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Adolescent and adult circumcision

1,501 bytes added, 17:36, 7 March 2021
Methods of adult circumcision: Add pain section.
Adolescent and adult circumcision may also be carried out with one of several plastic, one-use, disposable ring devices. These devices work by clamping the foreskin tightly so that it is crushed and flow is cut off completely. Ischemic necrosis ensues and the foreskin dies. It may then be cut off or left to fall off. Ring devices include the [[Tara KLamp]], the [[PrePex]], [[AccuCirc]], and the [[Shang Ring]].
==Pain during and after circumcision==
Circumcision is a surgical amputation of part of the [[penis]]. It is normal to feel [[pain]] during the surgical amputation, however this is usually eliminated by general or local anesthesia.
One may expect pain after surgery until the incision heals. Ask your doctor for a two-week supply of an opioid pain reliever.
One may also expect pain when the sensitive [[glans penis]] is exposed to friction from clothing, etc. It is no longer protected by the [[foreskin]], so there is not much you can do about it.
One may also expect painful erections, depending on how much skin was removed.
Depending on how much skin was removed, there may not be enough skin left to allow for shaft expansion during erection and this may cause painful erections.
One may also experience phantom pain from neuromas that form at the incision where nerves were severed.<ref name="cold-taylor1999">{{REFjournal
|author2-link=John R. Taylor
|title=The prepuce
|journal=BJU Int
|volume=83 Suppl 1
[[Masturbation]] after circumcision may be painful if one doesn’t use lubrication because of lack of [[gliding action]].
==Permanent adverse effects==

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