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History of circumcision

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Many Americans are surprised to hear that [[circumcision]] (the surgical removal of the foreskin) is uncommon in the western world. Foreigners are often shocked when they first hear that the practice of circumcision even exists in the United States. Circumcision was first introduced in the United States by an anti-sexual Victorian initiative which began during the 1830’s. Numerous publications from the 1830’s to times even as late as the 1970’s had advocated for circumcision as a means to prevent [[masturbation]], and to permanently desensitize, denude, and immobilize the penis.
<ref name="Lallemand">{{REFbook
| last=Lallemand | first=Claude-Francois | year=(1):1836; (2):1839; (3):1842 | title=Des Pertes Seminales Involontaires | url= | work= | editor= | edition= | volume=1-3 | chapter= | pages=(1):463-7467; (2):70-162; (3):266-7267, 280-9289 | location= | publisher= | isbn= | quote= | accessdate=2011-06-09 | note=}}</ref><ref name="Dixon">{{REFbook | last=Dixon | first=Edward H. | year=1845 | title=A Treatise on Diseases of the Sexual Organs | url= | work= | editor= | edition= | volume= | chapter= | pages=158-65165 | location=New York | publisher=Stringer & Co | isbn= | quote= | accessdate=2011-06-09 | note=}}</ref><ref name="Moses1871">{{REFjournal
}}</ref><ref name="Kellogg1888">{{REFbook | last=Kellogg | first=John Harvey | year=1888 | title=Plain Facts for Old and Young. | url= | work= | editor=Project Gutenberg | edition=1881 edition | volume= | chapter=Treatment for Self-Abuse and Its Effects | pages= | location=Burlington, Iowa | publisher=F. Segner & Co | isbn= | quote= | accessdate=2011-03-21 | note=}}</ref><ref name="Hutchinson1891">{{REFjournal
}}</ref><ref name="Remondino1894">{{REFjournal
}}</ref><ref name="Cockshut1935">{{REFjournal
}}</ref><ref name="Guttmacher1941">{{REFjournal
|first=Allan F.
}}</ref><ref name="MillerSnyder1953">{{REFjournal
}}</ref><ref name="Fishbein1969">{{REFbook | last=Fishbein | first=Morris | year=1969 | title=Modern Home Medical Adviser | url= | work= | editor=Garden City | edition= | volume= | chapter=Sex hygiene | pages=90+119 | location=New York | publisher=Doubleday & Co | isbn= | quote= | accessdate= | note=}}</ref><ref>{{REFbook | last=Campbell | first=M.F. | year=1970 | title=Urology | url= | work= | editor= M. F. Campbell and J. H. Harrison | edition=3 | volume= 2 | chapter=The Male Genital Tract and the Female Urethra | pagespage=1836 | location=Philadelphia | publisher=W. B. Saunders | isbn= | quote= | accessdate= | note=
[[Image:FGC.jpeg|right|thumb|From Historical American Female Circumcision medical papers]]
* 1888 [[John Harvey Kellogg]] promotes '''circumcision as punishment''' for boys to discourage them from masturbating.<ref>{{REFbook
| last=Kellogg | first=John Harvey | year=1888 | title=Plain Facts for Old and Young | url= | work= | editor= | edition= | volume= | chapter= | pages=107 | location=Burlington, Iowa | publisher=F. Segner & Co | isbn= | quote= | accessdate=2019-09-24 | note=
* 1966 Masters and Johnson claim that there is '''no difference in sensitivity between penises with and without foreskin'''.<br>(Note: Their work helps propagate the medical dogma that circumcision has no effect on sexuality go practically unquestioned for nearly the next four decades.)<ref>{{REFbook
| last=Masters and Johnson | first= | year=1966 | title=Human Sexual Response | url= | work= | editor= | edition= | volume= | chapter= | pages= | location=Boston, Ma | publisher=Little Brown & Co | isbn= | quote= | accessdate= | note=
* 1971 The [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] Committee on Fetus and Newborn issues a warning to the Nation that, "There are no valid medical indications for circumcision in the neonatal period."<ref>{{REFbook
| last=Evanston | first=Ill | year=1971 | title=Hospital Care of Newborn Infants | url= | work= | editor= | edition=5th Edition | volume= | chapter=Committee on Fetus and Newborn Issues. Circumcision | pagespage=110 | location= | publisher=American Academy of Pediatrics | isbn= | quote= | accessdate= | note=
* 1976 [[Benjamin Spock]], after recommending circumcision for thirty years, revises his best-selling parenting book: "I strongly recommend leaving the foreskin alone. Parents should insist on convincing reasons for circumcision — and there are no convincing reasons that I know of."<ref>{{REFbook
| last=Spock | first=Benjamin | year= | title=Baby and Child Care | url= | work= | editor= | edition= | volume= | chapter= | pages=1946-761976 | location=New York | publisher=E P Dutten | isbn= | quote= | accessdate= | note=
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