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The '''pain''' of circumcision is extreme and traumatizing.Infant boys cry a special cry of distress. Ostwall & Peltzman (1974) noted:<blockquote>Our attention has been focused on the distress cry of infants. We have recorded numerous distress cries resulting from routine medical procedures such as taking blood samples and minor surgery such as circumcision. The distress cry is louder, longer, and noisier than the hunger cry. In also tends to be irregular, with more interruptions and gagging.<ref name='ostwald1974">{{REFjournal |last=Ostwald |first=Peter F. |init= |author-link= |last2=Peltzman |first2=Philip |init2= |author2-link= |etal=no |title=The cry of the human infant |trans-title= |language= |journal=Scientific American |location= |date=1974-03 |volume=230 |issue=3 |article= |page= |pages=84-90 |url= |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=4812887 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1038/scientificamerican0374-84 |accessdate=2021-06-21}}</ref></blockquote>
==Infant circumcision==
Here is an <center><br> [ infant circumcision video] <br></center>of an Islamic circumcision from the Russian Federation. The surgical technique is different but the pain is no less.
==Adolescent and adult circumcision==

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