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Restored foreskin

455 bytes added, 15:42, 31 August 2022
Creators: Add text and citation.
Creators normally fall into two categories. The first category consists of men who were involuntarily received a non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] as an infant or small child. The second category consists of men who voluntarily granted consent as an adult for [[Adolescent and adult circumcision| adolescent or adult circumcision]].
Both categories of creators seek a sense of wholeness or completeness, a restoration of normal appearance of the penis, and a restoration of lost sensory and other functions to the extent possible. Other reasons are to regain control over one's body and anger management.<ref>{{REFbook |last=Bigelow |first=Jim |init= |author-link= |year=1995 |title=The Joy of Uncircumcising. |url= |work=Why men today want to uncircumcise |editor= |edition= |volume= |chapter=Chapter 11 |scope= |page= |pages=113-20 |location=Aptos, California |publisher=Hourglass Book Publishing |ISBN=0-934061-22-X |quote= |accessdate= |note=}}</ref>  {{REF}}
[[Category:Foreskin restoration]]
[[Category:Genital surgery]]

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