a female...<ref>{{REFweb
[[Image:Brian_brandt.jpg|175px|right]] Brian Mathew Brandt, born on October 7th, 1983. Victim of a botched circumcision shortly after birth. He felt that he was mutilated and could never have sexual relations.
On November 2, 2011, Brian passed away in his home. He [[Suicide|took his own life ]] at 28 years.<ref>{{REFweb
=== Botched circumcision leads to suicide attempt ===
An Australian boy was circumcised leaving too little [[skin ]] for normal erections. During puberty he realized the pain caused by this complications. At 18 he had surgery to try to alleviate this problem, but the results were not satisfactory. Six months later he tried to commit [[suicide]]. Since then, he has shared his story on [ this page].
== 1965 ==
=== Worst case scenario: Amputated, raised as a girl, reassigned as a boy during puberty, committed suicide ===
[[Image:David_reimer2.jpg|175px|right]] [[David Reimer]], lost his penis during circumcision at 4 months. Raised as a girl. His testicles were removed and he was put in hormones. Renamed and taught to be a girl but he never adjusted. In puberty he was told the truth, underwent breast reduction, reconstruction of the penis. Got married. Never felt complete. Committed [[suicide ]] in 2004 at 39 {{Age|1965|08|22|2004|05|04}} years.<ref>{{REFweb
{{SEEALSO}}* [[Complication]]* [[Trauma]]
* [ Gallery of Botched Circumcisions at Intactipedia]
* [ Post-operative Complications of Circumcision at]
* [ Complications of circumcision at]
* [http Complications of Circumcision by George Kaplan, 1983]* Williams N, Kapila L. [ Complications of circumcision]. ''Brit J Surg'' 1993;80:1231-6.* [http Complications of circumcision at CIRP.ORG]
[[Category:Parental information]]
[[Category:Perpetrator|Severe Complications of Circumcision]]
[[Category:Circumcision complication]]
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