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Functions of Foreskin - video

16 bytes added, 01:47, 18 December 2023
It is often assumed that the sole function of the foreskin is to protect the [[glans]]. Does recent research support this idea?
The foreskin does protect the [[glans]], but this is not its main function. The foreskin is designed, primarily, to provide light touch, reflex, and erogenous sensory functions. The ridged band is just as important, sexually, as the glans. The foreskin, therefore, does protect the glans but, more importantly, it is designed to protect its own, specialized, [[mucosa]]l surfaces by turning them inwards, towards the glans.
== How does the foreskin compare with the glans as sexual tissue? ==
== How is the foreskin stimulated? ==
The outside of the foreskin is sensitive to light touch. This sensitivity transmits important information on the general environment of the [[penis]] to the brain. The inside layer of the foreskin, especially the [[ridged band]], transmits impulses to the spinal cord which, in turn, transmits impulses to the [[penis ]] and to the muscle responsible for ejaculation. This is a spinal reflex and, hence, the ridged band is reflexogenic as well as touch-sensitive. The main stimulus to reflex activity appears to be [[stretching]] of the ridged band.
== How does the foreskin interact with other parts of the penis? ==
The ridged band, which is mucous membrane ([[mucosa]]), is joined directly to the true [[skin]] of the [[penis]]. The glans, on the other hand, does not come in direct contact with true [[skin]]. This arrangement suggests that the ridged band depends for stimulation on the tugging action of [[penile skin]] during intercourse. The glans is more independent of [[penile skin]], both functionally and physically.
== Does the foreskin allow easy vaginal penetration and a sliding action during intercourse? ==
The double-layered design of the [[foreskin]] does indeed permit smooth penetration and a sliding action. The [[skin]] of the [[penis]], including the foreskin, becomes rougher during [[erection]]. This roughness is brought about by a mechanism similar to that which raises goosebumps. The extra frictional resistance brought about in this way reduces slippage of [[penile skin]] against female tissues. The double-layering of the foreskin is designed to offset the frictional effect of erect [[penile skin]] and allow for easy vaginal penetration.
* [[Immunological and protective function of the foreskin]]

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