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Alexander Bachl

8 bytes removed, 20:06, 26 May 2016
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'''Alexander Mahmud Bachl''' is a German intactivist who held a speech spoke at the [[WWDOGA]] in 2013, being the speaker of the [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener|Experts Circle of Circumcision Affected Ones]] at [[MOGiS e.V.]].
In 2012, Bachl tried to hold a speech against the then expected [[German Circumcision Act]] at the federal delegates conference of the German Greens party (in Hannover). In order to get the right to speak, he joined the party at the same day, but was denied the right to speak. Instead, [[Ulf Dunkel]] read his speech<ref> Reply to V24 by Sergey Lagodinsky, speaker: [[Ulf Dunkel]]</ref> to the audience.
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