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Brian J. Morris

24 bytes added, 14:27, 10 January 2022
Summary: Wikify
Brian Morris, a circumcised native of [[Australia]], has devoted his life to the promotion of circumcision and [[foreskin ]] loss for all males everywhere, however, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians' official advice on circumcision rejects all of his claims.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Circumcision of Infant Males
Morris seems to never have done any direct research on [[circumcision ]] or the [[foreskin]], but only selective paper research. Various of his publications have only been ''peer-reviewed'' by circumcision fetish fellows of him. In August 2016 e.g., Morris published a critique of a paper that itself had critiqued the practice of circumcision. But the sole reviewer of Morris’s article was a frequent co-author of his, [[Aaron Tobian]] of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. In his reference section, Morris listed five papers on which he and Tobian were co-authors.<ref>{{REFweb

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