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Rights situation on circumcision

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Non-therapeutic circumcision of children is not only one of the most widespread surgical operations in the world, but also one of the oldest. It is probably due to this long tradition, that despite its violating the common basic rights to bodily integrity and medical ethics in the western world, it is still widely tolerated there, even though there are barely any legal exemptions in place. The few regulations, which mostly emerged in the recent past, usually only deal with the basic conditions. They regulate how and under what conditions the operation should be carried out, while the general compatibility with basic human rights is rarely questioned, let alone taken into consideration.
== Examples of legal regulations==The following information is partly taken from the German Wikipedia:<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Regelung der Beschneidung Minderjähriger in einzelnen Staaten |trans-title=Regulation of circumcision of minors in individual states |language=German |website=Wikipedia |accessdate=2019-10-12}}</ref> ==
=== Austria ===
In August 2007 the ''Oberlandesgericht'' (upper regional court) Frankfurt/Main found that the decision about a circumcision, because of the "bodily modifications that cannot be reversed [...] belongs to the core of a person's rights to decide upon for themselves".
The ''Landgericht'' (regional court) of Cologne, in a second trial, ruled on May 7th, 2012<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Rechtsprechung: LG Köln, 07.05.2012 - 151 Ns 169/11 |trans-title=Court: LG Cologne, 07 May 2012 - 151 Ns 169/11 |language=German |accessdate=2019-10-12}}</ref>, that circumcision is a bodily assault, which is not justified by the religious motivation and wishes of the parents and is not in the interest of a child's well-being.
The ruling from May 2012 sparked fierce protests by representatives of religious groups, which were instantly answered by politicians with the assurance that religiously motivated circumcision of underage Muslim and Jewish boys in Germany would remain legal.
Therefore, a non-therapeutic circumcision of a male child lacking competence and understanding for whatever reason is generally legal. A right of veto for the affected boys was turned down in parliament, as well as a proposed change destined to introduce an evaluation of the regulations after five years. Giving the Ministry of Heath the right to determine more specific guidance - for example regarding pain management and the qualification and training of non-medical circumcisers - by issuing additional regulations was also rejected. A call for mandatory documentation of non-therapeutic circumcisions was ignored. Merely stating the intent to have the operation performed according to proper medical standards was considered sufficient.
In December 2012, a representative poll done by Infratest dimap revealed that only 24 percent of the interviewed citizens were in favour of the law, while 70 percent explicitly disapproved of it.<ref>{{REFweb |url= und |title=Große Mehrheit der Bevölkerung lehnt Beschneidungsgesetz ab |trans-title=Large majority of population rejects circumcision law |language=German |publisher=[[MOGiS e.V.]] |accessdate=2019-10-12}}</ref><ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Bewertung der gesetzlichen Regelung zu Beschneidungen |trans-title=Evaluation of the legal regulation on circumcisions |language=German |publisher=infratest dimap |accessdate=2019-10-12}}</ref>
=== Finland ===
Baby [[foreskin]]s are a coveted resource. Under the name "Apligraf" an artificial skin product is marketed worldwide, which is used - among other uses - as an alternative to skin grafts using the patient’s own skin. It is grown from the [[foreskin]]s of children as young as possible. Since they are also mostly free of pathogenic organisms, they are also used as the basis for collagen, which is, among other purposes, used for anti wrinkle therapy and for lip augmentation. The manufacturer of the british product "Vavelta" advertised with the use of "freshly harvested (!) [[foreskin]]s". It is ''inter alia'' used as a replacement for animal experiments testing the compatibility of cosmetic products. In the face of the falling numbers of routine infant circumcisions in the USA, manufacturers have already expressed concerns that they might not "bring in enough harvest" more than 10 years ago. The parents of the circumcised boys, however, very rarely know of the "secondary use" of their son's "donated" body parts. While preimplantation genetic diagnosis, stem cell research and genetic engineering are time and again critically questioned and discussed, the lifelong, significant modification of infant bodies for the good of the cosmetic industry is still common practice - supposedly partly because many women do not know what their augmented lips and wrinkle-free cheeks are made of - baby [[foreskin]]. An ethical justification cannot be valid here.
* [[Jurisprudence]]
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