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Thomas R. Frieden

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[[Image:Thomas_Frieden.jpg|right|thumb|Thomas R. Frieden]]
Dr. '''Thomas R. Frieden''' , {{MD}}, {{MPH}}, is the current former director of the U.S. [[Centers for Disease Controland Prevention]] and Prevention (CDC) and Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). He was New York City Health Commissioner from 2002–2009.<ref>{{REFweb | quote= | url= | title=CDC Leadership | last= | first= | | website=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | date= | accessdate=2011-04-24}}</ref> As Health Commissioner of New York City, Frieden tried to promote [[circumcision ]] as a way to prevent [[HIV ]] in homosexual males.<ref>{{REFjournal
|title=New York City Plans to Promote Circumcision to Reduce Spread of AIDS
|title=NYC Plans To Recommend Circumcision in Anti-AIDS Crusade
|title=NYC Eyes Circumcision Push To Fight AIDS
}}</ref> He cited the latest African trials and tried to advocate circumcision as [[HIV ]] prevention policy in general.
== [[Metzitzah b'peh]] herpes cases ==In 2005, a [[Metzitzah b'peh| circumcision ritual ]]practiced by some Orthodox Jews alarmed city health officials, after it led to three cases of [[herpes - ]] — one of them fatal.<ref name='commish-letter'/>
[[Image:Metzitzah b peh.gif]]
The New York City Health Commissioner at the time, [[Thomas R. Frieden]], wrote a letter to the Jewish community pardoning the [[Yitzhok Fischer| ''mohel'' involved ]] and dropped the matter as not being a New York City public health issue by stating that "[it] is our preference for the religious community to address these issues itself."<ref name='commish-letter'>{{REFnews
|first=Thomas R.
|date=2005-09-21 |accessdate=2022-06-25
|Title=Acknowledgement of the Problem
|Text=...there is no reasonable doubt that the practice of metzitzah b’peh (“suction by mouth”) has infected several infants in New York City with the [[herpes ]] virus, including one child who died and another who has evidence of brain damage...The connection between metzitzah b’peh and neonatal [[herpes ]] has been documented in the medical literature...
|Author=Thomas R. Frieden
|Title=Downplaying the Dangers of ''Metzitzah B'Peh''
|Text=With an estimated average of fewer than 30 cases of all forms of infant [[herpes ]] infections occurring per year in New York City, the odds of one mohel being associated with 3 cases ofneonatal [[herpes ]] are infinitesimally small (about 6.9 million to 1)...Some religious authorities consider metzitzah b’peh the only acceptable way to draw blood away from the circumcision cut.
|Author=Thomas R. Frieden
Thomas did make a number of recommendations, including the recommendation that the ''[[mohel]]'' place a glass tube or a glass tube attached to a rubber bulb around the infants infant's [[penis ]] before suction so as not to allow the lips of the ''[[mohel]]'' to come in direct contact with the child's [[bleeding ]] penis. However, since a ban was not to be placed, and since "some religious authorities consider metzitzah b’peh the only acceptable way to draw blood", he encouraged parents to "weigh the risks of [[Metzitzah b'peh|metzitzah b’peh]]" before choosing it over alternatives.<ref name='commish-letter'/>
Frieden failed, however, to consider the right of the child to [[physical integrity]], the rights of the child under international [[human rights]] laws or the limitations on consent of parents to non-therapeutic surgery on minor children.<ref name="myers2020">{{REFjournal
|author-link=Alex Myers
|author2-link=Brian D. Earp
|title=What is the best age to circumcise? A medical and ethical analysis
|journal= Bioethics
|quote=Based on a careful consideration of the relevant evidence, arguments and counterarguments, we conclude that medically unnecessary penile circumcision-like other medically unnecessary genital procedures, such as 'cosmetic' labiaplasty-should not be performed on individuals who are too young (or otherwise unable) to provide meaningful consent to the procedure.
* [[Brit Milah]]
* [[HIV]]
* [[Human rights]]
* [[Metzitzah b'peh]]
* [[United States of America]]
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