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Northside Hospital

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Circumcision gone wrong
The child, who is not 5 years old, had his penis severely burned in a mishap in August 1985. His attorneys said he will never be able to function sexually as a normal male and will require extensive reconstructive surgery and psychological counseling as well as lifelong urological care and treatment by infectious disease specialists.<ref name="seabrook1991" />
The second boy, who is identified as "Baby Doe", has been described as "sterile and completely incapable of reproduction". He has received a sex change operation and will be reared as a female,<ref name="seabrook1991" /> although that treatment failed in the case of David Reimer.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=David Reimer, 38; After Botched Surgery, He Was Raised as a Girl in Gender Experiment
|quote=He committed suicide May 4 in his hometown of Winnipeg, Canada.
}}</ref> His case has been settled out of court.<ref name="seabrook1991" />
The surgeon who performed these mutilating surgeries has never been publically identifed.
* [[Informed consent]]

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