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Rakai Health Sciences Program

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The [[Rakai Project|Rakai Health Sciences Program]] (RHSP) is a program that began in 1987 in Uguanda, Africa to investigate the then-mysterious HIV.<ref name="rakai-history">{{REFweb
| last=Rakai Project | first= | year= | title=History of the Rakai Health Sciences Program | url= | accessdate=2011-05-02
}}</ref> The [[Rakai Project|RHSP]] is headed by husband and wife team [[Ronald Gray]] and [[Maria Wawer]] (the Senior Principal Investigators),<ref>{{REFweb
| last=Rakai Project | first= | year= | title=Our People at Johns Hopkins University | url= | accessdate=2011-05-02
}}</ref> who conduct biased research to look for justifications in rolling out mass circumcision programs around the world.<ref name="rakai-jhsph">{{REFweb
| last=JohnsHopkinsSPH | first= | year=12/1/2012-01-10 | title=Rakai Project | url= | accessdate=
}}</ref> The [[Rakai Project|RHSP]] is funded by the [[Johns Hopkins]] Bloomberg School for Public Health, the Uguanda Virus Research Institute, the [[National Institutes of Health]], and the [[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]].<ref>{{REFweb
| last=Rakai Project | first= | year= | title=Rakai Health Sciences Program | url= | accessdate=2011-05-02
| last=Kong | first=Xiangrong | coauthors= | url= | title=18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, Massachusetts | date=February 2011-02-28, 2011 | publisher= | quote=Longer-term Effects of Male Circumcision on HIV Incidence and Risk Behaviors during Post-trial Surveillance in Rakai, Uganda | accessdate=2011-05-02 | pages = 36
}} [ Acknowledgements slide] [ Video of Presentation with Slides and Audio Download Link]</ref>
| Title=Rakai Project Doctor Promotes Circumcision | Text=It's been hard to change policy because it's a whole new paradigm. We've never used surgery to prevent an infectious disease. Policy makers had to take some time to really wrap their minds around it. | Author=Ronald Gray | Source=Rakai Project| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref>[ JohnsHopkinsSPH. (2010). ''Rakai Project.'' YouTube.]</ref>
At the Rakai clinic, a propaganda music video promoting circumcision plays continuously in the waiting room.<ref>{{REFweb
| last=JohnsHopkinsSPH | first= | year=12/1/2012-01-10 | title=Rakai Project | url= | accessdate=
| last=smugamba | first= | year=6/2006-10/-10 | title=Rakai male circumcision video by Stephen Mugamba feat Jemima Sanyu.mpg | url= | accessdate=
| Title=Chorus Lyrics | Text=Men should be circumcised | Author= | Source=
| Title=Bridge/Outro Lyrics (female singer) | Text=Circumcision has got many benefits. You'll become clean, clean, and cleaner... and when the men are circumcised, it reduces sexual infections in women. Circumcision is SO GOOD. Circumcision is SO SAFE. Men should be circumcised! | Author= | Source=
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