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The Sorcerer's Apprentice

35 bytes added, 11 May
[[Image:Sorcerers apprentice.jpg]]
Never mind guns; the real danger to American kids is foreskins" - or so elements of the American medical industry would like us to believe.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
* Is it the prestige of scientific journals?
* Is it because babies can’t say No?
* Why is it that Americans cling to [[Routine Infant Circumcision| routine circumcision of male infants ]] when the rest of the developed world is trying to discourage or even prohibit the operation?
Are Americans really more afraid of [[foreskin| foreskins]] than of homosexuals? In this provocative survey, medical historian Robert Darby aims to place this American exceptionalism in historical perspective and consider why — despite mounting opposition — circumcision still thrives in the [[United States]] long after it has been abandoned by the other anglophone countries that originally took it up.

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