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Twenty-first century articles: Place articles in chronological order.
Some of the literature cited here will include certain articles of a psychological nature that appeared in medical journals.
===Articles=======Twentieth century articles====
* {{REFbook
* {{TaddioA KatzJ IlersichAL KorenG 1997}}
* {{REFjournal
|title=Children have feelings too
|quote=At times, he literally roared with rage. This was interspersed with more quiet reflective periods when I would catch him staring down at his penis with tears in his eyes.
* {{REFjournal
* {{REFjournal
|title=Facing loss
|quote=Although the death of a spouse or child is a public event that seldom goes unrecognised, many other types of loss do not attract attention or support to those who suffer them. This has been called disenfranchised grief.
====Twenty-first century articles===* {{REFdocument |title=El Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático (PTSD) de Larga Duración como Resultado de la Cirugía Genital de los Menores |url= |last=Boyle |first=GJ |init=GJ |author-link=Gregory J. Boyle |publisher=III Congreso Nacional de Psicología: "Violencia y Salud Mental", San Salvador, El Salvador |language=spanish |format= |date=2000-10-06 |accessdate=2024-07-01}}* {{REFconference |last=Gemmell |first=T |author-link= |coauthors=GJ Boyle |coauthors-link=Gregory J. Boyle |title=Neonatal Circumcision: Its Long-Term Harmful Effects |trans-title= |language= |url= |archived= |place=Wesley College, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia |publisher=Sixth International Symposium on Genital Integrity |source= |date= |datefrom=2000-12-07 |dateto=2000-12-10 |accessdate=2024-06-30}}* {{REFjournal |last=Boyle |first= |init=GJ |author-link=Gregory J. Boyle |last2=Bensley |first2= |init2=GA |author2-link= |etal=no |title=Adverse sexual and psychological effects of male infant circumcision |trans-title= |language= |journal=Psychol Rep |location=Missoula |date=2001-06 |volume=88(3 Pt 2) |issue= |pages=1105-6 |url= |archived= |quote=A survey of the 35 female and 42 gay sexual partners of circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 53 circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 30 genitally intact men themselves indicated that circumcised men experienced significantly reduced sexual sensation along with associated long-lasting negative emotional consequences. |pubmedID=11597060 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.2466/pr0.2001.88.3c.1105 |accessdate=2024-06-29}}
* {{REFbook
* {{REFconference
|author-link=Gregory J. Boyle
|title=Los efectos adversos sobre la salud mental de larga duración como resultado de la circuncisión no terapéutica de los niños
|place=Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires
|publisher=VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología de la Salud
* {{BoyleGJ GoldmanR SvobodaJS FernandezE 2002}}
* {{REFjournal
|first=Gillian A.
|first2=Gregory J.
|author2-link=Gregory J. Boyle
|title=Effects of male circumcision on female arousal and orgasm
|journal=N Z Med J
* {{REFjournal
|author-link=Ronald Goldman
|title=Circumcision policy: a psychosocial perspective
|journal=Paedatrics & Child Health (Ottawa)
|quote=Perhaps future candidates for membership in circumcision policy committees should disclose their circumcision status (previously suggested), number of circumcisions performed, circumcision status of any male children, and religious or ethnic background. Disclosure of this information would help in the assessment of the credibility of the committee and its work.
* {{REFjournal
|author-link=George Hill
|title=Circumcision and human behavior: The emotional and behavioral effects of circumcision
|journal=Genital Wholeness
|quote=Medical doctors adopted male circumcision from religious practice into medical practice in England in the 1860s and in the United States in the 1870s. No thought was given to the possible behavioral effects of painful operations that excise important protective erogenous tissue from the male phallus.
* {{REFjournal
* {{REFjournal
|last=Goldman |first=RonaldNarvaez |init=RDF |author-link=Ronald GoldmanDarcia Narvaez |etalurl=no |title=Circumcision policy: a psychosocial perspectiveCircumcision’s Psychological Damage |journal=Paedatrics & Child Health (Ottawa) |location=Psychology Today |date=20052015-01-11 |volume=9 |issue=9 |pages=630 |quote=The control group babies were in so much pain—some began choking and one even had a seizure—they decided it was unethical to continue. It is important to also consider the effects of post-3operative pain in circumcised infants (regardless of whether anesthesia is used), which is described as “severe” and “persistent”. |accessdate=2024-06-28}}* {{REFjournal |last=Narvaez |init=DF |author-link=Darcia Narvaez |url=https://www.circumcisionpsychologytoday.orgcom/us/blog/wpmoral-contentlandscapes/docs201506/CircumcisionPolicy_A_Psychosocial_Perspective.pdfpractical-tips-men-distressed-their-circumcision |quotetitle=Perhaps future candidates Practical Tips for membership in circumcision policy committees should disclose their circumcision status (previously suggested), number of circumcisions performed, circumcision status of any male children, and religious or ethnic background. Disclosure of this information would help in the assessment of the credibility of the committee and its work.Men Distressed by Their Circumcision |journal=Psychology Today |date=2015-06-21 |pubmedIDvolume=19675851 |pubmedCIDissue=2724127 |DOIpages=10.1093/pch/9.9.630 |formatquote=PDFOne of the (many) problems with circumcision is that circumcised men often suffer in silence, for fear of being thought weak or weird if they complain. |accessdate=2024-06-2428
* {{REFjournal
* [[Pain]]
* [[Psychological issues of male Medical literature about child circumcision]]
* [[Trauma]]

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