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Jake H. Waskett/Editorial

474 bytes added, 23 May
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|title=Cognitive dissonance
|location=Stanford, {{USSC|CA}}
|publisher={{UNI|Stanford University |SU}} Press
==== Cognitive dissonance as it applies to Jake ====
In the case of Jake. Jake spent many years wishing he had been [[circumcised ]]he did tons of research on [[circumcision]], and then he purchased and received a non-therapeutic [[Adolescent and adult circumcision| circumcision]], and then there was the healing process. All these elaborate efforts and rituals add to the invested interest which must be defended. The more time spent on the product you are building, the research spent on an action you are about to perform, the more time in invest in such a matter, the more irreversible the decision, the more you over inflate the value of your end choice. And consequently the more you become predisposed to stronger feelings of cognitive dissonance. People like Jake will most likely experience permanent and strong feelings of cognitive dissonance. Jake is an extreme in all these categories.
Here is Jakes Jake's free choice paradigm right here. He wanted to be [[circumcised ]] and he had already made up his decision about the results before experiencing them. This is the very definition of the free thought paradigm. He had spent a life time embellishing his goal of being circumcised.
Dissonance is aroused when people are confronted with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs. If the dissonance is not reduced by changing one's belief, the dissonance can result in misperception mis-perception or rejection or refutation of the information, seeking support from others who share the beliefs, and attempting to persuade others to restore consonance.<ref name=Festinger1957/>
[[Circlist ]] is a pro circumcision web site, here Jake has found the social support necessary to grow his ideas.
=== Projection ===
==== Projection as it applies to Jake ====
His personal fantasy is to have been [[circumcised ]] as an infant.
Adopting because Jake is a homosexual.
Here he is showing his projection of his his own preference for [[circumcision ]] on to others.
==== Jake's rationalizations of his projections ====
|title=How do men and women feel about circumcision? (online). 2001
}}</ref> Some of these anonymous internet surveys and study's conclude that [[intact ]] men desired circumcision and that [[circumcised ]] men where were content. However, only one study he uses was actually published in a peer reviewed journal, and it found that people where incorrect about their own circumcision status at an alarming rate.<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> This makes the results of self reporting scrupulous. Furthermore [[Intact ]] men are typically made to feel outcast in a majority [[circumcised ]] U.S. Since humans value conformity so much<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> this effect, if it exists, will exist no longer because the majority of children born today in the U.S. are left [[intact]].<ref>{{REFnews
|first=Roni Caryn
}}</ref> Also, younger people tend to value conformity more then adults, so an internet surveys geared toward younger people will yield results infavor in favor of conformity.
Therefore It is irrational to project a preference for [[circumcision ]] onto infant children based on such information.
Jake goes further to supply study's studies of adult men who underwent [[adult circumcision| circumcision]], some study participants reported an improvement,<refname="masood2005">{{REFjournal
}}</ref> Another study was from Africa where sexual practices have absolutely no resemblance of sexual practices in the U.S.<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> In any event it is flawed to use such study's to rationalize a projection because as i discussed above in the section on cognitive dissonance, human animals are programed to over state the value of their end decision while simultaneously rationalizing the effort it took to get irreversibly [[circumcised ]] as an adult.
Jake goes on to use another study of self assessment in determining the sensitivity of the [[foreskin]].<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> But as discussed earlier people are not even able to determine their own [[circumcision ]] status much less the five components of the [[foreskin ]] and their [[Foreskin sensitivity| sensitivity]].
In any event Jake has combed the internet for what ever information, flawed or not, he required in order to rationalize his projections.
{{SEEALSO}}* [[Bias]]* [[Jake H. Waskett]]* [[Wikipedia bias on circumcision]]* [[United Kingdom]]
[[Category:From CircLeaks]]
[[Category:From IntactWiki]]

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