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Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy

1 byte added, 12:21, 10 May 2017
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In 2016, the WWDOGA in Germany was accompanied by four in film and discussion events, where the films ''Circumcision'' by [[Ari Libsker]], ''Hibos Lied - Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung und die Macht der Tradition'' by [[Renate Bernhard]] and Sigrid Dethlof, and the animated short film ''Hermes und Aphrodite'' by Gregor Zootsky were shown in Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Berlin.
In 2017 , the WWDOGA in Germany was introduced by a press conference in Berlin on May 4th, and closed by a symposium ''Jungenbeschneidung in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme'' (Circumcision on boys in Germany - an inventory) at the university Düsseldorf on May 8th.
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