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20,000 nerve endings

3 bytes added, 19:50, 15 June 2022
A frequent argument against the non-therapeutic [[foreskin]] [[amputation]] is the concept that the [[foreskin]] not only contains numerous nerve endings and is more sensitive for touch than the [[Glans penis|glans]], but also that the number of nerve endings is “more than 10,000”, "(more than) 20,000" or even "up to 70,000" or “100,000”. There appears to be no reliable evidence for these figures.<ref name="Appendix">see Appendix: Documentary Part, p. 5f. – Ditto on facebook: [ The legend of the “20,000 nerve endings]”:</ref> Nevertheless, this article identifies the origin and the calculation of these figures, explains how credible they are, and what magnitude range is the most realistic.
The [[Intactivists]] movement, which promotes the idea that the possession of intact genitals is a [[human rights| human right]], is active against the genital mutilation of all children. [[Intactivists]] clarify many widespread myths about [[circumcision]], especially those concerned with male genital cutting. Advocates of circumcision often allege there are advantages. But the results of evidence-based scientific studies disprove these. They provide convincing arguments that the [[foreskin]] is not a superfluous piece of [[skin]], but a part of the body with many positive functions and its lack leads to many disadvantages. To explain this, it is important to provide reliable, i.e. also verifiable, information about the anatomy of the [[foreskin]].
Medical studies of the past 25 years have provided much good evidence for [[intactivists]]. Evidence can be found, for example, that the [[foreskin]], especially at the end, is very densely supplied with nerve endings<ref name="Taylor">Taylor JR, Lockwood AP, Taylor AJ. [ prepuce: specialized [[mucosa]] of the [[penis]] and its loss to circumcision]. ''Br J Urol'' 1996;77:291-295.</ref>, and is very sensitive to fine touch, even more sensitive than the [[Glans penis|glans]]<ref>{{Sorrells etal 2007}}</ref>. Basically this is enough to emphasize the special sensitivity of the [[foreskin]]. However, it is in this connection that the above figures are often quoted.
* [[Brian Earp|Brian D. Earp]] (medical ethicist, Oxford)
* [[Christoph Kupferschmid]] ([[BVKJ|Federal Association of Paediatricians]], Germany)
* [[Morten Frisch]] (Sexologist, main author of the AAP replica, Copenhagen)<ref>On 12.10.2017 the German and English first version of the article were posted with an accompanying text on Facebook: Morten Frisch shared and linked the article on Facebook on 28.10.2017 and wrote a post in which he called to mention no exaggerated numbers, thanked the author and recommended reading the article. He then received 93 likes, including 89 from [[Denmark]], Marilyn F. Milos, Lloyd Schofield (president of Bay Area Intactivists), Brian D. Earp and Georg Zimmermann ({{UNI|University of Osnabrück|UOS}}, formerly [[human rights ]] activist at intactivism); please refer: .</ref>
* [[Victor Schonfeld]] (Filmmaker, documentation „[[It´s A Boy!|It’s a Boy!]]“, London)
* [[Ulrich Fegeler]] (press officer [[BVKJ]] e.V.)
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