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Thirteenth International Symposium

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* '''[[Brian Earp| Brian D. Earp]]''' is a Research Fellow at the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford as well as a Consultant Researcher with the Institute for Science and Ethics, also at Oxford. He has served as Editor in Chief of the ''Yale Philosophy Review'' as well as Guest Editor of the ''Journal of Medical Ethics'', the leading journal in the field. Brian holds degrees from Yale and Oxford universities and is currently a Cambridge Trust Scholar and Rausing Award recipient studying the history and philosophy of science and medicine at the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, England, UK.
*'''M. Thomas Fredericksen''', is a machinist and tool maker who studies engineering. His four-fold circumcision experience is: He considers his circumcision at birth a sexual assault. He’s restored his [[foreskin]]. Unlike most doctors, he has studied [[foreskin restoration]] extensively. He has sought psychological help, which was a grueling ordeal. Clearwater, Florida, USA.
* '''[[John V. Geisheker]]''', JD, LL.M, has practiced medico-legal law as an arbitrator, mediator, litigator, and law lecturer for over 30 years. He is the full-time pro bono Director and General Counsel for [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]], an international physicians’ charity based in Seattle, Washington. D.O.C.’s members and supporters oppose cultural, non-therapeutic genital cutting of children, male or female, on human rights and scientific grounds. John is a native of [[New Zealand]], a country that fully abandoned medicalized male circumcision in the 1960’s. He hopes his adopted USA will someday follow that principled example. Seattle, Washington, USA.
* '''Elwyn Moir''', BA, has worked in mental health for a decade. His practice principally concerns mood, self-concept, and suicide prevention, and provides clinical supervision and training. His work was recognised with the award of a National Emergency Medal in 2012. Elwyn’s nation-reaching advocacy has included published opinion pieces and long-form television appearances. He co-founded (with [[Paul Mason]] and others) the [[Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]] and, in addition to his clinical practice, is Secretary of the AIGA and a Master of Mental Health (Psychotherapy) candidate with the Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine at the University of Queensland. Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Australia.
* '''[[Lisa Braver Moss]]''', BA, is a writer specializing in health, family issues, Judaism, and humor. Her work has appeared in the ''Huffington Post'', ''Tikkun'', and ''Parents''; she has also written several nonfiction books and an essay collection. Lisa is the author of two seminal articles addressing the problems inherent in Jewish circumcision, and was a speaker at the 2nd International Symposium on Circumcision. In 2010, Lisa published ''The Measure of His Grief'', the first novel ever written about male circumcision and foreskin restoration. Lisa is co-author of the new book ''Celebrating Brit Shalom''. She holds a BA in English from UC Berkeley. Piedmont, California, USA.
* '''[[Lena Nyhus]]''' heads the intactivism effort in Denmark based on her experience in leadership, communication, and lobbyism. Farum, Denmark.
* '''Opeyemi Parham''', MD, is a 56-year-old retired physician who became dissatisfied with the ethical disconnect between her oath of “primum non nocere” and the day-to-day reality of doctoring. Since leaving conventional medicine, she has explored alternative healing modalities (e.g. spiritual ministry and the creative arts) and names herself “healing artist”. Greenfield, Massachusetts, USA.
* '''Brian Luke Seaward''' is an international expert in the fields of stress management, mind-body-spirit healing, and health promotion. Additionally, he is an award-winning author, photographer, teacher, film director/producer and inspirational speaker. His mission, as expressed through his legacy of books and public appearances, is to make this a better world in which to live by having each of us reach our highest potential. Luke’s words can be found quoted in PBS specials, the ''Chicago Tribune'', ''The Huffington Post'', and more. Currently, he serves as the executive director of the Paramount Wellness Institute in Boulder. See Boulder, Colorado, USA.
* '''Eran Sadeh''' is a computer instructor and the publisher of Protect the Child website, ( Eran is married and the father of a girl (10) and a boy (8). When his son was born, he stumbled upon anti-circumcision websites and started to research. He and his wife eventually decided to leave their son intact. Eran later started a website with the aim of educating Israeli parents about the advantages of an intact penis and the disadvantages of a cut penis, and about the growing movement of parents who decide to leave their son intact. Ever since, he has appeared in many media interviews promoting intactness. In 2007, he gave a lecture about the harm of circumcision to students in Tel Aviv. In 2012, he went to Berlin, Germany, and delivered a statement in a press conference, supporting a court ruling that called circumcision a violation of bodily integrity. Tuval, Israel.
* '''Richard Schwartzman''', DO, is a practicing psychiatrist, board-certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Prior to becoming a physician, he was a licensed, practicing pharmacist. He is a graduate of Temple University School of Pharmacy (1961) and the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (1966). He completed his psychiatric residency training at Hahnemann University (1974), and a fellowship in forensic psychiatry at Temple University School of Law and Medicine (1976). In addition to maintaining a private clinical practice throughout his career, Dr. Schwartzman also served as Hahnemann’s Medical Director of Psychiatric Services to the Philadelphia Prisons from 1978-2000, where he was Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry. In his private practice, he employs the unique therapeutic method pioneered by Wilhelm Reich, MD, and is considered to be a leading training therapist in this method. Solebury, Pennsylania, USA.
* '''[[David Smith]]''' was educated at St. Joseph’s College, Market Drayton, and qualified in business studies at Underwood College. He is the General Manager of NORM-UK, a charity dedicated to giving men a choice about their own bodies. He created and now edits NORM NEWS, the organization’s magazine. In addition, he is the Chief Officer of Genital Autonomy, an international organization working to protect the genital autonomy of all children—females males, and intersex—and co-sponsors the International Symposia on Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights. Stone, Staffordshire, UK.
* '''[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''', MS, JD, received a Master’s Degree in physics from UC Berkeley and graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School. He founded [[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]] (ARC) in 1997. In 2001, Steven presented the first and only known document ever accepted by the United Nations focusing on male circumcision. Steven received a Human Rights Award for his work with ARC. In October 2013, Steven successfully debated two members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force at the Medical University of South Carolina; a paper from that conference is forthcoming in the ''Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics''. Steven has published three articles in the ''Journal of Medical Ethics'' and has also published in the ''Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine'', ''Medical Anthropology Quarterly'', and all eight Springer books containing circumcision symposium proceedings. Berkeley, California, USA.
* '''Ashley Trueman''', BS, MS, is a labor and postpartum doula and a childbirth educator. She has been the director of [[Intact Arizona]] since February of 2013 after several years of independent activism. Circumcision first entered her radar after the death of a patient the day after his [[circumcision]] by the pediatrician/mohel she worked for during college. Over the past year, Ashley has developed a curriculum she teaches to expecting parents. Ashley has a BS in Kinesiology from Arizona State University and two MS certificates in Business Marketing and Management from Tulane University. Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
* '''[[Robert S. Van Howe]]''', MD, MS, FAAP, is Professor and Interim Chairman of Pediatrics at the Central Michigan University College of Medicine. He has lectured and been published internationally on the topic of circumcision and has been a consultant to the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]], the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization. Much of his research has focused on secondary research, including meta-analysis and cost-utility analysis. Saginaw, Michigan, USA.
* '''Hida Viloria''' is Chairperson of OII, the world’s largest intersex advocacy organization, and director of its American affiliate, OII-USA. She has a degree in Gender and Sexuality with high honors from UC Berkeley, has written about intersex in ''The Advocate'', Ms.,, the ''American Journal of Bioethics'', and others, and has been a guest on numerous television shows, including 20/20 and Oprah. On December 10, 2013, she became the first openly intersex person to speak at the United Nations, with Martina Navratilova, and others, for their Human Rights Day event, ''Sport Comes Out Against Homophobia''. You can follow her blog, ''Intersex and Out'', on Tumblr. Oakland, California, USA.
* '''Tiina Vilponen''', MTh, Sex Therapist, and Communications Manager, the Sexpo Foundation. Helsinki, Finland.
* '''Rebecca Wald''', JD, grew up in Philadelphia, PA, the daughter of iconoclastic psychiatrist Richard Schwartzman. She first became aware of the harms of circumcision from her father’s work. She is a graduate of The George Washington University and Brooklyn Law School, where she served on the Law Review. In 2010, Rebecca launched ''Beyond the Bris'', a web project about the Jewish movement to question circumcision. The site has become a go-to resource for those interested in this topic and has been widely noted in the media, including the ''New York Times'', ''The Huffington Post'', and ''The Village Voice''. Rebecca is co-author of the new book ''Celebrating Brit Shalom''. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
* '''Francelle Wax''' began shooting ''American Secret'' in 2006, while working full time as a production manager for DC’s top political strategy firms. In June 2012, she gave notice to devote herself fully to ''American Secret'', preparing it for an initial funding round. In July 2013, she ran a successful Kickstarter that was matched by [[Intact America]]. A hobbyist around the issues of rational thought and cognitive errors, Francelle was thrilled to be able to examine this intriguing subject matter using the medium of film. New York, New York, USA.
* '''Harald Winterling''', an economist and linguist working in the transportation industry, has followed literature on genital integrity and foreskin restoration since the early 1990s. Shocked by the amount of ignorance present in politicians’ statements in Germany following the [[Cologne circumcision court judgment| Cologne ruling]] in 2012 on what had been one of the country`s last taboos, he felt the obligation to contribute to more thorough information. Harald is one of the founding members of Germany’s first registered charity fighting for the right to genital integrity for girls, boys, and intersexuals alike. Frankfurt, Germany.

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