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Andrew Freedman

111 bytes added, 01:04, 25 June 2022
'''Andrew Freedman''' is a urologist at the [ Cedars-Sinai Medical Center ] in Los Angeles.<ref>{{REFnews
|quote=I circumcised him myself on my parents’ kitchen table on the eighth day of his life. But I did it for religious, not medical reasons.
}}</ref> According to Freedman, the [[AAP ]] did not incorporate recommendations on Metzitzah B'peh (Jewish tradition of oral suction of the wound of a [[circumcised ]] baby's penis), because the AAP task force on [[circumcision ]] reasoned that there are too few done, and practitioners of the tradition will continue whether the AAP recommended against it or not.<ref>{{REFnews
| the end decided not to, since there are so few that are done that way in this country, and they will continue to be done that way whether or not we recommend against it.
}}</ref> Freedman occasionally works with a [[mohel ]] who practices [[metzitzah b'peh ]] using a tube in order to prevent genital contact.<ref>{{REFnews
|Title=No Medical Reasons
|Text=I didn't make any excuses that this was to avoid a [[UTI]], or for medical reasons. My rationale was this: As a Jewish male in a long line of tradition, I didn't want to be the link in a chain that broke.
|Source=L.A. Times
* [[Bias]]
* [[Circumcised doctors]]
* [[Judaism]]

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