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Barbara Kay

1 byte removed, 21:14, 30 June 2022
Live Debate with Jackson Doughart
9:41: It is a kind of vaccine against [[HIV]] and [[AIDS]] in women, and reduces it sharply in men, so really, it has become a kind of vaccination.
12:04: I would query the 1 in 50 complications when done by a [[mohel]], who does nothing else (and by the way now many of them are doctors as well as mohels). I don't know what you mean by [[Risks and complications| complications]], if you mean perhaps an inflammation that doesn't go away or something. If we talk about the [[deathsdeath| morbidity]] rate with circumcisions, it is so trivial when done by experienced circumcisionists. It is so trivial that you would stop having your teeth cleaned if you took those kind of statistics seriously. I am sure that [[Adolescent and adult circumcision| adult circumcision]] have higher complications.
21:33: It seems to me very strange that here we have fantastic proof that you can actually protect your child from future diseases, as one doctor said. It is a vaccine, it is actually a vaccine, as good as a vaccine against [[HIV]].

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