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Lynn M. Van Lith

1,719 bytes added, 17:59, 5 April 2020
Biography: Add text, reference, and SEEALSO section.
Van Lift is associated with Johns Hopkins University, which has actively promoted non-therapeutic circumcision for many years. [[Ronald H. Gray]], [[Maria Wawer]], and [[Aaron Tobian]] are also associated with Johns Hopkins University. PubMed reveals that Van Lift has published numerous papers regarding the promotion of voluntary male non-therapeutic circumcision to adolescent boys. One article in which she and Aaron Tobin are named authors concluded:
In conclusion, VMMC is an effective HIV prevention strategy, and complete and consistent HIV counseling and testing practices that accompany it are vital for reaching a generation of young men with a full package of HIV prevention and treatment services. This study suggests that VMMC is an opportunity that has yet to be taken full advantage of in the quest to protect the current generation of young men and their female partners from HIV.<ref>{{REFjournal
|first=Michelle R.
|first2=Kim H
|last3=Van Lith
|first3=Lynn M.
|title=Voluntary medical male circumcision among adolescents: a missed opportunity for HIV behavioral interventions
|volume=Suppl 3 (Suppl 3)
Van Lift would have a hard time backing away from such a firm position. She seems to be hopelessly committed to promotion of non-therapeutic male circumcision.
* [[Bias]]

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