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Jay Buenafe

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reformatted date values; merged some REFs
|publisher=Winnipeg Parent
|quote=Dr. Buenafe went to Vancouver and worked intensively with Dr. Pollock under his careful supervision.
|date=2012-06-16 Jun 2012
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=He went to Vancouver to learn Dr. Neil Pollock's circumcision technique...
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
|publisher=Winnipeg Parent
|date=2012-06-16 Jun 2012
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=Buenafe, who came to Canada from the Philippines in 2002.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> where circumcision is considered a right of passage, and 80% of Filipino males are circumcised, according to the WHO.<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=In the Philippines, non-religious circumcision is routine and is performed on more than 80 per cent of baby boys, the World Health Organization reports.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> As a member of the Filipino community, Buenafe caters mainly to the Filipino community,<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=<q>I'd been getting lots of demand from my patients, specifically in the Filipino community,</q> said Dr. Jay Buenafe.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> although he also extends his services to non-Filipinos.<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=<q>"and people from different religious sectors and foreign countries who have this as a tradition,</q> he said.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=This is the bulk of my practice.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> Even before adopting the [[Mogen]] technique from [[Neil Pollock]] (Buenafe started using it in April, 2012.),<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=...Buenafe started using it at his Jefferson Avenue clinic this month.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> Buenafe had already been performing circumcisions for a number of years among the Canadian Filipino community,<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=He's been performing circumcisions for a number of years for Filipino-Canadian patients' newborn boys...
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> as well as for parents of other religious and ethnic backgrounds.<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=<q>and people from different religious sectors and foreign countries who have this as a tradition,</q> he said.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> Buenafe charges $299 per newborn circumcision.<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=<Buenafe charges $299 to perform the procedure on babies younger than two months.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref> (Source last checked on June 17, 2012)
(An interesting note: As of April 2012, the Canadian Pediatric Society has not yet reviewed the so-called "Pollock" (AKA [[Mogen]]) method.<refname="Sanders-2012">{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=A society spokesperson said Wednesday the Pollock method Buenafe performs hasn't been reviewed.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
Except for a few changes in wording, Buenafe's "Parents' Guide to Circumcision" page is nearly identical, to those of [[Neil Pollock]] and [[Pierre Crouse]], advertizing the [[Mogen]] technique as taking less than a minute, and advertizing identical pain control methods of Tylenol, sugar, and a local anaesthetic injection.<refname="Buenafe">{{REFweb
|quote=We use extensive pain control methods including Tylenol, a sugar solution (to reduce pain perceptions), a topical freezing cream, and a local anesthetic injection.
}}</ref><ref>{{REFweb |quote=We use extensive pain control methods including Tylenol, a sugar solution (to reduce pain perceptions), a topical freezing cream, and a local anesthetic injection. |url= |title=Parent's Guides to Circumcision |last= |first= |publishername="Buenafe Infant Circumcision |website= |date= |accessdate=2012-06-16}}<"/ref><ref>{{REFweb
|quote=A relatively new approach has recently been developed that allows for a virtually painless and bloodless procedures to be done safely in seconds.
}}</ref> As Pollock, Pierre Crouse, Buenafe announces that the pain control methods used are Tylenol, sugar, a topical cream, and a local anaesthetic injection.<ref>{{REFweb |quote=We use extensive pain control methods including Tylenol, a sugar solution (to reduce pain perceptions), a topical freezing cream, and a local anesthetic injection. |url= |title=Parent's Guides to Circumcision |last= |first= |publishername="Buenafe Infant Circumcision |website= |date= |accessdate=2012-06-16}}<"/ref> The topical anaesthetic only serves to numb the area to lessen the pain of the injection, but studies have shown that a dorsal penile ring block is not always effective in stopping the pain of circumcision.<ref>{{REFjournal
|first=H. William
|date=2002-04 |note=April/May 2002
}}</ref><ref name='Clinical Pediatrics August 1986'>{{REFjournal
|date=August 1986-08
}}</ref> During the circumcision, the child is given sugar to "reduce his pain perceptions", but in at least one study, data shows that giving sugar to a child doesn't help to reduce the perception of pain in the child.<ref name='Lancet, The 2010-10-09'>{{REFjournal
|date=2002-04 |note=April/May 2002
}}</ref> Mogen went out of business<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=<q>The Canadian Pediatric Society still doesn't recommend it,</q> he said.
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
}}</ref>(The Canadian Pediatric Society has said there is no point to circumcision since 1982.<ref>{{REFnews
|publisher=Winnipeg Free Press
|quote=Since 1982, the Canadian Pediatric Society...
|date=2012-04-19 Apr 2012
In addition, as of April 2012, the Canadian Pediatric Society has not yet reviewed the so-called "Pollock" (AKA [[Mogen]]) method.<ref>{{REFnews |lastname="Sanders |first=Carol |url= |title=New circumcision method faster, safer: MD |publisher=Winnipeg Free Press |quote=A society spokesperson said Wednesday the Pollock method Buenafe performs hasn't been reviewed. |date=19 Apr 2012 |accessdate=2012-06-16}}<"/ref
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