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Stephen H. Lewis

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Two African surveys: Add text and Wikify.
}}</ref> Stephen was the leader of the democratic socialist Ontario New Democratic Party for most of the 1970s. In the mid-1980s, he was appointed as [[Canada]]'s United Nations ambassador. He quit in 1988 and worked at various United Nations agencies during the 1990s. In the 2000s, he served a term as the United Nations' special envoy for [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]] in Africa, and head of [[UNAIDS]].<ref name='Ryerson 2010-09-14'>{{REFweb
== AIDS Free World ==
AIDS-Free World is an international advocacy organization with a small staff that works virtually from a dozen locations in the [[USA| US ]] and [[Canada]], Africa, the Caribbean and Europe.<ref name="about afw">{{REFweb
|last=AIDS Free World
|Title=Orgy of Male Bonding
|Text=There was some titter of laughter and gentile applause which resonated throughout the room. So I felt it was the appropriate moment to tell the crowd that I was [[circumcised]]. Which I did. There followed what can only be described as an <span style="background:#d7f5ff">Orgy of Male Bonding</span>. I have never been so embraced and hugged so extravagantly by numbers of people simultaneously as they conveyed to me that they understood the importance of [[adult circumcision | circumcision]] and recognized that it's withstood the transmission of the virus.
|Author=Stephen Lewis
|Title=[[Paula Donovan]] ([[UNICEF]])
|Text=She [ [[Paula Donovan]] ] realized that male circumcision was a good preventative way to slow the spread of [[AIDS]]. So she took that analysis further. She suggested to the male leadership in Nairobi, that [[UNICEF]] propose that <span style="background:#d7f5ff">[[circumcision ]] accompany the regular process of immunization of infants</span>... Paula was easily 10 years ahead of her time, because <span style="background:#d7f5ff">that's exactly what's being discussed in several countries now</span>... and what did the [[UNICEF]] hierarchy do at the time? They grabbed their genitals in protective embrace and laughed it off like only male sexists can laugh things off. ...the UN took more than a decade to see [[adult circumcision| male circumcision ]] for the inspired preventative technology that it is.
|Author=Lewis, S.
|Title=Circumcising Infants to protect against HIV
|Text=[[USAID]], [[UNAIDS]] and the [[World Health Organization]] conducted a fascinating analysis to estimate the value of <span style="background:#d7f5ff">scaling up [[adult circumcision | circumcision]] to reach 80% of the adult and newborn male population in 14 African countries by 2015. ...It's really incredible when you think about it, and it's already happening.</span>
|Author=Lewis, S.
|Title=Extraordinary Hypocrisy & Sexism
|Text=The sexual and gender inequality compromises the lives women lead. [...] [[Female genital mutilation]] is a particularly awful practice. [...] The discrimination, the panoply of discrimination that is visited on women in this world is just appalling, and it obviously sabotages the lives they lead. ...I live in a feminist family and I love it. I think the feminist analysis is by far the most insightful. ...The single most important struggle on the planet, is the struggle for gender equality. [...] It all takes time in dealing with men. Dealing with male sexual behavior, to change male sexual behavior is going to be a couple of generations. ...My wife has often said on public platforms--much to my mortification--that it took her 20 years to turn me into a human being, and then the next 25 or 26 were tolerable. ...It takes all of us time. Men are resistant to change.
|Author=Lewis, S.
|ref=<ref>[ Lewis, S. (2010, February 02). ''Stephen lewis co-dir, aids free world.'']</ref>
== Population-based studies ==
{{Population-based studies}}
==Two African surveys==
The previously reported studies were from developed Western nations. Now we have information from Sub_Saharan Africa.
French scientist [[Michel Garenne]], Ph.D. has published two reports in 2022 comparing the incidence of HIV infection in [[circumcised]] and [[intact]] men.
In his first report, Garenne presented the findings from a study in Lesotho, the enclave in South Africa. He reported:
In couple studies, the effect of circumcision and VMMC on HIV was not significant, with similar transmission from female to male and male to female. The study questions the amount of effort and money spent on VMMC in Lesotho.<ref name="garenne2022A">{{REFjournal
|author-link=Michel Garenne
|title=Changing relationships between HIV prevalence and circumcision in Lesotho
|journal=J Biosoc Sci
|volume=online ahead of print
In his second report, Garenne (2022) presented information from six Sub-Saharan African nations (Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe). He reported:
"Results matched earlier observations made in South Africa that [[circumcised]] and [[intact]] men had similar levels of HIV infection."<ref name="garenne2022B">{{REFjournal
|title=Age-incidence and prevalence of HIV among intact and circumcised men: an analysis of PHIA surveys in Southern Africa
|journal=J Biosoc Sci
* [[Canada]]* [[UNAIDS]] -- Stephen was former head of [[UNAIDS]]* [[WHO|World Health Organization]] -- The WHO is heavily influenced by [[UNAIDS]] and [[Bill Gates]].* [[Paula Donovan]] -- Benefactor of Stephen Lewis. Worked at [[UNICEF]], promotes infant circumcision.* [[UNICEF]] -- Paula Donovan of [[UNICEF]] is a benefactor of Lewis.* [[Bill Clinton]] -- Friend and Benefactor of Lewis.
* [[Circumcision and HIV]]
* [ To Stephen Lewis - Letter from a Grandmother] -- a letter of support to Stephen Lewis (satire).

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