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Terry Russell

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reformatted REFweb
Dr Charles Terence Russell is a Queensland GP who has specialized in circumcision for boys since 1993.<ref name='russel'>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Brisbane Circumcision Practitioner | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-04-07
}}</ref> Since then he has performed more circumcisions (20,000+) than anyone else in Australia.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Secret boys business | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-04-07
Dr Russell was fined and reprimanded for opportunistically diagnosing and performing hundreds of tongue-tie surgeries while performing circumcisions during 1999. The Review committee found there were no clinical indications for the services.<!-- <ref>{{REFcontribution
| contribution=Letter of Transmittal | url= | title=Professional Services Review | pages=17 | date=2004-10-05 | accessdate=2011-04-07
}}</ref>--> This is not mentioned in the section of Dr Russell on the Queensland Medical Board website, which implies he has a clean record.
Dr Russell received an Order of Australia for breaking the world record by catching the largest black marlin.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote=RUSSELL, Charles Terence George: Medal of the Order of Australia, 12 June 1989 | url= | title=Search Australian Honours - Simple Search | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-04-07
| quote=M- 6kg (12lb) 166.92kg ( 368lb) World Sept 16, 1975 Terry Russell | url= | title=Lizard Island Game Fish Club Records | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-04-07
}}</ref> It was stated on his website that he had received the Order of Australia, but not the reason. It is likely a reader could presume he received the order for research or even doing circumcision, when in fact it was for fishing.
Dr Russell experimented with the use of Eutectic mixture of Local Anesthetic (EMLA) cream on infants in 1993 onwards.<ref name='russel'/>
This was at a time the manufacturers of EMLA advised against the use of EMLA on infants.<ref name=cirp-emla>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=EMLA topical anaesthetic for neonatal circumcision | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-04-07
Parents are instructed to apply a generous amount of EMLA cream prior to surgery on their boy.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Preparing for the Proceedure | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-04-07
EMLA was found to be the least effective anesthesia during infant circumcision.<ref>{{REFjournal
| last= | first= | coauthors= | date=1997-12-24 | title=Comparison of Ring Block, Dorsal Penile Nerve Block, and Topical Anesthesia for Neonatal Circumcision: A Randomized Controlled Trial | journal=Journal of the American Medical Association | volume=278 | issue=24 | pages=2157-2162 | url= | quote= | pubmedID= | pubmedCID= | DOI= | accessdate=2011-04-07
| Title=Cancer | Text=Neonatal circumcision prevents cancer of the penis, which only affects uncircumcised males. | Author= | Source=Australian Doctor, 1996| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation=
His website also claims that circumcision decreases the risk of HIV infection.<ref>{{REFjournal
| last= | first= | coauthors= | date=1996-09-20 | title=Non-Circumcision a Legal Risk | journal=Australian Doctor | volume= | issue= | pages=57 | url= | quote= | pubmedID= | pubmedCID= | DOI= | accessdate=2011-05-02
Dr Russell has frequently promoted circumcision in the media: TV, radio, newspapers etc.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=‘Willy-nilly' circumcision debate in Tasmania | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-05-02
| quote= | url= | title=Snip decisions | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date=2009-07-13 | accessdate=2011-05-02
| last= | first= | coauthors= | date=2008-08-16 | title=Not such an unkind cut, after all | journal=The Australian | volume= | issue= | pages= | url= | quote=Evidence that circumcision helps fight disease is behind a re-evaluation of its benefits. | pubmedID= | pubmedCID= | DOI= | accessdate=2011-05-02
After interviewing Dr Russell journalists typically describe his Plastibell method as being completely painless, bloodless and not involving any cutting.<ref name="health-fear">{{REFjournal
| last= | first= | coauthors= | date=2007-05-13 | title=Health fear drives circumcision comeback | journal=The Age | volume= | issue= | pages= | url= | quote= | pubmedID= | pubmedCID= | DOI= | accessdate=2011-05-02
He has been reported as performing 5 circumcisions before 10am.<ref name="health-fear"/>
He typically charges from $400 to $700 per circumcision for a young baby (2009 figure).<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Circumscision | last= | first= | publisher= | work= | date= | accessdate=2011-05-02
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