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Seyran Ateş

467 bytes added, 14:00, 17 October 2019
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'''Seyran Ateş''' (* April 20, 1963 in Istanbul, Turkey), is a German lawyer, author and feminist with Turkish and Kurdish roots.
In 2017, Ateş has initiated and founded the Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque in Berlin, which stands for a liberal islam, separating secular and religious power and seeking a contemporary and gender-oriented interpretation of the Qur'an and the Hadith.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=„Pluralität und Vielfalt sind ein Grundsatz im Islam“ |trans-title="Plurality and diversity are a principle in Islam" |language=German |publisher=Deutschlandfunk |date=2017-06-21 |accessdate=2019-10-17}}</ref>
Since May 2018, she is an [[intaktiv]] Ambassador. Her statement:
| Author=Seyran Ateş
| Source=intaktiv-Website
| ref=<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Seyran Ateş, Rechtsanwältin und Autorin |trans-title=Seyran Ateş, lawyer and author |language=German |publisher=[[intaktiv]] |accessdate=2019-10-17}}</ref>
|trans-title=University of Oslo honors human rights lawyer Ates
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