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United States of America

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The '''United States of America''' are also known as the '''United States''' or simply '''America''' or by initialism such as '''USA''' or '''US''' or '''U.S.A.''' or '''U.S.''' (Please note that ''America'' also is the name of two geological continents: ''North America'' and ''South America'' which include many more countries than just the ''United States of America'' which are the topic of this article. See also: [[:Category:Americas]].)
America is predominantly an English-speaking nation. As in other English-speaking nations, non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of boys was popularized in the late nineteenth century, however, the practice of non-therapeutic circumcision of boys is now in decline. The decline of the unnecessary practice has been slowed by continual encouragement and promotion of circumcision by the medical industry. The United States is unique in having a medical industry that aggressively promotes the practice of medically-unnecessary infant circumcision.
==History==Jews have lived in America since before Despite the financially self-serving promotional efforts of the Revolutionary War. They have always practiced [[Jewish circumcision| ritual industry, The incidence of non-therapeutic circumcision]], ([[Brit Milah]]), of infant boys on the eighth day of life was reported to have continued its decline to 52.1 percent in accordance with the [[Abrahamic covenant]], however this was only for a very small percentage of the population2016.<ref name="jacobson2021">{{REFjournal |last=JacobsonOne may be certain that the eighteenth century [https://www |first=Deborah |init= |author-fathers/ Founding Fathers of the United States] of America were men with [[intact]] [[Foreskinlink= |last2=Balmert | foreskins]] as were the [[foreskinned]] men who fought the American Civil War (1861-1865)first2=Lauren C. |init2=Non |author2-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of males for non-religious reasons originated with [[Claude François Lallemand]] in 1836 in France but soon spread to the [[United Kingdom]] in the early nineteenth century, from which it eventually spread to other English-speaking nationslink= |last3=Holl |first3=Jane L. |init3= |author3-link= |last4=Rosoklija |first4=Late nineteenth centuryIlina |init4= |author4-link= |last5=DavisThe late nineteenth century was characterized by various medical doctors advancing all sorts of absurd reasons for the performance of non-therapeutic circumcision |first5=Matthew M. |init5=The first recorded non |author5-religious circumcision of a boy in the United States occurred in 1870 when [[Lewis Albert Sayre]], a prominent New York City doctor, circumcised a boy of five years of age for paralysis. [[Lewis Albert Sayrelink= |Sayre]] then continued to advocate circumcision for numerous reasons until his death in 1900. According to [[Lewis Albert Sayrelast6=Johnson |Sayre]], circumcision was recommended for paralysis, epilepsy, hernia, lunacy, curvature of the spine, and clubfootfirst6Emilie K. |init6=M. J. Moses (1871) advocated circumcision to prevent [[masturbation]].<ref name |author6-link="moses1871">{{REFjournal |lastetal=Mosesno |inittitle=MJNationwide Circumcision Trends: 2003 to 2016 |trans-title=The value of circumcision as a hygienic and therapeutic measure |language= |journal=New York Medical JournalJ Urol |location= |date=18712021-1101 |volume=14205 |issue=41 |article= |page= |pages=368257-7463 |url= |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=32716676 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1097/JU.0000000000001316 |accessdate=2021-10-15
==History==Jews have lived in America since before the Revolutionary War. They have always practiced [[HJewish circumcision| ritual circumcision]], ([[Brit Milah]]), of boys on the eighth day of life in accordance with the [[Abrahamic covenant]], however this was only for a very small percentage of the population. One may be certain that the eighteenth century [https://www. Hnationalgeographic. Kaneorg/article/founding-fathers/ Founding Fathers of the United States]of America were men with [[intact] ] [[Foreskin| foreskins]] as were the [[foreskinned]] men who fought the American Civil War (18791861-1865) 'discovers' that . Non-therapeutic [[circumcision cures nocturnal emissions and abdominal neuralgia]] of males for non-religious reasons originated with [[Claude François Lallemand]] in 1836 in France but soon spread to the [[United Kingdom]] in the early nineteenth century, from which it eventually spread to other English-speaking nations.<ref>{{Kane1879}}</ref>
Seventh-day Adventist [[John Harvey Kellogg]], {{MD}}, of Battle Creek, Michigan, was an important 19th century promoter of male circumcision. Although masturbation is never mentioned in the Bible, Dr. Kellogg believed that [[masturbation]] was immoral, sinful, and caused one to dream "impure dreams", which he believed was harmful to the mental faculties, resulting in mental disorders, such as feeblemindness.<ref name="kellogg1879">{{REFbook |url= |title=Plain Facts for Old and Young: Natural History and Hygiene of Organic Life (Sex, Marriage & Society Series) |lastLate nineteenth century=Kellogg |first=John Harvey |author-link=John Harvey Kellogg |publisher=Ayer Publishing |website=Gutenberg |year=1888 |accessdate=2021-10-03}}</ref> He believed that the urge to masturbate could be prevented The late nineteenth century was characterized by eating bland foods, various medical doctors advancing all sorts of absurd reasons for which purpose, he and his brother invented corn flakesthe performance of non-therapeutic circumcision.
DrThe first recorded non-religious circumcision of a boy in the United States occurred in 1870 when [[Lewis Albert Sayre]], a prominent New York City doctor, circumcised a boy of five years of age for paralysis. Kellogg (1879) also recommended [[Lewis Albert Sayre|Sayre]] then continued to advocate circumcisionfor numerous reasons until his death in 1900. According to [[Lewis Albert Sayre|Sayre]] in cases "in which irritation is produced by retained secretions", circumcision was recommended for paralysis, epilepsy, hernia, lunacy, curvature of the spine, and clubfoot.<ref name="kellogg1879" />
DrM. Kellogg perhaps is most famous for his book, ''Plain facts for young and old'' J. Moses (18791871), in which he advocated circumcision of boys as punishment for masturbation.<ref name="kellogg1879" /> to prevent [[William G. Egglestonmasturbation]], {{MA}}, {{MD}}, from Chicaco, {{USSC|IL}}, (1886) stated that [[foreskin]] of minors and the natural "phimosis" in minors would cause crossed eyes.<ref name="eggleston1886moses1871">{{Eggleston1886}}REFjournal</ref> |last=Moses |init=MJDr. [[William D. Gentry]] (1890) alleged that [[Retraction |title=The value of the foreskincircumcision as a hygienic and therapeutic measure | phimosis in boys]] produces serious nervous derangements.<ref namejournal="gentry1890">{{REFjournalNew York Medical Journal |lastdate=Gentry1871-11 |firstvolume=William D.14 |initissue=WD4 |authorpages=368-link=William D. Gentry74 |titleurl=Nervous Derangements Produced by Sexual Irregularities in Boys |journalquote=Medical Current |datepubmedID=1890-07 |volumepubmedCID=6 |issueDOI=7 |pagesaccessdate=268-74
[[Elizabeth BlackwellH. H. Kane]], (1879) 'discovers' that circumcision cures nocturnal emissions and abdominal neuralgia.<ref>{{MDKane1879}}</ref> Seventh-day Adventist [[John Harvey Kellogg]], ({{LifeData|1821|1910MD}}), of Battle Creek, Michigan, was born in England, but attended medical school in the United Statesan important 19th century promoter of male circumcision. She was the first woman to become a medical doctor Although masturbation is never mentioned in the United StatesBible, Dr. Blackwell thought Kellogg believed that [[masturbation ]] was immoral but that circumcision was not the way to correct it. She wrote against it in her 1894 book:<blockquote>Appeals to the fears of uninstructed parents on the grounds of cleanliness or of hardening the part are entirely fallacious and unsupported by evidence. It is a physiological fact that the natural lubricating secretion of every healthy part is beneficial, not injurious to the part thus protectedsinful, and that no attempt caused one to render a sensitive part insensitive is either practicable or justifiable. The protection dream "impure dreams", which nature affords he believed was harmful to these parts is an aid to physical purity by affording necessary protection against constant external contact of a part which necessarily remains keenly sensitive; and bad habits the mental faculties, resulting in boys and girls cannot by prevented by surgical operations. Where no malformation existsmental disorders, bad habits can only be forestalled by healthy moral and physical educationsuch as feeblemindness.<refname="kellogg1879">{{REFbook |firsturl=Elizabeth |lasttitle=BlackwellPlain Facts for Old and Young: Natural History and Hygiene of Organic Life (Sex, Marriage & Society Series) |author-linklast=Elizabeth BlackwellKellogg |title=The Human Element in Sex; being a Medical Inquiry into the Relation of Sexual Physiology to Christian Morality |urlfirst= Harvey |editionauthor-link=2John Harvey Kellogg |yearpublisher=1894Ayer Publishing |pageswebsite=35-36Gutenberg |locationyear=London1888 |publisheraccessdate=J.& A. Churchill2021-10-03}}</ref></blockquote>He believed that the urge to masturbate could be prevented by eating bland foods, for which purpose, he and his brother invented corn flakes.
Dr. Kellogg (1879) also recommended [[Peter Charles Remondinocircumcision]], {{MD}}, was a San Diego, California physician, who was born in Turin (''Torino'') in 1846, but migrated with his family to the United States at the age of eight. There is some reason to believe that he was of Sephardic Jewish descent and had been circumcised while still cases "in Turin, however this which irritation is uncertainproduced by retained secretions".<ref name="kellogg1879" />
Remondino clearly was highly intelligentDr. He mastered EnglishKellogg perhaps is most famous for his book, started medical school at age 17''Plain facts for young and old'' (1879), treated wounded soldiers during the Civil War, and later moved to San Diego in which he advocated circumcision of boys as punishment for his healthmasturbation.<ref name="kellogg1879" />
After moving to San Diego[[William G. Eggleston]], he practiced medicine{{MA}}, served as an officer {{MD}}, from Chicaco, {{USSC|IL}}, (1886) stated that [[foreskin]] of several medical societies, minors and other regulatory agenciesthe natural "phimosis" in minors would cause crossed eyes.<ref name="eggleston1886">{{Eggleston1886}}</ref>
Remondino is famous for his 346 page book, ''The History of Circumcision''Dr. [[William D. Gentry]] (18911890)alleged that [[Retraction of the foreskin| phimosis in boys]] produces serious nervous derangements.<ref name="remondino1891gentry1890">{{REFbookREFjournal |last=RemondinoGentry |first=Peter CharlesWilliam D. |author-linkinit=Peter Charles RemondinoWD |yearauthor-link=1891William D. Gentry |title=History of Circumcision |url= Derangements Produced by Sexual Irregularities in Boys |pagesjournal=Medical Current |locationdate=Philadelphia1890-07 |publishervolume=F. A. Davis6 |websiteissue=Welcome Collection7 |accessdatepages=2021268-09-2974 }}</ref>
When Remondino discussed the [[foreskinElizabeth Blackwell]], he used the most horrific{{MD}}, ({{LifeData|1821|1910}}), derogatorywas born in England, and disparaging languagebut attended medical school in the United States. She was the first woman to become a medical doctor in the United States. He devoted thirteen chapters Blackwell thought masturbation was immoral but that circumcision was not the way to correct it. She wrote against it in her 1894 book:<blockquote>Appeals to the fears of uninstructed parents on the alleged evils and faults grounds of cleanliness or of hardening the foreskinpart are entirely fallacious and unsupported by evidence. It is not clear why he had such an extreme dislike for a physiological fact that the natural lubricating secretion of every healthy part is beneficial, not injurious to the part thus protected, and functional body that no attempt to render a sensitive partinsensitive is either practicable or justifiable. His recommendation, The protection which nature affords to these parts is an aid to physical purity by affording necessary protection against constant external contact of coursea part which necessarily remains keenly sensitive; and bad habits in boys and girls cannot by prevented by surgical operations. Where no malformation exists, was for [[Adolescent bad habits can only be forestalled by healthy moral and adult circumcisionphysical education.<ref>{{REFbook |first=Elizabeth |last=Blackwell |author-link=Elizabeth Blackwell |title=The Human Element in Sex; being a Medical Inquiry into the Relation of Sexual Physiology to Christian Morality |url= |edition=2 |year=1894 |pages=35-36 |location=London | circumcision]]publisher=J.& A.Churchill}}</ref></blockquote> [[H. L. RosenberryPeter Charles Remondino]], {{MD}}, was a San Diego, California physician, who was born in Turin (1894''Torino'') published a paper "proving" that circumcision cures urinary and rectal incontinence.<ref name="rosenberry1894">{{Rosenberry1894}}</ref>  By in 1846, but migrated with his family to the end of the nineteenth century, America had United States at least one prominent physician and surgeon on the east coast promoting circumcision and another prominent physician and surgeon on the west coast promoting circumcisionage of eight. There is some reason to believe that he was no real medical science with which to dispute of Sephardic Jewish descent and discredit their false claims. Non-therapeutic circumcision of males was now well-established had been circumcised while still in the United StatesTurin, however this is uncertain.
===Early twentieth century===The early twentieth century is characterized by advocacy of circumcision based on false claims Remondino clearly was highly intelligent. He mastered English, started medical school at age 17, treated wounded soldiers during the Civil War, and later moved to prevent cancer and sexually transmitted (venereal) disease; and by the involvement of the United States military services in the promotion of circumcisionSan Diego for his health.
[[Ernest G. Mark]] (1901) noted that the "pleasurable sensations that are elicited from the extremely sensitive" [[Ridged band|inner lining]] of the [[foreskin]] may encourage a child After moving to [[Masturbation|masturbate]]San Diego, which is why he recommended circumcision since it "lessens the sensitiveness practiced medicine, served as an officer of the organ"several medical societies, and other regulatory agencies.<ref>{{Mark1901}}</ref>
Remondino is famous for his 346 page book, ''The History of Circumcision''(1891).<ref name="remondino1891">{{REFbook |last=Remondino |first=Peter Charles |author-link=Peter Charles Remondino |year=1891 |title=History of Circumcision |url= |pages= |location=Philadelphia |publisher=F. A. Davis |website=Welcome Collection |accessdate=2021-09-29 }}</ref>  When Remondino discussed the [[foreskin]], he used the most horrific, derogatory, and disparaging language. He devoted thirteen chapters to the alleged evils and faults of the foreskin. It is not clear why he had such an extreme dislike for a natural and functional body part. His recommendation, of course, was for [[Adolescent and adult circumcision| circumcision]]. [[H. L. Rosenberry]], {{MD}}, (1894) published a paper "proving" that circumcision cures urinary and rectal incontinence.<ref name="rosenberry1894">{{Rosenberry1894}}</ref>  By the end of the nineteenth century, America had at least one prominent physician and surgeon on the east coast promoting circumcision and another prominent physician and surgeon on the west coast promoting circumcision. There was no real medical science with which to dispute and discredit their false claims. Non-therapeutic circumcision of males was now well-established in the United States. ===Early twentieth century===The early twentieth century is characterized by advocacy of circumcision based on false claims to prevent cancer and sexually transmitted (venereal) disease; and by the involvement of the United States military services in the promotion of circumcision. [[Ernest G. Mark]] (1901) noted that the "pleasurable sensations that are elicited from the extremely sensitive" [[Ridged band|inner lining]] of the [[foreskin]] may encourage a child to [[Masturbation|masturbate]], which is why he recommended circumcision since it "lessens the sensitiveness of the organ".<ref>{{Mark1901}}</ref> Brimhall (1902) reported an amputation of a penis after circumcision.<ref name="brimhall1902">{{REFjournal |last=Brimhall |init=JB |author-link= |last2= |init2=
}}</ref> Infant circumcision is a profit center for many American hospitals so parents are pushed to circumcise.
Jacobson et al. (2021) collected circumcision statistics from the Kids' Inpatient Database from 2002 to 2016. They reported that the incidence of circumcision had "neonatal circumcision rates decreased significantly over time" with 55 percent being circumcised, which translates to a genital integrity (intact) rate of 45 percent. The previous intact rate for the nation had been reported to be 41.7 percent in 2010, so this represents an improvement of 7.9 percent in the number of intact boys. The incidence of circumcision for the entire United States had declined to 52.1 percent at the end of the study period (2016), which indicates that 47.9 percent of boys born in that year are intact.<ref name="jacobson2021">{{REFjournal |last=Jacobson |first=Deborah L. |init= |author-link= |last2=Balmert |first2=Lauren C. |init2= |author2-link= |last3=Holl |first3=Jane L. |init3= |author3-link= |last4=Rosoklija |first4=Ilina |init4= |author4-link= |last5=Davis |first5=Matthew M. |init5= |author5-link= |last6=Johnson |first6Emilie K. |init6= |author6-link= |etal=no |title=Nationwide Circumcision Trends: 2003 to 2016 |trans-title= |language= |journal=J Urol |location= |date=2021-01 |volume=205 |issue=1 |article= |page= |pages=257-63 |url= |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=32716676 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1097/JU.0000000000001316 |accessdate=2021-10-15}}</ref>
In the Midwest, the incidence of circumcision had declined to 75 percent, which translates to a genital integrity rate increase to 25 percent or 1 in 4 boys having intact foreskins.<ref name="jacobson2021" /> The previous report from 2010 was one boy in five being intact, so this in an increase of 25 percent in the rate of intactness for the Midwest.

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