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Katharina von Kellenbach

50 bytes added, 29 April
First, groups which "circumcise" girls often give a [ religious meaning to the ritual]. It may be the Western position to deny this (perhaps for political correctness), but Muslim women have argued that it is "an honor" and a "purification", in other words, religious values denied by von Kellenbach.
In arguing that women are cut for aesthetic reasons, Von Kellenbach also ignores the globality of the debate. It is often heard from pro-circumcision women in the United States especially, that [[circumcised ]] penises look "prettier", that "[[uncircumcised]]" (= [[intact]]) penises [ "look weird, gross, ugly, dirty, like an anteater, like an elefant elephant trunk, are smelly"], etc, in other words, aesthetic reasons, and intact males are ostracized in some communities, i.e. [ considered children] in Africa, called [ "supot"] to ridicule them in the [[Republic of the Philippines| Philippines]], and supposedly made fun of in the locker room in the [[United States]].
Katharina argues that "''Men’s circumcision, [...] does not aim at sensation and potency. On the contrary, men’s virility is enhanced by circumcision''". In this she ignores not only the writings of [ Philo] and [ Maimonides], but also scientific studies by [ John Taylor], [ Sorrells], [ Bronselaer] and [ Frisch].

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