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Circumcision advocate

437 bytes added, 18:55, 22 December 2020
Circumcision advocate websites: added
:: ''"supporting Choice NOT misinformation"''
:: The website name suggests that people have a choice of whether or not to be circumcised. This does not apply to children who by definition are not capable of giving consent.
* []
:: ''"Afbalanceret, videnskabeligt baseret information om rituel omskæring af drenge"'' (English: Balanced, scientifically based information on ritual circumcision of boys)
:: The website claims to provide neutral information about male circumcision, but leaves no doubt that the posts are biased in favor of circumcision and ridicule intactivists and scientific arguments against circumcision.
== Circumcision advocat pages on Facebook ==
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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