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# Easier Surgical Procedures. The discovery in 1885 of hypodermic cocaine as a local anaesthetic made it easier for doctors without expertise in the use of chloroform to perform minor surgeries. Several mechanically-aided [[circumcision]] techniques, forerunners of modern clamp-based circumcision methods, were first published in the medical literature of the 1890s, allowing surgeons to perform circumcisions more safely and successfully.
Circumcision was at a statistical height of about 75% of the country from 1950 to 1970. Today it is becoming less popular, partially because of high numbers of Hispanic immigrants, and growing opposition in the more progressive northeast and west . (Although it has declined to some extent, it remains overwhelmingly very common in the Midwest.). Today, the [[Medical trade association| major medical societies]] in the [[USA]] do not recommend elective non-therapeutic infant circumcision. This has long also been the case in the rest of the English-speaking world, which has never seen circumcision rates as high as the [[United States]].
* [[Circumcision: Elephant in the Hospital]]
* [[Pain]]
* [[Trauma]]
* [[United States of America]]

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