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Katharina von Kellenbach

7 bytes added, 09:54, 19 March 2021
exchanged 'uncircumcised' by 'intact'; wikified 'uncircumcised*
First, groups which "circumcise" girls often give a [ religious meaning to the ritual]. It may be the Western position to deny this (perhaps for political correctness), but Muslim women have argued that it is "an honor" and a "purification", in other words, religious values denied by von Kellenbach.
In arguing that women are cut for aesthetic reasons, Von Kellenbach also ignores the globality of the debate. It is often heard from pro-circumcision women in the United States especially, that circumcised penises look "prettier", that "[[uncircumcised]]" (= intact) penises [ "look weird, gross, ugly, dirty, like an anteater, like an elefant trunk, are smelly"], etc, in other words, aesthetic reasons, and intact males are ostracized in some communities, i.e. [ considered children] in Africa, called [ "supot"] to ridicule them in Philippines, and supposedly made fun of in the locker room in the United States.
Katharina argues that "''Men’s circumcision, [...] does not aim at sensation and potency. On the contrary, men’s virility is enhanced by circumcision''". In this she ignores not only the writings of [ Philo] and [ Maimonides], but also scientific studies by [ John Taylor], [ Sorrells], [ Bronselaer] and [ Frisch].
Strange for a feminist, von Kellenbach then writes that "''Male circumcision and '''the penetration of women''' constitute the basis of the “covenant between me and you, and your offspring after you throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant.”''". In this statement women are sexually objectified and conceptualized as valuable only for their reproductive power.
=== [[Uncircumcised ]] men? ===
In her opinion, "''The movement to criminalize ritual circumcision is spearheaded by '''[[uncircumcised ]] men''' who feel morally obliged to protect innocent boys from “ancient stone age rituals”''". This, of course, ignores the testimonials of men of all nationalities who were hurt physically and psychologically by their circumcision and continue to push for the age restriction of the procedure, such as [ Richard Duncker] of Men Do Complain (UK), [ Christian Bahls], president of Association of Children Victims Affected by Violence Against their Physical Integrity (MOGiS eV), [ Eran Sadeh] Israeli founder of "Protect the Child" and many others.
Von Kellenbach goes on to say that "''It is '''Christian men''' who want to prevent the medically unnecessary suffering of Muslim and Jewish boys''" - Again, this is an attempt at creating a division that does not exist. There are Jewish, Muslim, African, Christian, American, Atheists, Pagans and men and women of all races, nationalities and faiths, expressing their opposition to circumcision. The attempt to re-frame and create this division is simply an attempt to frame the opposition to circumcision with anti-Semitism, something far from the truth.
Von Kellenbach keeps trying to divide the readers by arguing that "''Feminists, who work against sexual violence, such as FGM, are '''recruited''' into campaigns to outlaw gender-neutral ritual circumcisions''". In other words, feminists do not join the movement for genital integrity, they are recruited, they are deceived, with the purpose of "''criminalizing Muslim and Jewish minorities''" (and she still has the nerve to say that the arguments against circumcision are emotional!)
So basically, in von Kellenbach's view, the genital integrity movement is created by European uncircumcised intact Christian men who recruit feminist women with the purpose of criminalizing Muslim and Jewish minorities. Perhaps Ms. von Kellenbach should visit the United States and speak with some of the intactivists here before writing about a movement that she evidently didn't take the time to understand and learn about.
=== Conclusions ===
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