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Thirteenth International Symposium

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{{Construction Site}}The '''Thirteenth International Symposium''' on Genital Autonomy and Children's Rights convened at the [ {{UNI|University of Colorado] |CU Boulder}} on July 24-26, 2014. <div class="res-img">[[File:13_GA_Symposium_2014_Boulder.jpg]]</div>
* '''[[Peter W. Adler]]''', {{BA}}, Philosophy, Dartmouth College; {{MA}}, Philosophy, {{UNI|Cambridge University|UCam}}; {{JD}}, {{UNI|University of Virginia |UVA}} School of Law; and Editor of ''Virginia Law Review'', is a former trial lawyer and is the Legal Advisor for [[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]]. His publications include “''Is Circumcision Legal?''”, “''Is It Lawful to Use Medicaid to Pay for Circumcision?''”, and “''Is Circumcision Unethical and Should It Be Illegal?''”, co-authored with Svoboda and [[Robert S. Van Howe|Van Howe]], publication pending. Wellesley, Massachusetts{{USSC|MA}}, USA.
* '''Jennifer Andersen''' is a speaker, writer, blogger, child advocate, and the founder of, LIVING! With Kids. Through her work, Jennifer explores the things that keep us disconnected from our children, so that we can reconnect and know them more fully. Most importantly, Jennifer advocates for children—hoping to inspire others to understand that children are people—fully deserving of the same kindness, compassion, and [[human rights ]] as their adult counterparts. A guest on HuffPost Live, speaker at parenting conferences, and contributor to publications both online and in print, Jennifer’s work focuses on bringing to light the specific ways children are dehumanized−and solutions for changing this. Denver, Colorado{{USSC|CO}}, USA.
* '''Scot Anderson''', BSc, received his degree in physics from the Colorado School of Mines and is a practicing physicist working in industry doing analysis. He has many interests, including [[human rights]], and he is active in supporting Colorado NOCIRC. He is otherwise unaffiliated within the medical profession. Conifer, Colorado{{USSC|CO}}, USA.
* '''[[Kira Antinuk]]''', one of the founders and acting Directors of the [[Children’s Health & Human Rights Partnership]], has been a children’s rights advocate for more than 10 years. She is the recipient of the ''2013 Paul Wainwright Nursing Ethics Prize'', awarded in recognition of her paper “Forced genital cutting in North America: Feminist theory & nursing considerations”, published in the ''Journal of Nursing Ethics''(September 2013). Kira received her training as a nurse in Victoria, BC, where she currently lives with her partner and two children. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
* '''Riun Ashlie''' is a somatic healing practitioner, workshop facilitator, men’s group leader, and currently an intern at Colorado Therapies and Aquatic Center. A graduate of Body Mind Somanautics, an advanced training in somatic attachment, group process, and anatomy re-patterning, and a graduate of the Hendricks Institute 2-year Leadership and Transformation Coaching Program, Riun combines a variety of modalities, including Access Consciousness as well as Re-connective Healing in support of his passion−catalyzing male potency and empowerment with passion and purpose.
* '''Markus Bauer''' is the co-founder and campaign organiser of the international [[human rights ]] NGO / and legally responsible for their online presence. He is the partner of an intersex person, and a decade-long writer, editor, performing artist, political activist, and social organiser. Since 2007, he facilitated countless nonviolent intersex protests in front of mutilators’ clinics and medical congresses, as well as parliamentary motions, submissions, and testimonies for ethics and [[human rights ]] bodies. He has spoken and published internationally on IGM at universities and symposia, and appeared on radio and television, and in newspapers and magazines, including the ''Wall Street Journal''. Zurich, Switzerland.  * '''Jonathan Bernaerts''', {{BA}}, {{MA}}, is a Human Rights Researcher at the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), where he focuses on children’s rights. He holds BAs in Philosophy and Law from the {{UNI|University of Antwerp|UAntwerpen}} (Belgium), a {{MA}} degree in international law from the {{UNI|University of Antwerp|UAntwerpen}}, and a {{MA}} degree in comparative international law from the {{UNI|University of Toulouse|UToul}} (France). He was awarded the European Master Degree in Human Rights and Democratization by the {{UNI|European Inter University Centre|EIUC}} in Venice (Italy), for which he spent a semester at the {{UNI|University of Vienna|UniVie}} (Austria). His thesis on the circumcision of male children was written under the supervision of Manfred Nowak and Hannes Tretter. Kontich, Belgium. * '''[[Gregory J. Boyle]]''', {{PhD}} (Delaware), {{PhD}} (Melbourne), {{DSc}} ({{AUSC|QLD}}), Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, and Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society, was Professor of Psychology at {{UNI|Bond University|BOND}}, Gold Coast, {{AUSC|QLD}}, Australia for 20 years. Currently, he is Head of School at the Australian Institute of Psychology, based in Brisbane. In 2005, he was recipient of the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements Distinguished Reviewer Award. He has contributed over 200 publications, and is Senior Editor of several international handbooks in the fields of personality theory and assessment (SAGE Publishers; Elsevier/Academic Press). Currently, he is Senior Editor of the SAGE series on both cognitive neuroscience and on industrial/organizational psychology. Professor Boyle has lectured in many universities, including {{UNI|Oxford University|Oxon}}, {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}}, and {{UNI|Princeton University|PU}}. He also served as Associate Dean for Research at {{UNI|Bond University|BOND}} for several years, and as a Research Consultant to the Australian Army Psychology Corps (Hon Rank: LTCOL) for more than two decades. Professor Boyle has conducted empirical studies regarding the adverse psychosexual impact of infant male circumcision. More recently, his detailed [ critique] (with [[George Hill]], [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]]) of the serious methodological, ethical, and legal concerns relating to the African circumcision RCTs (published in the ''Journal of Law and Medicine'' in 2011), attained international prominence. Gold Coast, {{AUSC|QLD}}, Australia. * '''Annie Brook''', {{PhD}}, LPC, is an author, international speaker, master therapist, and former university professor who has worked in clinics, hospitals, public schools, and in private practice. She supports community awareness and healing. Her work with men began in the late 1980‘s when she started men’s groups in rural locations where there were no male facilitators. Her professional background in infant development gives her keen insight on the impact of early experience on identity and behavior. She trains therapists in body-based therapy work that includes early attachment. Her training programs have male facilitators leading men’s work that is full spectrum and empowering, and includes the tender and outrageous work of recovering from circumcision imprints. She is a somatic psychologist, Registered Movement Educator, and Cranial Sacral practitioner with a Doctorate in Perinatal Psychology and Human Sexuality. She has authored, ''Birth’s Hidden Legacy, From Conception to Crawling'', and ''Sexuality and the Sacred''. Boulder, {{USSC|CO}}, USA. * '''[[Glen Callender]]''' is a Vancouver-based writer, editor and performance artist. In 2010, he founded the [[Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project]] (CAN-FAP)—Canada’s best-known and feistiest pro-foreskin advocacy group—to promote his vision of a more positive [[genital autonomy]] movement that emphasizes pro-foreskin over anti-circumcision messaging. Glen has performed his educational-comedy foreskin shows ''Foreskin Awareness Booth'' and ''The Revolution Will Not Be Circumcised'' to thousands of people across Canada and the USA, and is developing a multimedia guide to the intact penis that he hopes will revolutionize society’s understanding of, and respect for, the male organ. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  * '''Charli Carpenter''' is Professor of International Affairs in the Department of Political Science at {{UNI|University of Massachusetts-Amherst|UMass}}. Her teaching and research interests include [[human rights]] and humanitarian action, agenda-setting in transnational advocacy networks, and gender violence. She is particularly interested in why some human security problems and vulnerable populations get less attention on the global agenda than others. She has published three books and numerous journal articles, has served as a consultant for the United Nations, and contributes to Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs. Her most recent book, Agenda-Vetting in Global Networks and the Shaping of Human Security, includes a case study of the transnational campaign against infant male circumcision. Amherst, {{USSC|MA}}, USA. * '''[[Georganne Chapin]]''', {{JD}}, MS, an attorney and healthcare executive, is the founding Executive Director of Intact America. She also holds positions at Hudson Health Plan (President & CEO) and MVP Health Care (Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs), both located in New York State, and serves as an officer on the board of [[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]]. Georganne holds an undergraduate degree in anthropology from Barnard College, a Masters in Sociomedical Sciences from {{UNI|Columbia University|CUNY}}, and a {{JD}} from {{UNI|Pace University|Pace}} School of Law, where she has also served as adjunct faculty, teaching courses in Bioethics and Medicaid and Disability Law. Woodstock, {{USSC|NY}}, USA. * '''Chelsea Collonge''', {{MA}}, has a background in peace and nonviolence studies at UC Berkeley and holds a masters degree in religion from the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her research in the area of feminist liberation theology and sexuality focused on progressive Christian opposition to forced circumcision in the USA. Chelsea lives on a farm in rural California where she works with [[HIV]]-positive persons and participates in the Catholic Worker movement. Sheep Ranch, {{USSC|CA}}, USA. * '''Leonid Walter Dunn''', MNS, received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the {{UNI|University of Liberia|ULLR}} after earning an Advanced Certificate in Statistics from the Institute for Population Studies at the {{UNI|University of Liberia|ULLR}} and his Masters of Ntalextuwl (Intellectual) Studies with emphasis in Communications & Public Policy from the Blacology Research & Development Institute based in Maryland, USA. Leonid is a Liberian national, with a portfolio ranging from administrator to professional aide in the Office of the Liberian Presidency prior to his resignation in 2010 to focus on and run one of Liberia’s leading child-rights advocacy institutions, ''Child Rights Foundation-Children Welfare Foundation International'' (CRF-CWFI), serving as Chairman. CRF-CWFI seeks for compliance to the United Nations ''Convention on the Rights of the Child'' (UN-CRC), international instruments and protocols that protect the child; while seeking prosecution for abusers. Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. * '''[[Brian Earp| Brian D. Earp]]''' is a Research Fellow at the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the {{UNI|University of Oxford|Oxon}} as well as a Consultant Researcher with the Institute for Science and Ethics, also at Oxford. He has served as Editor in Chief of the ''Yale Philosophy Review'' as well as Guest Editor of the ''Journal of Medical Ethics'', the leading journal in the field. Brian holds degrees from Yale and Oxford universities and is currently a Cambridge Trust Scholar and Rausing Award recipient studying the history and philosophy of science and medicine at the {{UNI|University of Cambridge|UCam}}. Cambridge, England, UK. *'''M. Thomas Fredericksen''', is a machinist and tool maker who studies engineering. His four-fold circumcision experience is: He considers his circumcision at birth a sexual assault. He’s restored his [[foreskin]]. Unlike most doctors, he has studied [[foreskin restoration]] extensively. He has sought psychological help, which was a grueling ordeal. Clearwater, {{USSC|FL}}, USA. * '''[[John V. Geisheker]]''', {{JD}}, {{LLM}}, has practiced medico-legal law as an arbitrator, mediator, litigator, and law lecturer for over 30 years. He is the full-time pro bono Director and General Counsel for [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]], an international physicians’ charity based in Seattle, Washington. [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)|D.O.C.]]’s members and supporters oppose cultural, non-therapeutic genital cutting of children, male or female, on [[human rights]] and scientific grounds. John is a native of [[New Zealand]], a country that fully abandoned medicalized male circumcision in the 1960’s. He hopes his adopted USA will someday follow that principled example. Seattle, {{USSC|WA}}, USA. * '''[[Ronald Goldman]]''', {{PhD}}, is a psychologist, speaker, writer, and Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center in Boston, a nonprofit educational organization. His investigation of the unacknowledged adverse psychological and social aspects of circumcision includes hundreds of contacts with men, parents, Jews, and medical and mental health professionals. He is the author of ''Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma'' and ''Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective''. Other writing has appeared in medical journals, national newspapers, parenting publications, and Jewish periodicals. He participates in numerous media interviews, gives lectures on circumcision, perinatal health and childcare practices, and counsels parents and circumcised men. Boston, {{USSC|MA}}, USA. * '''Rue Hass''', {{MA}}, CCHt., EFT Master, and Ordained Minister is a Spiritual Life Path Coach, Intuitive Mentor, and EFT Master practitioner. Her background includes university teaching, extensive training in psycho-spiritual philosophy and Energy Psychology therapies, and ordination as a minister by the Lorian Association, a spiritual research center that explores a contemporary spirituality. She has authored several books and conducted many trainings on the highly sensitive temperament and spirituality. Boulder, {{USSC|CO}}, USA. * '''Janet Heimlich''' is an award-winning journalist and the author of ''Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment'', which takes an in-depth look at child abuse and neglect in the United States that is enabled by religious belief. She is also president of the ''Child-Friendly Faith Project'', a national nonprofit public charity that educates the public about the impact that religious, spiritual, and cultural beliefs and practices have on children. As a freelance reporter for National Public Radio, Ms. Heimlich won nine journalism awards, including the regional Katie and the Houston Press Club’s “Radio Journalist of the Year.” Austin, {{USSC|TX}}, USA. * '''Katharina Kunze''', MS, has degrees in Cultural Anthropology, Gender Studies, and Philosophy. She explored and discussed in her final thesis how NGOs use social, cultural, and financial resources to work sustainably and effectively. Before she became the section manager against FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) at Germany’s largest women’s rights NGO, [[TERRE DES FEMMES| Terre Des Femmes]], she worked as a copywriter, researcher, campaign manager, and social media expert. She discovered feminism in her early twenties and understood that her privileges oblige and empower her to take action for justice, health, freedom, and security. Berlin, Germany. * '''[[David J. Llewellyn]]''', {{BA}}, {{JD}}, is an attorney whose practice is concentrated in genital injury litigation. He has represented numerous victims of botched circumcisions, both infant and adult, as well as victims of circumcisions performed without consent. He has also represented a number of parents who filed suits to prevent the circumcisions of their sons. He has extensive experience representing the victims of the most common forms of negligently performed circumcisions. Atlanta, {{USSC|GA}}, USA. * '''Donna Rigney Macris''', {{RN}}, {{CNM}}, MSN, CLNC, is a decades-long [[human rights]] activist in issues of [[genital integrity]] who has served on the Board of Directors of NOCIRC, was a co-founder of the International Symposia on Circumcision, and co-authored the ''[[Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision (1989)| Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision]]''. Her writings on the issue of circumcision and the rights of infants and children as well as on the normal function of the male genitalia have been published. She has spoken nationally and internationally promoting conscious objector status for nurses and midwives in opposition to newborn circumcision. She has been guest faculty in midwifery programs, including {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}}’s ''Women’s Health Care Training Project''. Her Master’s Degree Research at {{UNI|St. Louis University|SLU}} centered upon informed consent for circumcision. Fresno, {{USSC|CA}}, USA. * '''Jennifer Margulis''', {{PhD}}, is an award-winning investigative journalist and a senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at {{UNI|Brandeis University|Brandeis}}. She is the author of the groundbreaking exposé, ''The Business of Baby''. Ashland, {{USSC|OR}}, USA. * '''[[Brendon Marotta]]''' is an award-winning filmmaker. He graduated from the {{UNI|University of North Carolina|UNC}} School of the Arts Film School, and works as a professional film editor and director. His work can be found online at Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. * '''[[Paul Mason]]''', {{BA}} (Hons), LLB, is a family law barrister of 35 years experience. For 3½ years, from 2007 to 2010, he was the statutorily independent Commissioner for Children for the Australian State of Tasmania. During that time, amongst his other work, he pursued raising awareness of the [[human rights]] of children to protection from all forms of violence and from harmful traditional practices (HTPs). He, with Dr. Comfort Momoh, is an inaugural co-patron of the UK-based charity [[Genital Autonomy]] and in 2013 was instrumental in establishing the Antipodean child rights organisation, [[AIGA Inc.| Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy Inc.]] (AIGA). Brisbane, {{AUSC|QLD}}, Australia. * '''Jonathan Meddings''' has a degree in medical science with honors from {{UNI|James Cook University|JCU}} and is currently a student of philosophy at {{UNI|Macquarie University|MQAU}}. He is a member of ''Friends of Science in Medicine'', an organization campaigning against the teaching of the pseudoscience that is alternative/complementary medicine in Australian tertiary institutions, as well as a board member of the ''Rationalist Society of Australia'' and writer for the ''Young Australian Skeptics'', organizations devoted to the promotion of rational and skeptical thinking in all areas, including medicine. Jonathan is currently writing a book on circumcision. Melbourne, Australia. * '''[[Marilyn Milos]]''', {{RN}}, is the co-founder and director of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) and co-founder of the International Symposia on Circumcision, Genital Autonomy, and Children’s Rights. She is the co-editor of eight symposia books and the editor of the NOCIRC Annual Newsletter. San Anselmo, {{USSC|CA}}, USA. * '''[[Soraya Miré]]''' is an award-winning director, writer, and activist. Her credits include a featured segment of the ''Vagina Monologues'' on FGM and the award-winning documentary ''Fire Eyes'', which highlights the barbaric practice of FGM. Fire Eyes was featured at the International Women’s Conference in Beijing, the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, the Sundance Film Festival in the USA, and The United Nations in Geneva. Miré’s activism has been recognized with many awards, such as the “Humanitarian Award” at the United Nations Sub-Commission Sessions, the John Jay College of Criminal Justice “Winnie Mandela Award,” “Best documentary” at the United Nations International Conference on Population and Devel-opment in Cairo, the “Human Rights Award” at the Third International Symposium on Circumcision at the {{UNI|University of Maryland|UMD}}, and Intact America’s “Personal Courage Award 2009.” She was born in Somalia and immigrated to Europe in 1978 at age 17. She studied literature and political science at the {{UNI|University of Grenoble|UGA}} in France. Mire’ left her studies to expand her mission to end violence toward women and children. In 1984, Miré moved to Los Angeles and began a career in film. She appeared on the ''Oprah Winfrey Show'', CNN, and ''Nightline'' with Ted Koppel. She has lectured at numerous universities, including {{UNI|Harvard|HU}}, {{UNI|UCLA|UCLA}}, {{UNI|Vanderbilt University|Vandy}}, and {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}}. She has stood before committees at the United Nations, the US Senate Human Resources and Health Assembly, and the World Health Organization. She has worked with medical professionals, government officials, with women, and with families who have been affected by FGM, all in her tireless pursuit of protection of [[human rights]] for women and girls. Los Angeles, {{USSC|CA}}, USA. * '''Teri Mitchell''', RNC, {{CNM}}, DNP, LCCE,{{IBCLC}}, a Registered Nurse certified in maternal newborn nursing for the last 10 years, is also a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She completed a Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree in midwifery at {{UNI|Baylor University|Baylor}} in May 2014 and is a certified nurse midwife. Her doctoral focus has been on parental decision making about routine infant circumcision, as well as the impact of tongue-tie on breastfeeding. She currently works as a nurse-midwife and lactation consultant at a freestanding birth center and home birth practice in Texas. Frisco, {{USSC|TX}}, USA. * '''Elwyn Moir''', {{BA}}, has worked in mental health for a decade. His practice principally concerns mood, self-concept, and [[suicide]] prevention, and provides clinical supervision and training. His work was recognised with the award of a National Emergency Medal in 2012. Elwyn’s nation-reaching advocacy has included published opinion pieces and long-form television appearances. He co-founded (with [[Paul Mason]] and others) the [[Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]] and, in addition to his clinical practice, is Secretary of the AIGA and a Master of Mental Health (Psychotherapy) candidate with the Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine at the {{UNI|University of Queensland|UQ}}. Fortitude Valley, {{AUSC|QLD}}, Australia. * '''[[Lisa Braver Moss]]''', {{BA}}, is a writer specializing in health, family issues, Judaism, and humor. Her work has appeared in the ''Huffington Post'', ''Tikkun'', and ''Parents''; she has also written several nonfiction books and an essay collection. Lisa is the author of two seminal articles addressing the problems inherent in Jewish circumcision, and was a speaker at the 2nd International Symposium on Circumcision. In 2010, Lisa published ''The Measure of His Grief'', the first novel ever written about male circumcision and foreskin restoration. Lisa is co-author of the new book ''Celebrating Brit Shalom''. She holds a {{BA}} in English from UC Berkeley. Piedmont, {{USSC|CA}}, USA. * '''[[Lena Nyhus]]''' heads the intactivism effort in [[Denmark]] based on her experience in leadership, communication, and lobbyism. Farum, [[Denmark]]. * '''Opeyemi Parham''', {{MD}}, is a 56-year-old retired physician who became dissatisfied with the ethical disconnect between her oath of “primum non nocere” and the day-to-day reality of doctoring. Since leaving conventional medicine, she has explored alternative healing modalities (e.g. spiritual ministry and the creative arts) and names herself “healing artist”. Greenfield, {{USSC|MA}}, USA.
* '''Jonathan BernaertsBrian Luke Seaward'''is an international expert in the fields of stress management, BAmind-body-spirit healing, MAand health promotion. Additionally, he is a Human Rights Researcher at the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ)an award-winning author, photographer, teacher, where he focuses on children’s rightsfilm director/producer and inspirational speaker. He holds BAs in Philosophy and Law from the University of Antwerp (Belgium)His mission, a MA degree in international law from the University as expressed through his legacy of Antwerpbooks and public appearances, and is to make this a MA degree better world in comparative international law from the University which to live by having each of Toulouse (France)us reach our highest potential. He was awarded Luke’s words can be found quoted in PBS specials, the European Master Degree in Human Rights ''Chicago Tribune'', ''The Huffington Post'', and Democratization by the European Inter University Centre in Venice (Italy)more. Currently, for which he spent a semester at serves as the University executive director of Vienna (Austria)the Paramount Wellness Institute in Boulder. See www. His thesis on the circumcision of male children was written under the supervision of Manfred Nowak and Hannes KontichBoulder, {{USSC|CO}}, BelgiumUSA.
* '''[[Gregory J. Boyle]]Eran Sadeh'''is a computer instructor and the publisher of Protect the Child website, PhD (, PhD . Eran is married and the father of a girl (Melbourne10), DSc and a boy (Queensland8). When his son was born, Fellow he stumbled upon anti-circumcision websites and started to research. He and his wife eventually decided to leave their son intact. Eran later started a website with the aim of educating Israeli parents about the Association for Psychological Scienceadvantages of an intact penis and the disadvantages of a cut penis, and Fellow of about the Australian Psychological Society, was Professor growing movement of Psychology at Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia for 20 yearsparents who decide to leave their son intact. CurrentlyEver since, he is Head of School at the Australian Institute of Psychology, based has appeared in Brisbanemany media interviews promoting [[intactness]]. In 20052007, he was recipient of gave a lecture about the Buros Institute harm of Mental Measurements Distinguished Reviewer Award. He has contributed over 200 publications, and is Senior Editor of several international handbooks circumcision to students in the fields of personality theory and assessment (SAGE Publishers; Elsevier/Academic Press)Tel Aviv. CurrentlyIn 2012, he is Senior Editor of the SAGE series on both cognitive neuroscience and on industrial/organizational psychology. Professor Boyle has lectured in many universitieswent to Berlin, including Oxford University, Stanford UniversityGermany, and Princeton University. He also served as Associate Dean for Research at Bond University for several yearsdelivered a statement in a press conference, and as supporting a court ruling that called circumcision a Re-search Consultant to the Australian Army Psychology Corps (Hon Rank: LTCOL) for more than two decades. Professor Boyle has conducted empirical studies regarding the adverse psychosexual impact violation of infant male circumcisionbodily integrity. More recentlyTuval, his detailed critique (with '''[[George HillIsrael]]''', Doctors Opposing Circumcision) of the serious methodological, ethical, and legal concerns relating to the African circumcision RCTs (published in the ''Journal of Law and Medicine'' in 2011), attained international prominence. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''Annie BrookRichard Schwartzman''', PhD, LPCDO, is an author, international speaker, master therapista practicing psychiatrist, board-certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and former university professor who has worked in clinicsNeurology. Prior to becoming a physician, hospitalshe was a licensed, public schools, and in private practicepracticing pharmacist. She supports community awareness He is a graduate of {{UNI|Temple University|TU}} School of Pharmacy (1961) and healing. Her work with men began in the late 1980‘s when she started men’s groups in rural locations where there were no male facilitators. Her professional background in infant development gives her keen insight on the impact Philadelphia College of early experience on identity and behaviorOsteopathic Medicine (1966). She trains therapists in body-based therapy work that includes early attachment. Her He completed his psychiatric residency training programs have male facilitators leading men’s work that is full spectrum and empoweringat {{UNI|Drexel University College of Medicine|DU}} (1974), and includes the tender a fellowship in forensic psychiatry at {{UNI|Temple University|TU}} School of Law and outrageous work of recovering from circumcision imprintsMedicine (1976). She is In addition to maintaining a somatic psychologistprivate clinical practice throughout his career, Registered Movement EducatorDr. Schwartzman also served as Hahnemann’s Medical Director of Psychiatric Services to the Philadelphia Prisons from 1978-2000, and Cranial Sacral practitioner with a Doctorate in Perinatal Psychology and Human Sexualitywhere he was Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry. She has authoredIn his private practice, ''Birth’s Hidden Legacyhe employs the unique therapeutic method pioneered by Wilhelm Reich, From Conception to Crawling''{{MD}}, and ''Sexuality and the Sacred''is considered to be a leading training therapist in this method. BoulderSolebury, Colorado{{USSC|PA}}, USA.
* '''[[Glen CallenderDavid Smith]]''' was educated at St. Joseph’s College, Market Drayton, and qualified in business studies at Underwood College. He is a Vancouverthe General Manager of NORM-based writerUK, editor a charity dedicated to giving men a choice about their own bodies. He created and performance artistnow edits NORM NEWS, the organization’s magazine. In 2010addition, he founded is the Chief Officer of [[Canadian Foreskin Awareness ProjectGenital Autonomy]] (CAN-FAP)—Canada’s best-known and feistiest pro-foreskin advocacy group—to promote his vision of a more positive , an international organization working to protect the [[genital autonomy movement that emphasizes pro-foreskin over anti-circumcision messaging. Glen has performed his educational-comedy foreskin shows ''Foreskin Awareness Booth'' and ''The Revolution Will Not Be Circumcised'' to thousands ]] of people across Canada and the USAall children—females males, and is developing a multimedia guide to intersex—and co-sponsors the intact penis that he hopes will revolutionize society’s understanding of, International Symposia on Genital Autonomy and respect for, the male organChildren’s Rights. VancouverStone, British ColumbiaStaffordshire, CanadaUK.
* '''Charli Carpenter[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''' is Professor , MS, {{JD}}, received a Master’s Degree in physics from UC Berkeley and graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School. He founded [[Attorneys for the Rights of International Affairs the Child]] (ARC) in 1997. In 2001, Steven presented the first and only known document ever accepted by the United Nations focusing on male circumcision. Steven received a Human Rights Award for his work with ARC. In October 2013, Steven successfully debated two members of the Department American Academy of Political Science Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force at the {{UNI|Medical University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Her teaching and research interests include human rights and humanitarian actionSouth Carolina|MUSC}}; a paper from that conference is forthcoming in the ''Journal of Law, agenda-setting in transnational advocacy networksMedicine, and gender violence. She is particularly interested in why some human security problems and vulnerable populations get less attention on the global agenda than othersEthics''. She Steven has published three books and numerous journal articles, has served as a consultant for in the United Nations, ''Journal of Medical Ethics'' and contributes to Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs. Her most recent book, Agenda-Vetting has also published in Global Networks and the Shaping ''Journal of the Royal Society of Human SecurityMedicine'', ''Medical Anthropology Quarterly'', includes a case study of the transnational campaign against infant male and all eight Springer books containing circumcisionsymposium proceedings. AmherstBerkeley, MA{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[Georganne Chapin]]Ashley Trueman''', JDBS, MS, an attorney is a labor and postpartum doula and healthcare executive, is the founding Executive Director of Intact Americaa childbirth educator. She also holds positions at Hudson Health Plan (President & CEO) and MVP Health Care (Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs), both located in New York State, and serves as an officer on has been the board director of [[Attorneys for Intact Arizona]] since February of 2013 after several years of independent activism. Circumcision first entered her radar after the Rights death of a patient the Childday after his [[circumcision]]by the pediatrician/mohel she worked for during college. Georganne holds an undergraduate degree in anthropology from Barnard CollegeOver the past year, Ashley has developed a curriculum she teaches to expecting parents. Ashley has a Masters BS in Sociomedical Sciences Kinesiology from Columbia {{UNI|Arizona State University, |ASU}} and two MS certificates in Business Marketing and a JD Management from Pace {{UNI|Tulane University School of Law, where she has also served as adjunct faculty, teaching courses in Bioethics and Medicaid and Disability Law|TUNO}}. WoodstockScottsdale, New YorkArizona, USA.
* '''Chelsea Collonge[[Robert S. Van Howe]]''', MA{{MD}}, MS, {{FAAP}}, is Professor and Interim Chairman of Pediatrics at the {{UNI|Central Michigan University|CMU}} College of Medicine. He has a background in peace lectured and nonviolence studies at UC Berkeley been published internationally on the topic of circumcision and holds has been a masters degree in religion from consultant to the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge[[American Academy of Pediatrics]], Massachusetts. Her research in the area of feminist liberation theology Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and sexuality focused on progressive Christian opposition to forced circumcision in the USAWorld Health Organization. Chelsea lives Much of his research has focused on a farm in rural California where she works with HIVsecondary research, including meta-positive persons analysis and participates in the Catholic Worker movementcost-utility analysis. Sheep RanchSaginaw, California{{USSC|MI}}, USA.
* '''Leonid Walter Dunn[[Hida Viloria]]'''is Chairperson of OII, MNSthe world’s largest intersex advocacy organization, received his Bachelor and director of Arts its American affiliate, OII-USA. She has a degree in Sociology from the University of Liberia after earning an Advanced Certificate in Statistics from the Institute for Population Studies at the University of Liberia Gender and his Masters of Ntalextuwl (Intellectual) Studies Sexuality with emphasis in Communications & Public Policy high honors from the Blacology Research & Development Institute based UC Berkeley, has written about intersex in Maryland''The Advocate'', USAMs., CNN. Leonid is a Liberian nationalcom, with a portfolio ranging from administrator to professional aide in the Office of the Liberian Presidency prior to his resignation in 2010 to focus on and run one of Liberia’s leading child-rights advocacy institutions, ''Child Rights Foundation-Children Welfare Foundation InternationalAmerican Journal of Bioethics'' (CRF-CWFI), serving as Chairmanand others, and has been a guest on numerous television shows, including 20/20 and Oprah. CRF-CWFI seeks for compliance On December 10, 2013, she became the first openly intersex person to speak at the United Nations , with Martina Navratilova, and others, for their Human Rights Day event, ''Convention on the Rights of the ChildSport Comes Out Against Homophobia'' (UN-CRC). You can follow her blog, international instruments ''Intersex and protocols that protect the child; while seeking prosecution for abusersOut'', on Tumblr. MonroviaOakland, Liberia{{USSC|CA}}, West AfricaUSA.
* '''[[Brian Earp| Brian D. Earp]]Tiina Vilponen''' is a Research Fellow at the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford as well as a Consultant Researcher with the Institute for Science and Ethics, also at Oxford. He has served as Editor in Chief of the ''Yale Philosophy Review'' as well as Guest Editor of the ''Journal of Medical Ethics''MTh, Sex Therapist, the leading journal in the field. Brian holds degrees from Yale and Oxford universities and is currently a Cambridge Trust Scholar and Rausing Award recipient studying the history and philosophy of science and medicine at Communications Manager, the University of CambridgeSexpo Foundation. Cambridge, EnglandHelsinki, UKFinland.
* '''[[John V. Geisheker]]Rebecca Wald''', {{JD}}, LLgrew up in Philadelphia, PA, the daughter of iconoclastic psychiatrist Richard Schwartzman.MShe first became aware of the harms of circumcision from her father’s work. She is a graduate of The {{UNI|George Washington University|GWU}} and Brooklyn Law School, has practiced medico-legal law as an arbitratorwhere she served on the Law Review. In 2010, mediatorRebecca launched ''Beyond the Bris'', litigator, and law lecturer for over 30 yearsa web project about the Jewish movement to question circumcision. He is the fullThe site has become a go-time pro bono Director and General Counsel to resource for [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]], an international physicians’ charity based those interested in Seattle, Washington. D.O.C.’s members this topic and supporters oppose culturalhas been widely noted in the media, non-therapeutic genital cutting of childrenincluding the ''New York Times'', male or female''The Huffington Post'', on human rights and scientific grounds''The Village Voice''. John Rebecca is a native co-author of [[New Zealand]], a country that fully abandoned medicalized male circumcision in the 1960’snew book ''Celebrating Brit Shalom''. He hopes his adopted USA will someday follow that principled exampleFt. SeattleLauderdale, Washington{{USSC|FL}}, USA.
* '''[[Ronald GoldmanFrancelle Wax]]''', PhD, is a psychologist, speaker, writer, and Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center began shooting ''[[American Secret]]'' in Boston2006, while working full time as a nonprofit educational organizationproduction manager for DC’s top political strategy firms. His investigation of the unacknowledged adverse psychological and social aspects of circumcision includes hundreds of contacts with menIn June 2012, parents, Jews, and medical and mental health professionals. He is the author of she gave notice to devote herself fully to ''Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma'' and ''Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish PerspectiveAmerican Secret'', preparing it for an initial funding round. Other writing has appeared in medical journalsIn July 2013, national newspapers, parenting publications, and Jewish periodicalsshe ran a successful Kickstarter that was matched by [[Intact America]]. He participates in numerous media interviews, gives lectures on circumcision, perinatal health A hobbyist around the issues of rational thought and childcare practicescognitive errors, and counsels parents and circumcised menFrancelle was thrilled to be able to examine this intriguing subject matter using the medium of film. BostonNew York, Massachusetts{{USSC|NY}}, USA.
* '''Rue HassHarald Winterling''', MA, CCHt., EFT Master, an economist and Ordained Minister is a Spiritual Life Path Coach, Intuitive Mentorlinguist working in the transportation industry, has followed literature on [[genital integrity]] and EFT Master practitionerforeskin restoration since the early 1990s. Her background includes university teaching, extensive training Shocked by the amount of ignorance present in politicians’ statements in Germany following the [[Cologne circumcision court judgment| Cologne ruling]] in psycho-spiritual philosophy and Energy Psychology therapies2012 on what had been one of the country`s last taboos, and ordination as a minister by he felt the Lorian Association, a spiritual research center that explores a contemporary spiritualityobligation to contribute to more thorough information. She has authored several books and conducted many trainings on Harald is one of the founding members of Germany’s first registered charity fighting for the highly sensitive temperament right to [[genital integrity]] for girls, boys, and spiritualityintersexuals alike. Boulder, ColoradoFrankfurt, USAGermany.
* '''Janet Heimlich''' is an award-winning journalist and the author of ''Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment'', which takes an in-depth look at child abuse and neglect in the United States that is enabled by religious belief. She is also president of the ''Child-Friendly Faith Project'', a national nonprofit public charity that educates the public about the impact that religious, spiritual, and cultural beliefs and practices have on children. As a freelance reporter for National Public Radio, Ms. Heimlich won nine journalism awards, including the regional Katie and the Houston Press Club’s “Radio Journalist of the Year.” Austin, Texas, USA.
=== Program ===
====Wednesday, 23 July 2014====
* Introduction: Meet Pioneers of the Genital Autonomy Movement
: ''Marilyn Milos''
* Screenings: Three films Introduction to Intersexion
: ''[[Hida Viloria]]''
* Intersexion
: ''Grant Lahood'', ''John Keir'', ''Mani Bruce Mitchell''
* The Hidden Trauma: Circumcision in America (excerpt)
: ''Brendon Marotta''
* American Secret: The Circumcision Agenda (excerpt)
: ''Francelle Wax''
====Thursday, 24 July 2014====
* [ The cutting edge: Making sense of European legal developments amidst growing recognition of children’s legal, ethical, and human rights to bodily integrity].
: ''J. Steven Svoboda''
* [ The Cologne judgment: A curiosity or the start sign for condemning circumcision of male children without their consent as a human rights violation?]
: ''Jonathan Bernaerts''
* [ circumcision of children a fraud?]
: ''Peter Adler''
* “Normalizing” genital surgeries of intersex children
: ''[[Hida Viloria]]''
* Legislation to end intersex genital mutilation: A social movement whose time has come?
: ''Markus Bauer''
* Common types of circumcision injury
: ''David Llewellyn''
* Premature, forcible foreskin retraction
: ''John Geisheker''
* Does science support male infant circumcision?
: ''Brian Earp''
* Math is your friend
: ''[[Robert S. Van Howe]]''
* [[HIV]] risk and circumcision in developed countries
: ''Scot Anderson''
* Human papillomavirus and circumcision: The whole story
: ''[[Robert S. Van Howe]]''
* What parents should know about circumcision and why it’s wrong
: ''Jonathan Meddings''
* Shared decision-making for routine infant circumcision
: ''Teri Mitchell''
* Parent education classes for making an informed decision
: ''Ashley Trueman''
* First, do no harm: A dialogue on power, privilege, and good intentions
: ''Opeyemi Parham'' & ''M. Thomas Fredericksen''
====Friday, 25 July 2014====
* For their own good: The insidious nature of religious child maltreatmen
: ''Janet Heimlich''
* Altered hearts: Circumcision and Christian responsibility
: ''Chelsea Collonge''
* Non-circumcising families in the Jewish community
: ''Lisa Braver Moss''
* An unlikely activist’s journey Beyond the Bris
: ''Rebecca Wald''
* [ Celebrating Brit Shalom]
: ''Rebecca Wald'' & ''Lisa Braver Moss''
* Talking about genital modification: A linguistic approach
: ''Harald Winterling''
* Whose political correctness? Changing language, viewpoints, and tactics in today’s intactivist movement
: ''Georganne Chapin''
* Media-friendly messaging
: ''Glen Callender''
* Moving through regret: A blogging journey
: ''Jennifer Anderson''
* Brain states of experience, brain states of change
: ''Annie Brook''
* Pain in hiding: Introduction to evening session
: ''Riun Ashlie''
* [Circumcision of infants and children: Short-term trauma and long-term psychosexual harm Circumcision of infants and children: Short-term trauma and long-term psychosexual harm]
: ''Gregory Boyle''
* The whole person: Genital cutting, emotional life, and being human
: ''Elwyn Moir''
* How to help? Training and counseling in Finland
: ''Tiina Vilponen''
* Unconscious cruelty: Exploring the emotions behind genital cutting
: ''Richard Schwartzman''
(Optional) Experiential Workshops
* For men: Revealing the wound, restoring dignity
: ''Riun Ashlie''
* For all: I am sorry, my beautiful child
: ''Rue Hass''
====Saturday, 26 July 2014====
* Registration – tea & coffee
* Welcome
* Intactivism and [[human rights]] ‘gate-keeping’: Agenda-setting and agenda-vetting in transnational [[human rights]] networks<br>
::''Charli Carpenter''
* The business of circumcision<br>
::''Jennifer Margulis''
* The midwife and circumcision: Guardian of the normal<br>
::''Donna Macris''
* Break
* Professional leadership strategies and barriers in Canada<br>
::''Kira Antinuk''<br>
* Current developments in [[Denmark]]<br>
::''Lena Nyhus''
* An intact penis is better: Intactivism in [[Israel]] (via Skype)<br>
:''Eran Sadeh''
* FGM in Indonesia<br>
::''Katharina Kunze''
* Lunch
* The danger of harmful traditional practices: The case of Liberia<br>
::''Leonid Walter Dunn''
* The CHANGE Project<br>
::''Katharina Kunze''
* Standing up for the rights of all children<br>
::''Soraya Miré''
* Break
* The psychology of circumcision communication and social change<br>
::''Ronald Goldman''
* Towards the eradication of the genital mutilation pandemic<br>
::''Harald Winterling''
* Tactics without strategy: Sun Tzu, The Art of War, and GA futures<br>
::''Paul Mason''
* Why Europe is leading the world<br>
::''David Smith''
* Closing Remarks
* Banquet (no host bar)
::''Stadium Club''
* After-dinner speaker: Care for the carer<br>
::''Brian Luke Seaward''
* Music/dancing
The proceedings of the 13th International Symposia on Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights, held at the {{UNI|University of Colorado, Boulder|CU Boulder}} (2014), have not been published.
== Symposium organizers ==
The symposium organizers are [ Sexpo Foundation], [ Genital Autonomy] and the [ National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers].
{{Template:List of International Symposiums}}
* [ Official Brochure of the Thirteenth International Symposium]
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