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Documented severe complications of circumcision

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Fixed date format error. Updated REFweb formattings. Wikified Fatalities.
"[S]ome of the serious complications that can occur during the procedure include death from excess bleeding and amputation of the glans penis. Postoperative complications include the formation of skin bridges between the shaft and the glans, infection, urinary retention (this has caused deaths), meatal ulcer, impetigo, fistulas, loss of penile sensitivity, sexual dysfunction and oedema of the glans." They also acknowledge that the frequency of complications is "underestimated because events occuring after the discharge are not captured [in the discharge sheet]" and sometimes are treated at a different hospital.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Neonatal and child male circumcision: a global review | last=Weiss | first=Helen | publisher=UNAIDS | work= | date=2010 | accessdate=2012-11-23
"There are good reasons for a legal prohibition of non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors, as exists for female genital mutilation. However, the KNMG fears that a legal prohibition would result in the intervention being performed by non-medically qualified individuals in circumstances in which the quality of the intervention could not be sufficiently guaranteed."<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Viewpoint about non-therapeutic circumcision of minors | last= | first= | publisher=KNMG | work= | date=2010 | accessdate=2012-11-23
== Deaths from circumcision ==
 A new The page will be added shortly to document [[Fatalities]] documents recorded deaths as a result of complications from a circumcision surgery.
== Loss of sensitivity ==
The boy, of nine years of age, was circumcised 5 years ago, in Barberton Hospital in [,_Mpumalanga Barberton], South Africa. The glans was amputated. The intern who performed the procedure reattached the glans, but five days later it separated again. A new procedure was performed to attach it one more time, and it failed again. According to his mother, the boy to this day feels pain when he urinates, and the doctor told her he will need to undergo further medical treatments in order to be able to have sex in the future, and may have some sexual dysfunction related to decreased sensation and inability to reach orgasm due to the amputation of the glans according to an urologist. There may also be resulting psycho-social problems as a consequence of the amputation, related to low self-esteem.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=R10m lawsuit over botched circumcision | last= | first= | publisher=iol News | work= | date=2013-06-07 | accessdate=2013-06-09
On May 30th, a baby became unconscious during a circumcision ceremony in Israel. Paramedics found the baby was not breathing and had no pulse. They performed resuscitation techniques and took the baby to the hospital in critical condition. The baby died on June 7th. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel attributes the death to a "previously existing medical condition". According to Jewish Press, "After investigating the circumstances of the case, it was discovered that the circumcision had actually been performed flawlessly, and apparently baby choked during feeding".<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Baby Dies in Israeli Hospital following Circumcision | last= | first= | publisher=Jewish Press | work= | date=2013-06-07 | accessdate=2019-09-03
| quote= | url= | title= Baby in critical condition after circumcision | last= | first= | publisher=Times of Israel | work= | date=2013-05-30 | accessdate=2013-06-07
The family of a 3-year-old child whose penis was cut off during a collective circumcision feast in the southeastern [ province of Batman], Turkey has demanded 2 million Turkish Liras in compensation from the Ministry of Health by applying to the Council of State.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Child's penis cut off in circumcision feast, family claims two million TL compensation | last= | first= | publisher=Hurriyet Daily News | work= | date=2013-01-06 | accessdate=2012-11-23
Attorneys Timothy S. Tomasik and Daniel M. Kotin, of Tomasik Kotin Kasserman LLC, represented the plaintiff. According to Kotin, "The defendants claimed that this was a known complication which could happen during a circumcision. But the truth is, it is the oldest surgical procedure known to man and the most common one performed on baby boys in America. If this was truly a known risk, then nobody would dare have a circumcision."<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Seven-Figure Verdict in "Botched" Circumcision Case | last= | first= | publisher=Wall Street Journal | work= | date=2013-05-29 | accessdate=2013-06-07
Two New York City Jewish newborns contracted herpes in three from oral suctioning (Metzitzah b'Peh) conducted during ritual circumcision (Bris Milah), according to New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In January 2013, New York’s health department began mandating parents of infants about to undergo ritual Jewish circumcision to sign a consent form permitting mohels to use the oral method, known as metzitzah b’peh. In the recent case of herpes contraction, the parents did not sign that form, The Forward reported. The infant survived, but it is not yet clear whether he sustained any long-term damage.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=NYC baby gets herpes from circumcision ritual | last= | first= | publisher=Jerusalen Jerusalem Post | work= | date=2013-04-05 | accessdate=2013-06-07
Imran's grandfather Ayub Khan said: "The circumcision was carried out by Dr Tayyab Khan, a physician at Sania Hospital. He is not a surgeon. The licence of the hospital should be cancelled for carelessness."<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=7-year-old loses genitals after circumcision, fighting for life | last=Sharma | first=Rajendra | publisher=Times of India | work= | date=2012-11-23 | accessdate=2012-11-23
Saudi Arabia, August 02, 2012. Father of child who lapsed into coma after circumcision procedure demands probe. After investigations, doctors found that the child had a severe lung infection caused by the anesthesia. He was hooked to a mechanical ventilator and given antibiotics. The next day, the ICU doctor called the father and told him that Muhammad’s condition had deteriorated further and he suffered from a collapsed lung. Doctors operated on the child to stabilize his condition.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Father of child who lapsed into coma after circumcision procedure demands probe | last= | first= | publisher=Saudi Gazette | work= | date=2012-08-02 | accessdate=2012-11-23
Irak, 14 August 2012. Twin Boys Genitals Amputated After Circumcision. Two three-year-old twin brothers have had their genitals amputated after a circumcision operation went horribly wrong in Khanaqin. Khanaqin hospital media official Arian Qader said: "Unfortunately an unwanted incident occurred while circumcising the two boys. After the operation went wrong, their penises were amputated. Now they urinate using plastic tubes".<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Twin boys' genitals amputated after circumcision op goes wrong | last=Mohammed | first=Bryar | publisher=Iraq Updates | work= | date=2012-08-14 | accessdate=2012-11-23
Israel, June 1st 2012. Muslim Baby Hospitalized After Botched Circumcision. The infant’s Muslim parents brought their child to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa after the ritual circumciser accidentally dismembered the child’s penis. Urologists and surgeons worked to reattach the detached organ and said they expect the procedure to be successful.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Baby hospitalized after botched circumcision | last=Zion | first=Ilan Ben | publisher=Times of Israel | work= | date=2012-06-01 | accessdate=2012-11-23
A newborn can become infected when the adult performing the circumcision places his mouth on the circumcision wound to siphon blood away from the cut. The ritual is only embraced by a handful of sects within the Orthodox Jewish community, according to New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=11 New York infants infected with herpes through ritual in Jewish circumcision | last= | first= | publisher=Fox News | work= | date=2012-06-08 | accessdate=2012-11-23
Texas, March 2011. A doctor botched a circumcision of a 4-year-old Texas boy so badly that the boy pleaded to "just cut it off and (he) can be a girl," the parents claim in court. After excessive bleeding, [[Jennifer_Garza|the doctor]] overcauterized the child's penis, causing fistulas (additional openings) that oozed blood and hurt every time that the child urinated.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Circumcision Goes Horribly Wrong | last=De la Garza | first=Erik | publisher=Courthouse NewsTimes of Israel | work= | date=2012-11-09 | accessdate=2012-11-23
A 21-year-old man in Tianjin has had his penis cut off after what appears to be a botched circumcision procedure just two weeks before his wedding ceremony - November 11, 2011.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Man's penis amputated after botched circumcision | last= | first= | publisher=Shangai ist | work= | date=2012-05-10 | accessdate=2012-11-23
A 4 year old boy was circumcised at the mother's request. There was some persistent bleeding. The four-year-old was admitted to a children's emergency room two days after his circumcision with bleeding. So reports the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper", citing a doctor's letter about the treatment that was then carried out. Apparently a "urological surgical revision" of the circumcision "under general anesthesia" followed. After the surgical intervention the boy was for several days came to a children's ward, it says in the report. Three dressing changes had taken place "under anesthesia". In the doctor's letter also states that the exposed surface and the glans penis was "uneven, eroded, and fibrinous occupied". The boy was ten days in clinical treatment.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote=Penis war „uneben“ und „zerfressen“ | url= | title=Vierjähriges Kind musste nach Beschneidung in die Notaufnahme... | last= | first= | publisher=Focus | work= | date=2012-07-14 | accessdate=2012-11-23
In 2012 this case lead to a court in Cologne calling to ban non-therapeutic circumcision of minors, which was met with outrage by Jewish and Muslim leaders and some American Christian conservatives. The German government promised to present a new law in autumn to normalize the practice of circumcision<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Where Human Rights Collide - Circumcision Debate Has Berlin Searching for Answers | last= | first= | publisher=Spiegel Online | work= | date=2012-07-25 | accessdate=2012-11-23
}}</ref>. The issue is still being debated, with a draft of the law ready to be presented, and some politicians advocating for a ban for circumcision of minors under the age of 14.
A BOTCHED circumcision of a four-year-old boy that resulted in the severing of a penis artery has landed a doctor in trouble. The boy was sent to hospital to stem the "uncontrollable bleeding" after the procedure by a GP, who was assisted by an unqualified doctor and his wife.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Botched circumcision puts boy in hospital | last= | first= | | work= | date=2009-12-08 | accessdate=2012-11-23
The boys were under the age of 16. There are concerns as well that young men are being snatched by elders and forced to go through the procedure against their will.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Circumcision ceremony goes horribly wrong | last=Toohey | first=Paul | publisher=NT News | work= | date=2010-01-11 | accessdate=2012-11-23
A husband and wife are suing their Miami doctor over a botched circumcision that left their infant son with a "unsightly... and permanently scarred" penis. The doctor "failed to align the foreskin on the bell of the GOMCO clamp before engaging the nut on the base plate, closing the clamp, and excising the foreskin, resulting in leaving too much foreskin on the ventral side of the penis." C.L.'s lawyers say that the boy, now three and a half years old, will likely need counseling to overcome the lasting trauma from the operation gone wrong.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Couple sues Miami doctor over botched circumcision | last=Miller | first=Mike | publisher=Miami New Times | work= | date=2012-05-23 | accessdate=2012-11-23
A baby was circumcised in Illinois in February 15, 2007 using a [[Mogen]] clamp. At the completion of the circumcision, hospital records indicated there was significant bleeding. Inspection of the penis revealed nearly all of the glans had been amputated at the time of the circumcision. Three months later, the infant required penile skin transfer surgery at the University of Illinois, with need for future procedures, some of which are only appropriate at the age of puberty.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Ouch! Botched Circumcision | last=Barad | first=Justin | publisher=med Gadget | work= | date=2006-11-13 | accessdate=2007-07-18
Beasley Allen Terrebonne (48 years old) committed suicide 3 years after undergoing adult circumcision.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Man found dead near Nicholls campus | last=DeSantis | first=John | publisher=Houma Today | work= | date=2008-12-25 | accessdate=2012-11-23
[[Daniel_J._Krimsky|Daniel J. Krimsky]] performed a bris with a [[Mogen]] clamp in which he amputated part of the glans of the baby and tried to hide his error, which was uncovered by a physician present in the event. The baby was rushed to the ER but an attempt to reattach the tissue was not successful.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Oy! Did You Hear the One About the Overzealous Mohel? | last= | first= | publisher=New York News and Features | work= | date=2006-11-13 | accessdate=2012-11-23
[[Haiba_Sonyika|Haiba Sonyika]] performed a circumcision with a [[Mogen]] clamp in which she amputated part of the glans of the baby. The tissue was not properly handled and priority was not given, so reattachment was not possible. The baby was diagnosed with significant circumcision injury resulting in an iatrogenic hypospadias, a physician-caused condition where the urinary opening is on the underside of the penis. The boy and his family would need significant psychiatric counseling at various stages of his life in order to avoid a bad psychological outcome.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Atlanta attorneys celebrate botched circumcision verdict for mother and son | last=Bollinger | first=Dan |author-link=Dan Bollinger | publisher=International Coalition for Genital Integrity | work= | date=2009-03-29 | accessdate=2012-11-23
A baby was taken for circumcision to a Los Angeles clinic in 2003. The doctor had no medical malpractice insurance. The circumcision was performed with a Mogen clamp, resulting in the amputation of most of the glans. By 2011 the boy has had two reconstructive surgeries, and doctors predict he will need at least two more while in his teens and 20s to repair the physical damage. Then will come plastic surgery.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Injuries linked to circumcision clamps | last=Hennessy-Fiske | first=Molly | publisher=L.A. Times | work= | date=2011-09-26 | accessdate=2013-01-15
}}</ref> The lawsuit resulted in a settlement with Miltex Inc, for $4.6 million.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Judge to Confirm $4.6M Settlement for Botched Circumcision | last=Cassens Weiss | first=Debra | publisher=ABA Journal | work= | date=2011-07-19 | accessdate=2013-01-15
| quote= | url= | title=Atlanta attorneys celebrate botched circumcision verdict for mother and son | last=Bollinger | first=Dan | publisher=International Coalition for Genital Integrity | work= | date=2009-03-29 | accessdate=2012-11-23
Dr. Tam, a pediatrician, amputated approximately 30% of the distal glans {*filter*} and transected the glandular urethra. A less than successful attempt was made to reattach that which had been excised. Subsequent plastic surgery has been attempted and there is resultant deformity at the tip of the {*filter*}. Function has not been impaired though a condition known as acquired "Hypospedias: has developed. This is a defect where the urethra, though extending through the {*filter*}, exists on the underside rather than at the tip. The Plaintiff has undergone 4 corrective surgeries and requires at least one further surgery at this time.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Medical Malpractice: Circumcision, 3 Dec. 1994 | last= | first= | publisher=CIN Circumcision Information Network | work= | date=January 1995-01 | accessdate=2012-11-23
A 3 year old son of Russian immigrants was circumcised in Brooklyn in 1990. The clinic, a doctor and the rabbi who performed the operation were being sued for causing "permanent shortening and disfigurement of the penis." During the trial, experts testified that the mutilation would make sexual intercourse difficult when the boy reaches maturity.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=$1.2 Million: Another Botched Circumcision | last= | first= | publisher=CIN Circumcision Information Network | work= | date=1995 | accessdate=2012-11-23
Jacob suffered severe brain damage. He cannot walk, talk or care for himself in any respect. Significant and important portions of Jacob's Providence Hospital medical records for the 26-hour period from the time he was admitted until the "crash" are missing.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Jacob Sweet Story | last= | first= | publisher=Anchorage Daily News | website=Archived at | date=1995-08-06 | accessdate=2013-01-21
A lawsuit was finally settled in 2000.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Betrayed by Doctors and Lawyers in Alaska, Sweets Find Justice Through Seattle Malpractice Attorney | last= | first= | publisher=PRNewswire | work= | date=2000-03-08 | accessdate=2013-01-21
According to lawsuits filed in behalf of the two children, the infants suffered severe electrical burns to the penis and adjacent areas when physicians, in separate incidents on the same day, used an electric cauterizing needle as part of the circumcision procedure. The burns to one of the infants were so severe that his penis was destroyed. A sex change operation has been performed so that the child will be raised as a female...<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=A circumcision method draws new concern | last= | first= | publisher=NYTimes | work= | date=1985 | accessdate=2013-01-21
On November 2, 2011, Brian passed away in his home. He took his own life at 28 years.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=Letters to Editor | last= | first= | publisher=NOCIRC | work= | date=2012 | accessdate=2012-11-23
[[Image:David_reimer2.jpg|175px|right]] David Reimer, lost his penis during circumcision at 4 months. Raised as a girl. His testicles were removed and he was put in hormones. Renamed and taught to be a girl but he never adjusted. In puberty he was told the truth, underwent breast reduction, reconstruction of the penis. Got married. Never felt complete. Committed suicide in 2004 at 39 years.<ref>{{REFweb
| quote= | url= | title=David Reimer | last= | first= | publisher=Wikipedia | work= | date= | accessdate=2012-11-23
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