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Rights situation on circumcision

7 bytes added, 19:12, 7 March 2021
USA: Revise text.
In 2007, the Oregon Supreme Court, ruled, in the case of [[Boldt v. Boldt]], that the 12-year-old boy must be consulted to determine if he wants to be circumcised.
In the autumn of 2010, Californian intactivists called for a ban of routine non-therapeutic infant circumcision and thereby sparked a nation-wide discussion of the topic.
The USA have by far the highest rate of circumcision among the western nations. In many maternity wards non-therapeutic circumcision of newborn boys is common. Circumcision is considered a profit center for many U.S. hospitals. The US paediatric pediatric society, [[AAP]], is the only major medical society in the world still advocating the non-therapeutic circumcision of newborns and children, however it must be noted that the AAP's 2012 circumcision position statement expired in 2017 and has not been reaffirmed, so the present position of the AAP is unclear.
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