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'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is a ''framing'' term which is still frequently used in a rather irritating way, describing the '''intact, normal, natural''' genitals of a human individual. Like all words that begin with "un", the word has a negative, abnormal sound. Its use makes one think that the normal state would be "circumcised" which in fact is not the case. Therefore, the [[IntactiWiki]] tries to avoid this term as much as possible.
The word ''uncircumcised'' originated in the Hebrew Bible of the Jews where it occurs 34 times. It is used in a derogatory way to express contempt, scorn, or denigration. The uncircumcised were viewed as alienated from God because of their non-compliance with the alleged [[Abrahamic covenant]], a state that was viewed as sinful and unacceptable.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Genesis 17:14
|website=Bible Gateway
|quote= ''And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant''.
Such derogatory language shows a lack of respect for the person, and so is inappropriate and unacceptable today. Appropriate terms for the presence of the foreskin are ''natural'', ''normal'', and ''intact''.
== [[Restoration]] ==
* [[Foreskin restoration]]
[[Category:Circumcision terms]]

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