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Tampa Bay Area Intactivists

251 bytes added, 11 May
Add SEEALSO section; Add category.
'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is a group of people who actively protest the human right's abuse of [[circumcision ]] forced on infants and children unable to consent. They educate potential parents and health care workers on the importance, function, and care of [[intact gentals]] genitals. We actively discourage circumcision.
They are working to get area [[intactivists]] together to formally protest local hospitals that perform circumcision and to educate physicians and parents on the topic.
{{SEEALSO}}* [[Care of intact, foreskinned boys]]* [[Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital]]* [[Circumcision]]* [[Human rights]]* [[Intactivism]]* [[United States of America]]* [[Your Whole Baby]]
* {{URL-FBpage|TampaBayAreaIntactivists|2019-10-23}}
[[Category:Facebook page]]
[[Category:Intactivism organization]]

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