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Victor Schiering

8 bytes added, 17:44, 27 December 2021
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=== Language ===
|Text=Dear people interested in the the World Day of Genital Auotnomy! Today I want to talk about language. Because language shows and reveals a lot. Especially the unconscious. I don't want to have to read terms like "a piece of [[skin]]" or "a shred of [[skin]]" anymore. It is inhumane to talk about parts of human genitals like this. Haven't we already been further?
Unfortunately there are also aggravations yet. At DIE ZEIT (German paper), the leading editor Patrik Schwarz wrote that a foreskin removal, I quote, "does not affect the normal use of the penis". it has come this far. Now you are told from DIE ZEIT what the "normal use" of a penis shall be. Whose standards actually apply? Maybe this gentleman’s or those of the people supporting him? But how does my penis concern to these people? Or the penises of millions of other people? Something like that is reactionary thinking, to which we clearly must show the “red card”.
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