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American Academy of Pediatrics

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* [[Edgar J. Schoen]]
It is thought that the AAP chooses [[circumcised doctors]] who don't have a [[foreskin]] to its various task forces on circumcision, so personal knowledge and understanding of a normal body part has been lacking on its various task forces. Perhaps the AAP believes that such doctors will be [[Bias| biased]] in favor of [[circumcision]]. The AAP apparently hopes to continue to produce statements in favor of [[circumcision]] so that the collection of revenue, usually by [[third-party payment]], from circumcision can continue.
=== First policy (1971) ===
}}</ref> The new statement attempted to shift responsibility and legal liability from the physician to the parents. The statement claimed that "traditional, cultural, and religious factors" could be considered in making a decision to perform non-therapeutic circumcision upon a boy. The statement did not recognize the boy as a person with human and legal rights to [[physical integrity| bodily integrity ]] and security of the person, nor did it consider [[pain]] control. There was no mention of the numerous [[Foreskin#Physiological_functions| functions of the foreskin]] or of [[Risks and complications| risks and complications]] of [[circumcision]]. The statement contained not a single reference. The result was that medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] could still be performed and doctors could continue to [[Financial incentive| profit thereby]] and anesthesia for surgical [[pain]] was not required.
=== Third policy (1989) ===
The 1975 policy was considered outmoded so a new "task force on circumcision" with circumcision promoter [[Edgar J. Schoen]] as chairman was formed. It is believed that five of the six members of the task force, or 83 percent, were Jewishand none had an [[intact]] [[foreskin]].
This statement claimed for the first time that "potential" medical benefits exist.<ref name="aap1989">{{REFjournal
=== Fifth policy (2012) ===
==== Genesis ====
Several state Medicaid organizations had delisted medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic male circumcision as a covered procedure, which caused alarm at the AAP. The corrupt [[World Health Organization]] (WHO), in a very poor and misguided decision in 2007, falsely claimed that male [[circumcision ]] would reduce [[infection ]] with human immunodeficiency virus ([[HIV]]).<ref name="who2007">{{REFweb
The AAP allied itself with the [[American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists]] (ACOG) and the [[American Academy of Family Physicians]] (AAFP) to produce a new [[circumcision]] policy that would claim a medical benefit. A new task force was named with [[Susan Blank]], a Jewish doctor with pro-[[circumcision]] credentials, as chairwoman. The task force was an unusually large eight-member task force with an unusual constitution. It included:
* Ellen Buerk, {{MD}}, representing the board of directors of the AAP.
* [[Michael Brady]], {{MD}}, an [[HIV]] specialist with pro-circumcision views.
* Waldemar Carlo, {{MD}}, a specialist in the care of the newborn.
* [[Andrew Freedman]], a Jewish urologist from Los Angeles who [[circumcised ]] his own son on the kitchen table.
* [[Douglas Diekema]], a pediatric medical ethicist.
* Lynne Maxwell, {{MD}}, a [[pain]] control specialist.
* Charles LeBaron, {{MD}}, representing the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]], where [[Bias| biased]] doctors had been working to produce a pro-circumcision policy since 2008
* Sabrina Craigo, {{MD}}, representing the [[American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists]], whose fellows make extra money by performing non-therapeutic [[circumcision ]] on newborn baby boys, although males are outside of their practice area.
* Lesley Atwood, {{MD}}, representing the [[American Academy of Family Physicians]]. whose fellows also make extra money by performing non-therapeutic circumcision.
The AAP's difficulties with a child circumcision policy are largely of its own doing. The AAP continues to put its members' financial well-being ahead of the [[human rights]] and well-being of its child patients, which it does by omission of significant information and distortion of the medical facts in its numerous circumcision policy statements. Medical societies outside of the [[United States]] are in near total disagreement with the [[AAP ]] and its American allies with regard to non-therapeutic child [[circumcision]].
Although the AAP speaks very highly of non-therapeutic circumcision, a close reading indicates that it has never made an actual overt recommendation for [[circumcision]], probably because its lawyers forbid it. Nevertheless, a suit has been filed against the [[AAP ]] that alleges fraud in its circumcision statements.<ref name="delaney2021" />
* [[AAP Circumcision Task Force 2012]]
* [[AAFP]]
* [[ACOG]]
* [[Circumcision study flaws]]
* [[Financial incentive]]
* [[Penis]]
* [[Position statements on infant circumcision]]
* [[United States of America]]
* {{REFweb

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