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39 bytes added, 22:32, 22 April 2015
Moral reasons: Historical background
With the [[foreskin]], circumcision removes approximately 70% of the sensitive tissue of the [[penis]], lowering the potential for sexual stimulation accordingly. Due to the loss of around 50% of the entire penile skin, the [[penis]] loses the reserve skin that provides cutaneous mobility in the erect [[penis]] and the gliding action.
In the past, this circumstance was used to make it harder for boys to masturbate, as masturbation was viewed as immoral and was assumed to cause a variety of diseases. More on that can be found in the chapter "historical [[Circumcision#Historical_background|Historical background]]". Today, it is known that masturbation has no negative health effects, but can contribute positively to the child's sexual development. Sexuality is no longer a taboo nowadays, while masturbation is considered to be a natural part of human sexuality and is no longer seen as immoral. Therefore, circumcision for moral reasons - which would only affect boys too young to give informed consent - is no longer justifiable nowadays.
=== Hygiene reasons ===
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