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Documented severe complications of circumcision

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== UNAIDS ==
"[S]ome of the serious complications that can occur during the procedure include death from excess bleeding and [[amputation ]] of the glans penis. Postoperative complications include the formation of [[skin bridges]] between the shaft and the glans, infection, urinary retention (this has caused deaths), meatal ulcer, impetigo, fistulas, loss of penile sensitivity, sexual dysfunction and oedema of the glans." They also acknowledge that the frequency of complications is "underestimated because events occurring after the discharge are not captured [in the discharge sheet]" and sometimes are treated at a different hospital.<ref>{{REFweb
=== South Africa lawsuit over botched circumcision ===
The boy, of nine years of age, was circumcised 5 years ago, in Barberton Hospital in [,_Mpumalanga Barberton], South Africa. The glans was amputated. The intern who performed the procedure reattached the glans, but five days later it separated again. A new procedure was performed to attach it one more time, and it failed again. According to his mother, the boy to this day feels pain when he urinates, and the doctor told her he will need to undergo further medical treatments in order to be able to have sex in the future, and may have some sexual dysfunction related to decreased sensation and inability to reach orgasm due to the [[amputation ]] of the glans according to an urologist. There may also be resulting psycho-social problems as a consequence of the [[amputation]], related to low self-esteem.<ref>{{REFweb
=== 1.3 Million Dollar Settlement on Botched Circumcision ===
A Cook County jury on Tuesday returned a verdict of $1,357,901.12 on behalf of a 5-year-old boy who suffered a partial [[amputation ]] of the tip of his penis during a circumcision procedure performed when he was 12-hours-old.
The child was born October 4, 2007 at Northwestern's [ Prentice Women's Hospital]. The following morning, while performing a circumcision on the child, a portion of the distal tip of Burden's penis was inadvertently amputated. The child was rushed to Children's Memorial Hospital where Pediatric Urologist Antonio Chaviano, {{MD}}, successfully re-attached it.
== 2007 ==
=== [[Amputation ]] of the glans with Mogen clamp ===
A baby was circumcised in Illinois in February 15, 2007 using a [[Mogen]] clamp. At the completion of the circumcision, hospital records indicated there was significant bleeding. Inspection of the penis revealed nearly all of the glans had been amputated at the time of the circumcision. Three months later, the infant required penile skin transfer surgery at the University of Illinois, with need for future procedures, some of which are only appropriate at the age of puberty.<ref>{{REFweb
=== Los Angeles: The doctor cut off most of the tip of her son's penis ===
A baby was taken for circumcision to a Los Angeles clinic in 2003. The doctor had no medical malpractice insurance. The [[circumcision]] was performed with a Mogen clamp, resulting in the [[amputation ]] of most of the glans. By 2011 the boy has had two reconstructive surgeries, and doctors predict he will need at least two more while in his teens and 20s to repair the physical damage. Then will come plastic surgery.<ref>{{REFweb
== 1991 ==
=== Partial [[amputation ]] of glans and iatrogenic hypospadias ===
Dr. Tam, a pediatrician, amputated approximately 30% of the distal glans {*filter*} and transected the glandular urethra. A less than successful attempt was made to reattach that which had been excised. Subsequent plastic surgery has been attempted and there is resultant deformity at the tip of the {*filter*}. Function has not been impaired though a condition known as acquired "Hypospedias: has developed. This is a defect where the urethra, though extending through the {*filter*}, exists on the underside rather than at the tip. The Plaintiff has undergone 4 corrective surgeries and requires at least one further surgery at this time.<ref>{{REFweb
== 1985 ==
=== Electrocautery device causes penile amputations [[amputation]]s ===
According to lawsuits filed in behalf of the two children, the infants suffered severe electrical burns to the penis and adjacent areas when physicians, in separate incidents on the same day, used an electric cauterizing needle as part of the circumcision procedure. The burns to one of the infants were so severe that his penis was destroyed. A sex change operation has been performed so that the child will be raised as a female...<ref>{{REFweb
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