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[[Image:Circumstraint2.jpg|right|thumb|A device used in circumcision ]]
The Circumstraint is made of molded plastic cut in a rectangular form with indentations for the body of the newborn infant boy to fit into. It is equipped with straps to totally immobilize the infant to prevent any movement whatsoeverand effectively prevent the "flight or fight" response to danger
Raymond C. Creelman applied for a patent for this device on 14 December 1953. The patent was granted on 19 June 1956. The patent expired on 19 June 1973.<ref>{{REFweb
}}</ref> Circumcisions were carried out without any kind of pain relief, analgesia, or sedation. The surgical amputation of the highly sensitive [[foreskin]] was done with a wide awake non-anesthetized infant, who would do his best to escape from the intense [[pain]] and [[trauma]] of amputative surgery, so a restraint device was needed so that no greater physical injury was done to the infant than the intended injury of foreskin amputation.
It is now known that infant boys feel [[pain]] fully and more intensely than adults.<ref name="anand1987">{{REFjournal
}}</ref> It is dangerous to give newborn infants general anesthesia, so the only possible pain relief is local nerve block, which is now recommended if a [[circumcision]] is to be done. These are of doubtful efficacy because of multiple nerve pathways in the [[penis]], so baby boys still kick and scream, making the Circumstraint still necessary if a [[circumcision]] is to be done. Parents are reminded that infant circumcision is an unnecessary, non-therapeutic surgical [[amputation]] that does not cure or prevent disease and may does permanently harm infant boys by loss of the protective, immunological, sexual, and sensory functions of his [[foreskin]].<ref name="uberoi2022">{{REFjournal
|title=Potentially under-recognized late-stage physical and psychosexual complications of non-therapeutic neonatal penile circumcision: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of self-reports from an online community forum
[[File:Circumstraint MichaelSGreen.jpg]]
|title=The Body Keeps the Score
|text=When fighting or running does not take care of the threat, we activate the last resort — the reptilian brain, the ultimate emergency system. This system is most likely to engage when we are physically immobilized, as when we are pinned down by an attacker or when a child has no escape from a terrifying caregiver. Collapse and disengagement are controlled by the DVC, an evolutionarily ancient part of the parasympathetic nervous system that is associated with digestive symptoms like diarrhea or nausea. It also slows down the heart and induces shallow breathing. Once this system takes over, other people, and we ourselves, cease to matter. Awareness is shut down, and we may no longer even register physical pain.
|author=Bessel van der Kolk
|last=van der Kolk
|author-link=Bessel van der Kolk
|title=The Body Keeps the Score
|chapter=Chapter Five
|publisher=Penguin Books
* [[Circumcision]]
* [[Pain]]
* [[PTSD]]
* [[Shock]]
* [[Trauma]]
* [[United States of America]]
* {{REFweb
[[Category:Financial gain]]
[[Category:Genital surgery]]
[[Category:Parental information]]

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