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The Intact Network

3,072 bytes added, 17:24, 23 April 2015
Created page with "'''The Intact Network''' aims at offering a collective and comprehensive database of all intact related materials available to the public. The Intact Network serves to unify ..."
'''The Intact Network''' aims at offering a collective and comprehensive database of all intact related materials available to the public.

The Intact Network serves to unify advocates for genital autonomy coming from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, groups and current locations in life.

While they each approach intact related work from a different standpoint, and in their own unique ways, they have One Mission: to bring an end to the genital cutting of minors and ensure genital autonomy for all.

They believe that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, gender, ethnicity, size, background, family, or ability to defend themselves, come into this world with the basic human right to genital autonomy. That is: to make personal decisions about what happens to our genitals in absence of medical necessity.

== Network pages ==
''The Intact Network'' offers a big bunch of Facebook pages for its various groups.

* [[Intact Africa]]
* [[Intact Alabama]]
* [[Intact Alaska]]
* [[Intact Arizona]]
* [[Intact Arkansas]]
* [[Intact Augusta]]
* [[Intact Austin]]
* [[Intact California]]
* [[Intact Colorado]]
* [[Intact Connecticut]]
* [[Intact Culpeper]]
* [[Intact D.C.]]
* [[Intact Dallas]]
* [[Intact Delaware]]
* [[Intact Des Moines]]
* [[Intact Fayetteville]]
* [[Intact Florida]]
* [[Intact Georgia]]
* [[Intact Germany]]
* [[Intact Ghana]]
* [[Intact Hawaii]]
* [[Intact Idaho]]
* [[Intact Illinois]]
* [[Intact Indiana]]
* [[Intact Iowa]]
* [[Intact Israel]]
* [[Intact Jewish Network]]
* [[Intact Kansas]]
* [[Intact Kentucky]]
* [[Intact Kenya]]
* [[Intact Knoxville]]
* [[Intact Latino Network]]
* [[Intact Louisiana]]
* [[Intact Maine]]
* [[Intact Malawi]]
* [[Intact Maryland]]
* [[Intact Massachusetts]]
* [[Intact Memphis]]
* [[Intact Michigan]]
* [[Intact Michigan]] - The Thumb
* [[Intact Michigan]] - Tip of the Mitt
* [[Intact Minnesota]]
* [[Intact Mississippi]]
* [[Intact Missouri]]
* [[Intact Montana]]
* [[Intact Mormon Network]]
* [[Intact Muslim Network]]
* [[Intact Nashville]]
* [[Intact Nebraska]]
* [[Intact Nevada]]
* [[Intact New Hampshire]]
* [[Intact New Jersey]]
* [[Intact New Mexico]]
* [[Intact New York]]
* [[Intact North Carolina]]
* [[Intact North Dakota]]
* [[Intact NoVa]]
* [[Intact Ohio]]
* [[Intact Oklahoma]]
* [[Intact Omaha]]
* [[Intact Oregon]]
* [[Intact Penis]] | Pene Intacto
* [[Intact Pennsylvania]]
* [[Intact Portland]]
* [[Intact Rhode Island]]
* [[Intact Seattle]]
* [[Intact Sonoma]]
* [[Intact South Carolina]]
* [[Intact South Dakota]]
* [[Intact South Florida]]
* [[Intact Teen Network]]
* [[Intact Tennessee]]
* [[Intact Texas]]
* [[Intact Tidewater]]
* [[Intact Tucson Arizona]]
* [[Intact UK]]
* [[Intact Utah]]
* [[Intact Vermont]]
* [[Intact Virginia]]
* [[Intact Washington]]
* [[Intact West Virginia]]
* [[Intact Wichita]]
* [[Intact Wisconsin]]
* [[Intact Wyoming]]

The following Facebook page with a similar name seems to be unlinked to ''The Intact Network'':

* [[Intact Switzerland]]

== External links ==
* [ Official website]

[[de:The Intact Network]]
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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