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Circumcised doctors

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'''Circumcised doctors''' are male doctors who were [[circumcised ]] as infants, so they lack any personal knowledge and experience of a normal male body part the [[foreskin]] of a normal, complete, functional [[penis]]. Circumcised doctors, as compared with [[intact]], [[foreskinned]] doctors , tend to be highly [[Bias| biased]] in favor of non-therapeutic infant [[circumcision]].<ref name="hill2017">{{REFjournal |last=Hill |first=George |init=GCircumcised doctors are more likely to give poor advice on the care |author-link=George Hill |title=The case against circumcision |journal=Journal of intact boysMen's Health and Gender |date=2007 |volume=4 |issue=3 |pages=318-323 |url= |quote= |format=PDF |accessdate=2023-10-01}}</ref>
[[Circumcised]] doctors are more likely to give poor advice on the care of [[intact]] boys. According to Bigelow (1995)
America is not a generally a safe place for a [[foreskin]] regardless of the [[intact]] male's age. Most American doctors are neither trained or skilled in the less radical treatment procedures used in other countries. Av a result, they often recommend [[circumcision]] in situations that could be treated by less severe measures.<ref>{{REFbook
|last=Bigelow, Ph.D
|author-link=Jim Bigelow
|title=The Joy of Uncircumcising
|edition=Second Edition
|chapter=The circumcised American penis
[[Circumcised ]] doctors tend to be concentrated in such nations as Turkey and other Islamic nations, [[Israel]], the [[United States of America]] and to a lesser extent, other English-speaking nations.
American [[medical trade association| medical trade associations]], such as
* the [[American Academy of Family Physicians]]
* the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]]
* the [[American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists| American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists]]
* the [[American Urological Association]]
are heavily populated with [[circumcised ]] doctors, so their pronouncements on male [[circumcision]], as compared with those of other nations, tend to be [[Bias| biased ]] in favor of male [[circumcision]].<ref name="goldman2004goldman2005">{{REFjournal
There are hundreds of thousands of [[circumcised ]] doctors, many of them of Jewish heritage. Some notable examples of [[circumcised ]] doctors are:
* [[Robert C. Bailey]]
* [[Benjamin E. Dawson]]
* [[Aaron J. Fink]]
* [[Andrew Freedman]]
* [[Hershel Goldman]]
* [[David Golovsky]]
* [[Ronald H. Gray]]
* [[Alan F. Guttmacher]]
* [[James Heilman]]
* [[Murray Katz]]
* [[John N. Krieger]]
* [[M. J. Moses]]
* [[Stephen Moses]]
* [[Neil Pollock]]
* [[Terry Russell]]
* [[Edgar J. Schoen]]
* [[Aaron Tobian]]
* [[Peter Wein]]
* [[Gerald N. Weiss]]
* [[Thomas E. Wiswell]]
* [[Alex D. Wodak]]
* [[Abraham L. Wolbarst]]
}}</ref> & [[Gregory J. Boyle|Boyle]] et al. (2002)<ref>{{REFjournal |last=Boyle |first=Gregory J. |init=GJ |author-link=Gregory J. Boyle |last2=Goldman |first2=Ronald |init2=R |author2-link=Ronald Goldman |last3=Svoboda |first3=J. Steven |init3=JS |author3-link=J. Steven Svoboda |last4=Fernandez |first4=Ephrem |init4=E |author4-link= |etal=no |title=Male circumcision: pain, trauma and psychosexual sequelae |journal=J Health Psychol |location= |date=BoyleGJ GoldmanR SvobodaJS FernandezE 2002 |volume=7 |issue=3 |pages=329-343 |url= |quote= |pubmedID=22114254 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1177/135910530200700310 |accessdate=2020-03-16}}</ref> report that [[circumcision ]] is traumatic, so one may expect that [[circumcised ]] doctors experienced [[trauma ]] and that their behavior is impacted.
* Stein et al. (1982) sent out questionnaires regarding [[circumcision ]] practice to medical doctors in San Diego, California. The questionnnaire included questions about personal [[circumcision ]] status. The authors reported:
Older and [[circumcised ]] physicians were more likely than either younger or uncircumcised physicians to maintain a positive attitude about routine neonatal circumcision. Although the number of female physicians in this study was limited, they were less likely than male physicians to favor circumcision.<ref name="stein1982">{{REFjournal
* LeBourdais (1995) reported the [[circumcision]] status of the physician is a factor, among others, in determining if a baby is to be [[circumcised]].<ref name="lebourdais1995">{{REFjournal
* [[Ronald Goldman|Goldman]] (1999) reported [[circumcised ]] doctors will write papers to support non-therapeutic circumcision:
One reason that flawed studies are published is that science is affected by cultural values. A principal method of preserving cultural values is to disguise them as truths that are based on scientific research. This 'research' can then be used to support questionable and harmful cultural values such as circumcision. This explains the claimed medical 'benefits' of circumcision.<ref name="goldman1999"/></blockquote>
* [[Ronald Goldman|Goldman]] (20042005) stated, "On the other hand, there are various factors that may contribute to or suggest a bias in favour of circumcision. A survey of randomly selected primary care physicians showed that [[circumcision ]] was more often supported by doctors who were older, male and [[circumcised]]."<ref name="goldman2004goldman2005" />
* Andries J. Muller (2010) conducted a survey of Saskatchewan medical doctors in specialties that perform non-therapeutic neonatal circumcision. He reported "the circumcision status of, especially, the male respondents played a huge role in whether they were in support of circumcision, or not." The circumcision status of their sons was a secondary factor.<ref>{{REFjournal
|journal=BJU Int
* [[George Hill|Hill]] (2012) wrote:
Medical doctors in [[Australia]], [[Canada]], and the [[United States ]] practiced [[circumcision ]] in the twentieth century, so these nations have a heavy proportion of [[circumcised ]] men, some of whom become medical doctors. These [[circumcised ]] male doctors share the same [[bias]] in favor of male circumcision as do other circumcised males. Male doctors who were [[circumcised ]] as infants are more likely to recommend [[circumcision ]] of infants to parents.<ref>{{REFweb
==Identifying a suitable doctor for an intact male==
[[Your Whole Baby]] has long been aware of the issues with American [[circumcised]] doctors, so the organization has created a list of doctors who are reported to be "foreskin friendly" to which parents of [[intact]] boys may refer. The list is only for the [[United States]].
Please see:
* [ Intact friendly doctors list]
* [[Adamant father syndrome]]
* [[Bias]]
* [[Forced foreskin retraction]]
* [[Care of intact, foreskinned boys]]
* [[Issues with American urologists and the practice of male circumcision]]
* [[Psychological issues of male circumcision]]
* [[Regret doctor]]
* [[Trauma]]

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